Chapter 970: Total Destruction

Chapter 970: Total Destruction

Tianzun, who changed his life to a duo, groaned, his arms were broken, and he was beaten back again and again. Li Huotong was courteous, and rushed forward with three punches, all hitting his chest, making the other side vomit blood, his face was pale, and his chest was sunken.

Li Huojin also found a Tianzun who changed his life and kicked nine kicks. He has a name for his nine feet, calling for a desperate nine kills. The attacked Tianzun also had some talents in the martial arts. However, after three strokes, he hit nine feet in a row, half of his head was kicked by Li Huojin, and he was badly injured.

The other five were also fierce, and they went up for a fight, and someone fell down one after another. Thirty-six monks with heaven-level combat power, could not win them, but were beaten down.

Within fifty breaths, there were already a dozen lying on the ground, and the rest became more and more frightened. They didn't understand, they were obviously equal.

As everyone knows, the seven teenagers practiced Li Xing's Mixed Yuan Avenue and realized their own Tao. The monks from the mixed yuan teaching, each person's Taoism, is called the small mixed yuan Tao, so called to distinguish it from Li Xing's mixed yuan avenue.

Li Xing called himself Yuanyuan Avenue, and the people below did not dare to repeat his name, and only called it Xiaoyuanyuan Road. Xiaorenyuan Road, naturally less powerful than Li Xing, but also far beyond the ordinary way, the combat power is amazing.

The monks in the mixed Yuan religion, like Li Xing, can all kill and kill the monks who have changed their lives to kill them. Moreover, the Seventh Youth is not the strongest among the mixed Yuan religions. Minmin, Wutong and others have more horrible strength.

Li Xing watched the battle next to him, and was very satisfied with the combat effectiveness of several disciples. He nodded again and again, and made a point from time to time.

Soon after the war here, a big hand suddenly suppressed the sky, covered the sky, and fell down fiercely. He actually wanted to wipe out Li Xing and others. The imposing momentum of this blow definitely has the Great Celestial Order.

Central Pure Land, with strong laws, the power of the world will be suppressed below the Great Celestial Master. This person can send out Tianzun's big hand, which means that he has broken the restriction of the law and possessed the strength of Tianzun's level.

However, based on the quality of the other party, Li Xing judged that although the other party has the strength of the Great Celestial Master, but does not have the realm of the Great Celestial Master, it should be a Celestial Master with a standing rank.

Li Xing snorted, soaring into the sky is a punch. A crystal light fist, wind and thunder rolled, the wind swept through, emitting billions of golden light, raging up. With a loud noise, the great hand was shot out of a hole that day.

With a moan, three middle-aged men broke through. These three people are combined with air and machine. It can be seen that the previous punch was their joint effort, otherwise there would not be such an atmosphere. All three are determined to be the second most important practice, and they have been quite successful, and there is a tendency to break through.

As soon as the three of them appeared, they all stared at Li Xing. After a single blow, they suffered a big loss and knew that the other party was a strong enemy.

"Stop!" A man in the middle drank softly. Suddenly, a dozen monks who were still standing backed away, and Li Huojin didn't chase after them, standing coldly behind Li Xing.

"Friend, please." The man took a step forward and fisted at Li Xing.

Li Xingpi smiled and smiled, staring at the other side and said, "Presumably you are also Qiaojiabao people, these people want to kill alchemy, let's discuss it."

"It must be a misunderstanding." The man was obviously reluctant to conflict with Li Xing, with a smile on his face. "These subordinates do not know what to do, and I ask this friend to forgive me."

"Excuse me? See your mother's big head!" Li Huoquan yelled angrily. "For no reason, we will kill us. Don't give a word, no one will go!"

The man's face sank and he said to Li Xing, "This friend speaks well, we Qiaojiabao, calling for the wind and rain in Xiji City, no one is afraid of it. A few people really don't want to give up and rest, I'm afraid they can't get better. "

Li Xing sneered: "Tell me about the strength of Qiaojiabao!" Now that the other party is going to make them into elixir, then they will die back for the teeth and make them into elixir.


This time, Li Xing shot too fast, and the three of them were too late. You know, the three of them only hit that blow, but they were able to make a joint effort, which required a short period of cooperation.

At this point, Li Xing shot violently, leaving no time for cooperation at all, so in a hurry, he could only shoot separately.

Li Xing is not afraid of even the first-day Datianzun. How can the three of them compete? With only one scream, the plane was suddenly blasted, and his palm was dead. At the same time, Li Xing swept his hand, grabbing all the remaining monks in his palm and directly invested in the refining and mixing of Yuanyuan Ding.

From the crowd, a number of good fortunes were found. Among them, there were 3,500 fortune-making dandelions, 530 fortune-making dandelions, and 92 fortune-making dandelions. At the same time, Li Xing did not kill the billions of souls in the various planes of the heavens, but absorbed them into the kingdom of the gods, making them believers and gaining the power of faith.

After killing these people, Li Xing said, "Go, go to Qiaojiabao."

Qiaojiabao, located on the other side of the valley, is built on a cliff and has many courtyards. As soon as Li Xing walked down the cliff, he saw the tall city wall, and dozens of Guanghua fell, showing a group of monks.

"But you killed the people in Qiaojiabao?" One asked fiercely, and also a fateful monk.

Li Xingdan said lightly: "Thirty-nine people were killed by me."

Everyone's look changed, and someone screamed, "Kill, don't let go!"

This group of people is much more arrogant than the outside group. They shot together and have amazing lethality. This kind of battle was not suitable for Li Huojin. Li Xing was directly included in the mixed Yuan realm and confronted the enemy with his own strength.

I saw a series of changes in light and shadow, a blast of Jingguang punched out. Of those present, only he could fly for a short time, so no one was his one enemy.

Screams rang out, and one person after another, Qiaojiabao, was killed by him, his plane collapsed, and he was born alive. There are fierce battles here, and people from Qiaojiabao over there continue to rush out to join the battle group.

Knowing that such resentments must be understood, Li Xing had no reservations, and Jingguang flew into the air with a big hand. He shrouded Qiaojiabao and severely suppressed them. In this attack, his Xeon power broke out and no one was invincible.

In the mixed Yuan world, there are thousands of single celestial deities, which shows the power of Li Xing. Therefore, although there are hundreds of Tianzuns in Qiaojiabao, even if there are no masters, they are still not Li Xing's opponents.


The entire Qiaojiabao was exploded by Li Xing. Hundreds of Tianzun fell into his palm, one by one was taken into the mixed Yuan Ding, converted into pure mixed Yuan aura.

The top ten had less than ten breaths, and the entire Qiaojiabao was destroyed. In this move, Li Xing released seven of Li Huojin and laughed: "Go, go into the city."

This time, Li Xing had money on his body, and thousands of chewing alchemies could be consumed once.

In a restaurant called "Piaoxianglou", Li Xing called a table of dishes, what roasted fairy chicken wings, stewed simmered gelatine, Dabu Gulian soup, nine animal tongue meat buns, etc., everyone could not eat Also happy.

At the dinner, Li Volcano wiped his mouth and said with emotion: "Teacher, let's mingle in the Yuan Dynasty. We should also open a few of these restaurants."

The crowd echoed: "Yeah, catch more phoenixes, tigers, chickens, and put them in the mixed world, and then open a few restaurants."

Li Xing stared: "I think it's best to stew you all."

The seven teenagers tongued out and laughed. Li Xing took out the elixir and paid for the meal. This big table was good for food and wine, and he only spent two fatal drugs. After paying the money, Li Xing took a fateful fortune and studied it carefully.

"Teacher, can this alchemy be refined by yourself?" Someone asked.

Li Xing exported a mixed aura, entered the alchemy, and immediately found that this alchemy was formed by the aggregation of countless complex esoteric runes, and it was extremely difficult to imitate.

For a moment, Li Xing said: "It's not easy to make the Dan. It's not that I can't make it, but it's not worth the money. I can't make a few pieces a day."

Li Volcano nodded: "It's better to grab some than to make it yourself."

Speaking of good fortune, Li Xing was full of anxiety. With the help of teleportation, he needed a good amount of good fortune, how can he get it together?

At this moment, three diners burst in in the restaurant. The three diners, all of them fierce in appearance, were murderous. Their presence immediately made the diners in the restaurant cautious and did not dare to speak loudly.

A big man with thick chest hair and red eyes and green hair yelled, "Little two, good food and good wine!"

Xiao Er didn't dare to neglect, and quickly prepared the dishes.

After having dinner, Li Xing had nothing to do, so he drank tea and overheard the conversation between the three. Originally, the three secretly talked and exchanged knowledge, but outsiders didn't see it. However, Li Xing has his own method, using the chaotic array directly to analyze the energy fluctuations, so as to know what the three are talking about.

The red-eyed Dahan said: "My second son and third son, I did a good job this time. Although I didn't succeed ~ ~, I also accumulated a lot of experience, and I will definitely succeed next time."

The man who is called the second child has black hair and dark eyes, and his muscles are knotted. He said, "We lose our boss's strength and domineering, otherwise we can't stop it at all. The Universe of Time and Space is a self-generated heterogeneity of heaven and earth and possesses the strength of Great Celestial Master. Had it not been hurt, we would have no chance. "

The third child is a thick and short man with yellow eyes bewildering. He said, "This unicorn is very young. It was born shortly after. It is best for feeding. If it can be caught, it will be sold for a good price and millions of dollars. Minghuahuadan is not a problem. "

"Yes, sometimes Kirin can travel freely and walk freely in the central Pure Land. If it is an adult, let alone a few million, even if the price is tens of millions, there are people out there. Even the market is priceless, and those great forces can reach hundreds of millions. Elixir. "The boss was proud.

Hearing this, Li Xing's heart moved, and secretly said, "It turns out that Kirin is so valuable. If you catch a few more, then the toll is not a problem."

Li Xing determined in his heart that he was grinded, and never left to wait for three people to finish. The three gobblers quickly solved the dishes, and then strode away. Li Xing beckoned and stole Li Huojin's seven, then quietly followed.


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