Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 972: Backlight 1 punch

Chapter 972: Backlit Punch

Chapter 972: Backlit Punch

Li Xing smiled slightly: "My luck has always been good."

The woman in red began to introduce herself to Li Xing secretly: "You are a good person, very real, you can't hang people, you can make friends. I am a Kasai Tianzun, from the world of fire and cloud. , And called the Three Huoyun, have you heard of it? "

Of course, Li Xing has never heard of it. Hugh said that they did not even know Huoyun Tiantian. In order to continue to be a real person, he shook his head and said, "Have you heard of it?"

Caberneta looked for a moment, then laughed, and asked him jokingly: "You really are an honest man, is n’t that the way to say" honest "?"

Li Xing nodded solemnly: "It turns out that Daoyou knows the Taoist number below, and I'm honest."

"It's really true?" At this moment, Cathay Tianzun could not help but paused, then "giggled" and laughed softly, pointing at Li Xing somehow.

Li Xing sighed and said: "Others have to make fun of me when they hear this cry."

Cathay Tianzun quickly laughed, patted Li Xing on the shoulder, and said, "Relax, if someone makes fun of you in the future, I will make him look good!"

Along the way, Li Xing's "reality" made Cabernet Sauvignon very good, and he was very willing to associate with him, and in his heart, he already regarded him as a good friend, so he said the above.

Li Xing looked grateful for the kindness of the Cabernet Sauvignon, and said, "Taoyou has a warm heart, it is a rare good man."

"Good man?" Chixia Tianzun sneered. "What is a good man? I don't know how many people there are in this central pure land. I have never seen a good man. There is no such thing as good or bad, only interests."

Li Xing lowered his head: "Yes, practice all the way, thousands of sails contend, no one will let anyone else, you must fight for tomorrow, you must have a vicious selfish heart."

"You can see it thoroughly." Chixia Tianzun thought deeply. "At the beginning, Huoyun Tianzun had destroyed his own door, only today's achievements and the strength of the legendary Tianzun."

In a short sentence, I don't know how much blood and ingenuity are contained, Li Xing felt a loneliness and loneliness from the expression of Kasai Tianzun.

Along the way, the two talked a lot, but they felt a little familiar, and got closer and closer. Unconsciously, the Prison Cow Mountain has arrived, and hundreds of glorious glories have fallen on the flying boat.

Li Xing and Chi Xia Tianzun landed together, who glared at the hostile monks who hosted Li Xing and snorted. The monks glanced at Li Xing coldly, then gathered together and walked deep into the mountains.

The rest of the monks gathered in groups of three or five and went deep into the mountains to find the ancestors and the space-time unicorns. Li Xing and Chixia Tianzun were not in a hurry, walked slowly and talked while walking.

On the way, Li Xing noticed that several monks were secretly following him. After turning over the two hills, the monks in front had gone far, and the people behind seemed to see that the time was ripe, and they all stood up.

The other party had three people, all of whom changed their lives to the second realm. Such strength, however, boldly stopped Li Xing and the others from going. A strange halo hovered over all three.

The three auras contain weakness, cursing, and stiffness. At the sight of the three auras, the expression of Cabernet Sauvignon changed drastically, and he frowned, "Datianzun Secret Technique!"

Tianzun Mystery is a kind of special function that Datianzun cultivated after understanding a certain civilization. It can hurt or help others. There are many types. In addition, this secret technique can be presented to younger disciples, greatly increasing their strength.

The reason why the three of them dared to use the two-fold cultivation practice to face the two-starred Cabernet Sauvignon is to rely on the mystery of the great heaven.

There are many more means of the Great Celestial Master than the Celestial Master. There are the Great Celestial Mastery, the lore, and the secret secret of the Great Celestial Mastery. In addition, there are many strange means to list.

"It seems that you still have some eyesight, so be obedient to death!" One of them said coldly, with a big wave of his hand, a weak halo suppressed. This aura is very strange, can not dodge, directly blessing itself, producing a weak effect.

At the same time, the other two also performed two mysteries of Curse Aura and Stiff Aura. Under the influence of three kinds of negative effect mysteries, Li Xing felt that his strength was greatly reduced, and he fell down three realms all the way, and suddenly fell to quasi-respect.

This is still his physical strength, which has not been greatly affected. The Kasai Tianzun fell directly into five realms and reached the third level of life-threatening. It can be seen that these three negative auras are extremely vicious and not trivial, and they can make people's strength drop instantly.

The body of Cabernet Sauvignon is shrouded in three haloes, and the person is already stunned. His power has declined so much. He is not the opponent of the three in front of him today.

Li Xing was also surprised, and fell three times in a row. What is this? However, even if he returns to the quasi-respect level, he is not afraid of the people in front of him. When he was Zhunzun at that time, he was not the one who hadn't slashed his life, and there was more than one.

However, after all, his strength was greatly diminished. He was very careful and stared at the three men: "Three, we have no complaints and worries. Why should we do this to us?"

The three heavenlys looked at each other with a cold smile. They said, "Originally, you said things about Zulong and Kirin, and we will let you go. Unfortunately, the woman around you has resentment against us. Get on your poor ghost. "

Li Xing looked at Kaxia Tianzun, who shook his head and said, "I don't know these three people."

"You don't know us, then you must know the Five Prostitutes, right?" The man sneered. "The son of this deity, who is amazing, a generation of wizards, was actually chopped by you slut! Today, I will do it for me Son revenge blood and hate! "

Suddenly, Cabernet Celestial remembered it, and she said coldly: "The five prostitute Celestial beings have behaved viciously, and there is still more to die. If they encounter him again, they will not spare him!"

"Bitch! You can't see the coffin, you can't cry, kill!" The three Celestials shot at the same time, two of them besieged Cabernet and one killed Li Xing.

Li Xing is the third deadly. In their opinion, the realm must have fallen to the level of the saint, and he can pinch to death. So, the man who shot at him grabbed it lightly and wanted to kill Li Xing.

Li Xing screamed and drank, "Backlight!"

The first three moves in the past, shot out. This trick, with the help of the terrifying force hidden in the infant, erupted instantly. This kind of power is a manifestation of great respect for the heavens.

However, due to the lowered level of Li Xing, the strength of this move was greatly reduced, less than 1% of the original. Because of this, he himself suffered limited backlash, and only a few kingdoms of gods were shaken, not even an explosion. Unlike the last exercise, thousands of gods' kingdoms suddenly disappeared and their strength was damaged.

Once against the sky, who is fighting? The river that reversed time, found the most vulnerable moment of the opponent, and then beheaded and killed, it was Li Xing's lore. Once this move was made, the domineering was boundless, the killing intention was sharp, and three people were attacked at the same time.

Time reversed, and the three heavenly princes seemed to return to the moment when they were born from their mothers. At that time, they were still very weak. Only the cultivation of saints' ranks was very fragile.

When this feeling occurred, a golden fist shattered time and space and came. Although the trick of backlighting did not completely make the strength of the three people fall to the level of saints, the ground also greatly weakened their defense.

The three celestial princes felt incomparably weak at the same time, and also felt the horrible lethality of their fists. At the same time, their expressions changed dramatically, and a desperate scream was issued.

"Why is this? What is the Great Heavenly Secret Art? Why is it so horrible? My realm has fallen seven or eight levels!" A Tianzhuang howled loudly, full of unwillingness and fear.

"This is the horror mystery of reversing time. We are done. The moment we are born, being attacked by this person will undoubtedly die!" The other cried desperately.

"Life and death are impermanent, and the three of them are going all the way." Li Xing relentlessly, the giant fist relentlessly bombarded, and the three celestial deities were completely crushed at once. Immediately after the three were killed, a seed of the Great Celestial Secret was dropped on their bodies.

The three great heavenly mystic seeds are weak aura, stiff aura, and cursed aura. The three auras all have great origins. Their original masters once swarmed the heavens and the worlds, and stretched in all directions.

The three mysteries are extremely powerful. The three celestial beings that were beheaded failed to refine them at all. They only used the power of the mystery seeds to emit three auras.

Li Xing grabbed his hands, grabbed the three seeds in the palm of his hand, and collected them into the Yuanyuan tripod, using the chaotic array to quickly calculate the mystery. The calculation of this one took a long time, the chaos continued to run, and there was no answer for a while. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

"Amazing, these three mysteries must have extraordinary origins, profound esoteric, huge lethality, if you can fully understand, it will make my strength to a higher level, you can directly kill the Great Celestial Master!" Li Xing rejoiced in his heart.

On the other side, that Cabernet Sauvignon had been stagnant, and looked at Li Xing like a monster. Li Xing's beheading of the three seemed to be an understatement and effortless, showing unparalleled strength and more masterful style.

He smiled slightly and said to Cabernet Sauvignon: "You are shocked, are you okay?"

It took only a long time for Catalan to return to God, staring at Li Xing with resentment: "You are a pig and eat a tiger. It turned out to be so powerful. Why not tell me?"

Li Xing said innocently, "You didn't ask."

Cathay Tianzun touched his forehead and shouted, "God, remember that when I first saw you, my first impression was that you were an inconspicuous little person. Where did you think that you are actually a peerless master, I am afraid that even Da Tianzun No fear. Thanks to me, I am not your enemy, or it is already a pile of dead bones at this moment. "


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