Chapter 1036: Dao Jade

Chapter 1036: Dao Jade

This jade was obtained by Li Xing when he unearthed the treasures of the Shi clan. It has a special texture, and even the major general at the time did not know its origin and has been used until today. This iron current is obviously a collector. The collector has a lot of research on the rare things, Li Xing simply took them out and gave them to him.

On top of the jade, there are natural patterns, which coincide with the principle of the avenue, and can resonate with the avenue. Although I do n’t know its origin, Li Xing also knows that it is very precious. When Tieliu saw this jade, he let his eyes light up and exclaimed, "Daoyu!"

Li Xingyi said: "Tie brother said, this is Daoyu?"

"Exactly!" Tie Liu held the jade in his palm with his hands, observed it carefully, and couldn't help but admire, "This kind of jade belongs to the crystallization of the avenue, and is not an ordinary avenue, a treasure born in an extremely high-end plane." "

"I don't know which plane's plane?" Li Xing asked curiously.

"At least you must reach the Nirvana level. The avenue is pure and broad enough to condense the avenue jade. Moreover, the avenue jade is often produced in the old age. Generally speaking, shortly after the birth of the jade, the celestial jade also It's going to fall. "Tie Liudao," so this kind of thing is very cherished. "

"What is the use of this kind of Tao Yu?" Li Xing asked again. He had more than one Tao Yu in his hand, and it was necessary to ask clearly.

"Naturally useful and extremely useful." Tie Liu laughed. "Such a small piece of Tao jade can be transformed into a road sign by fine-tuning it with plane rules after melting it with innate Tao fire."

"This type of road rune can be used for various purposes. It can be an attack rune or a defense rune, depending on the situation. Brother Li's Dao Jade is so murderous that he can make an attack rune. The power of this rune , Is generally very powerful, and can generally play a tenth of the combat power of his master Yuhara. "

"What?" Li Xing was taken aback. "One-tenth of the damage?"

"Exactly!" Tie Liu nodded slowly. "With the younger brother's eyesight, the birthplace of Dao Jade, the Great Celestial Master should be the infinite level!"

Li Xing took a sip of air-conditioning, without a great blow from Tianzun. Even if he only exerted one-tenth of the power, it would definitely kill the epic Tianzun, even the ancient Tianzun would be seriously injured!

This jade is simply priceless, he never knew it before!

Both sides were silent for a long time, Li Xing solemnly said, "Tie brother, this piece of jade is for you."

As soon as Tie Liu stayed, he never imagined that Li Xing would give it to himself after he understood the preciousness of Dao Yu, and for a moment did not know how to respond. It wasn't until Li Xing surrendered Dao Yu to his hand again that he reacted and quickly said, "It's too expensive, my brother wouldn't dare accept it."

Li Xing laughed and said, "Tie brother, if I take it out, I want to send it to you. Now that I know it is precious, I haven't changed my original intention. In addition, I still have one thing to ask for, and I hope the brother will take the stone tablet give away."

He was not a fool for a moment, but he immediately knew that the stele was extraordinary, and he was silent for a moment, and asked, "Brother Li, can you tell me the origin of this stele?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "It's true, I don't know what it is, it's because I have something in it that is inductive to it, which is why I became interested."

Tie Liu also heard of the Dragon Elephant, but he did not know what the three emperors said, and he nodded: "It seems that the stele should be related to the Emperor's Sword. In this case, Brother Li took it."

The two sides gave each other gifts, and the relationship was closer. After drinking a few cups, Li Xing asked about Jumbo's trip and raised questions in his heart.

"Tie brother, there are not a few of the sons who come to Treasure Hall this time. I don't know why? Don't you know that the top ten sons will also participate?"

Tie Liu laughed and asked Li Xing: "Ling Xing, may the sons of the world compete with the emperor?"

Li Xing shook his head: "Naturally cannot. Regardless of status or cultivation, the two are not on the same level."

"That's it, but even so, we are still here. The reason is very simple. Instead of coming to Miss Three, we are coming to the heavens."

Li Xing was fully aware at a glance, and immediately came to his senses and patted his legs: "That's the case! All the great princes sent their sons to come to contact the princes." He froze and said, "The fighting between the princes is fierce. It doesn't seem to be wise. "

"Brother Li has no idea." Tie Liudao, "The emperor's emperor has achieved extraordinary results and established a huge power. The emperor is different from the master. After the master has experienced a period, he will become a civilization and return to nature. And all the emperors, But it will continue to exist, and the future is immense. Now, the heavenly princes associate each other's emperor in advance, and the purpose is to get enough attention before the emperor. "

"You know, these emperors are very human. Even if they lose power in the process of fighting for power, they will still be the leader of one party in the future. And once this era passes, everything is cloud and smoke, not their own strength. For the government, success or failure is not important. What is important is to establish a friendly relationship with Tianzi. "

"I see." Li Xing nodded. "No matter what kind of emperor establishes cooperation, there is not much difference, the focus is on cooperation."

Tie Liu Dao: "Exactly, when we reach the level of the Great Celestial Master, we don't look at it overnight, but we have a long-term plan. Speaking of which, these emperors are more important than the emperor. After all, the emperor can only exist for one period. . "

When the two talked, another son arrived, and the man came in a red robe with an indifferent expression. As soon as he appeared, in the world of the mixed Yuan, the Kasai Tianzun suddenly cried: "Brother, I sense the arrival of two sisters!"

There are two older sisters, one is Qingxia Tianzun and the other is Zixia Tianzun. The three daughters come from one plane and have a close relationship.

As soon as she spoke, Li Xing knew that the two deities were on the newly born son, and greeted Tie Liu and greeted him. Hongpao Shizi's face was indifferent, but he could not help but give face to the ninth Heavenly Son, and immediately stepped forward to see salute.

"Here is this man, dare to ask which house is it?" Li Xing held the wine glass with a smile.

Hongpao Shizi arched his hand slightly: "My father, the pharmacist, God, do you dare to ask your Excellency which constellation you are in?"

"Now Li Xing, work for the Ninth Lord." Li Xing laughed.

"It was the ninth man, thankfully." Yaowu regretted, but murmured in his heart. This man was plain and for no reason. How could he come over and come close? Is there any attempt? When you think about it, you immediately become vigilant. Now, during the extraordinary period, the goal of his trip is not to form an alliance with the ninth Son of Heaven.

"What's Brother Li here to order?" The other side opened his door.

Li Xing did not hide anymore, and said directly: "There are two old friends below, one is Qingxia Tianzun, and the other is Zixia Tianzun. I do n’t know what the world can recognize?"

Upon hearing the names of the two women, Yaowu regretted his expression slightly stiffly, but said lightly: "These two people, Brother Li, have never heard of this son."

Li Xing knew, however, that Qingxia and Zixia must be in this person's plane, or the planes under their control, and in a bad situation. Cathay Tianzun is the sister he recognizes, and Qingxia and Zixia are naturally their families. Why not save them?

At that time, his face sank, and he sneered, "It seems that Shizi is not giving the child."

The medicine undoubtedly coughed and said: "Where Brother Li speaks, I really don't know any Qingxia Zixia, I have never heard of it."

The other party did not admit it, Li Xing was slightly angry, and said, "That's why it offends." Jingguang's big hand went straight to the void. This catch, famous, has evolved from a hit in the past, directly looking for the characters you need from the past clues, and forcibly photographed it.

This is the effect that can only be produced in the past when one hits practice in a relatively sophisticated state. Of course, this can only be performed with the help of Cabernet Sauvignon and the forceful use of medicine without regret as the medium. Otherwise, it will have no effect when cast out of thin air, and Mao will not take one.


The medicine is undoubtedly a second-order great celestial deity, feeling a burst of consciousness, and then the thunderous thunders and the color changes. Suddenly, Qing Xia Tianzun and Zi Xia Tianzun, who were suppressed by him in the plane, suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of Li Xing in the next moment.

Behind Yaowu's regret, the three legendary celestial beings were shocked, and they were about to shoot immediately. Yaowu didn't regret it, but his face changed with anger, but he forcibly stopped the three legendary deities and stared at Li Xing: "Brother Li is really a good tool."

"Rewarded," Li Xing replied coldly. "I just want to ask, how could the two Celestial Masters break into the world by themselves?"

Qing Xia and Zi Xia are two heavenly respects, each with a beautiful appearance and a charming description. At this moment, they were confused, and apparently did not know what had happened. Li Xing didn't say much, and they took them directly into the big world and let them meet with Cabernet Sauvignon.

The three sisters did not reunite for a long time, and were surprised each other. In the meantime, Qingxia and Zixia also knew the origin of Li Xing, quickly thanked them, and explained the cause and effect.

It turned out that the two women were ordered to go out to do business some time ago ~ ~ just happened to meet the medicine and traveled without regrets. This medicine has no regrets. As a Tianhou Shizi, he acted arrogantly. Seeing that the two women were in good looks, they immediately moved their color centers and detained them for future enjoyment.

Hearing the reason, Li Xing raised his eyebrows and said loudly, "It's a good pharmacist Shizi, and he actually does this kind of business. When I get out of the treasure, I have to ask the world more!

This kind of statement is that after the war books, Yaowu regretted his face and sneered, "This son does not cause problems, but he is not afraid of things, our theory will be in the future!" .

Li Xing returned to his place, and Tie Liu sighed: "Brother Li is too impulsive. As a subordinate of Heavenly Son, it is not appropriate to establish enemies outside, otherwise it will be detrimental to himself and Heavenly Son."

Li Xing sneered: "Even if there are tens of millions of such scum, I have no fear, let alone this one."

Tie Liu smiled bitterly, but secretly appreciated Li Xing's temperament, he pointed out: "The younger brother has a remedy. The pharmacist Hou Fu and the government Hou Fu have always not dealt with it. It happens that the son of that institution has arrived. Just a few words. With the performance of Brother Li's talent, the other party will be willing to associate with you and maybe become friends. "


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