Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1069: Big magnetic sea

Chapter 1069: The Great Magnetic Sea

Chapter 1069: Big Magnetic Sea

Li Xing nodded and said yes, and then took the sign from the undead. This order is what the members of the embargo hold when they act. It records the mission objectives and precautions, and at the same time it has status symbolism. When it is used, it can basically run unimpeded in the Central Pure Land Heavenly Bureaucracy system, and even restrain some Heavenly Bureaucrats. .

Li Xing accepted the order and left. The order required that he must rush to Beihuang within three months to the Ninth Road Army of Beihuang, and General Menghua reported.

There are ninety-nine army troops in the entire Northern Wilderness, and they are jointly controlled by the marshal of the Northern Town. Among them, under the ninth army, there are countless soldiers and soldiers with special combat forces such as legendary battalions, vanguard battalions, assassination battalions, and news battalions, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

General General Menghua is an ancient-day great deity, who has gone through forty-five calamities, and his strength is quite strong. The masters at this level, without using Pan Guzhu, have their strength above Li Xing.

On the day he received the order, Li Xing returned to the mixed world and summoned the four heavenly enemies to meet. From among them, 800 real people were selected. Of these selected real people, half of them were the five robbers, and the rest were the four robbers.

He decided to bring the 800 Great Celestial Masters to the Beihuang Army Barracks, so that they could be hone and build up some achievements. This approach is similar to the purpose of leaving 572 mixed Yuan real people in the Eastern Wasteland, and it is an investment.

He believes that with the potential and qualifications of real people in Mixed Yuan, he will soon grow up. By then, all these forces will become his power.

The 800 real people readily agreed, so the next day, Li Xing went to Beihuang.

Beihuang is located in the extreme north. Between Beihuang and the central pure land, there is a natural barrier, calling it a large magnetic sea. The big magnetic sea is a place that is more sinister than the space-time ocean.

The big magnetic sea is full of the power of elemental magnetism. This kind of power can smash everything and let the living beings die. And in the magnetic sea, super magnetic storms often occur, each time it is earth-shattering and has a wide range.

In the magnetic storm, even the extinguished Da Tianzun may fall, showing its horror level. However, like the space-time ocean, the large magnetic sea also has certain routes, and it is safer to walk in the routes. However, this kind of safety is not absolute. About one in ten people will always be on the air route, and the end can be imagined.

On the orders obtained by Li Xing, several safety routes of the Daci Sea were recorded.

On the way, he used the members of the imperial camp to freely pass through the teleportation arrays in various places, using a small half-day scene, and came to the northern end of the central pure land, before the large magnetic sea.

He chose a relatively short route, ready to cross the Great Magnetic Sea, head to the North Wilderness, and look for the Ninth Route Army. Soon, all entered the route, but after a short walk on the route, he found something wrong.

It is said that the safety route should be calm most of the time, but from the beginning to the present, he has encountered dozens of storms. Fortunately, he is on the edge of these storms, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Soon, Li Xing thought of a possibility, his face was gloomy.

"It seems that this route is fake, and the Undead God is secretly calculating me!" The cold light flashed in his eyes, and an anger grew in his heart. However, this is not the time to be angry, and he must return as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, due to the storm, the route when it came was long shattered. Looking at a time and space overlap, he could not find the way at all, and he was lost in the big magnetic sea.

At this moment, Li Xing's heart was cold. He knew the danger of the big magnetic sea, and he would not even get involved in the solitary Da Tianzun, let alone himself. The Daci Sea not only has a harsh environment, but also has some terrible metamagnetism beasts, possessing superpowers.

Speaking of Yuan magnetic fierce beast, we must talk about the ancient royal family. Yuan magnetic beast belongs to the ancient royal family, and ranks very high. This group has produced a remarkable figure, that is, the ancient emperor of magnetism.

Wanci ancient emperor belongs to one of the thirteen ancient emperors. It was once a majestic party, but was a Wizard of Gaidai. After competing with the masters of heaven and earth, he was eventually killed. Legend has it that this large magnetic sea evolved from the ancient world of Wanci.

If this legend is true, Li Xing estimates that the realm of Wanci ancient emperor may have reached a broken state, otherwise, how could such a terrible big magnetic sea be formed?

In all directions, there are colorful magneto-optical light. They fly in the sky and impact cutting, making Li Xing's skin slightly tingling. What's even worse is that a big magnetic storm is brewing in the distance. If you don't leave again, 90% of this life will be accounted for here.

At the time of Li Xing's hard work, a magneto-optical differentiation led a young girl out of it. When he saw this young girl, Li Xing was taken aback. He had traveled countless places in his life, never seen such an ugly woman.

The girl's eyes were dark, and occasionally there was multicolored magnetic light flashing in the eyelids, which were swollen and white like a fish. Teeth are thin and chaotic, and they line up and down in rows.

The nostrils are facing the sky and there is very little meat. Some are like the skull's nose. There are a bunch of black hairs on them.

The girl's body is five big and three thick, and her fingers are covered with turquoise scales. The neck is very thick, covered with large and small blood-red sarcomas, and the sarcoma is covered with small holes like ants, and there are multicolored bugs constantly drilling in and out. It should be a parasite on her.

Special mention is the pair of feet of the girl, which cannot be called feet at all, similar to the hind legs of a sheep, except that they are thicker and do not have long hair, and are replaced by scales.

This can no longer be called a person. If a mortal meets, it must scare the marriage and be considered a monster. However, Li Xing could see that the other party was indeed a human being and a girl.

Although the girl was disgusting and looked ugly, Li Xing saw a glimmer of hope, because he felt a stronger magnetomagnetic force than the girl, indicating that she was an indigenous person here, and there should be a way to lead him to escape from Yuan Magnetic storm.

Li Xing saw the young girl, and the young girl also saw Li Xing, her face showed a cold expression, just don't overdo it, just seems to leave. Obviously, she should have encountered this situation more than once and seemed very numb.

"Hey, this ###, is it possible to lead the way to a safe route?" Li Xing loudly said, "If ### is willing to help, I am willing to pay."

The girl who was going to leave immediately stopped ### 形, staring at Li Xing with dead fish in her eyes and asking, "What can you give me?"

"How about the ten extinguishing great creatures?" Li Xing immediately said, "This is all my possessions, and I will give them to ###."

The girl tilted her head and seemed to be thinking whether she should take the business. Immediately, Li Xing was disappointed. The young girl said, "You are a very low-level person, the magnetic storm is coming, and you are dead. You are dead, and I will search your big world, the ten dying great creatures. It's still mine, so Ben ### won't help you. "

Li Xing's face suddenly darkened. This ghost woman not only looked ugly, but her heart was so vicious. However, he still laughed: "But ###, if you can successfully rescue the next, my family will pay more perishable Daquandan."


At this moment, the girl's heart moved, her eyes fluttered and she suddenly grinned, her smile was terribly disgusting, and she said, "Looking at the face of Silent Dan, I can save you. However, after it is done, you must pay separately Ben ### Thirty Perishable Dan, can you do it? "

Li Xing was in distress, and the young girl immediately sneered: "If you die, you can't enjoy as much silence as Dan."

The previous performance was just to prevent the other party from thinking that he was a wealthy person, and to behave that way intentionally. At this moment, Li Xing immediately made a bitter smile and said, "### The words are extremely good, I agree."

"This is a smart person." The young girl laughed, but her smile was definitely ten thousand times more ugly than normal people.

After all, the perishable alchemy is rare, and the girl cannot stand ###, promised to save Li Xing once, provided that she must send her forty perishable alchemy. Li Xing thinks this business is worth it. Forty rich and formidable dans are not worthy of even nine cattle to a rich one.

The girl first asked for ten extinct fortune-making dandelions. After confirming that they were genuine, she took Li Xing and flew in one direction with a smile, and said, "You follow up, the magnetic storm will arrive soon, and one accidentally, even me. Can't save you. "

Li Xing repeatedly claimed that after flying for a while, feeling farther and farther from the center of the magnetic storm, he asked: "Dare to ask ### 贵姓 大名?"

"Ben ### is Humidallaso, you can call me Humi ###." Maid said, "My father is a king of the Yuan Magnetic World, who rules a vast area."

Li Xing was shocked. It was rumored that there were some lands in the big magnetic sea that claimed to be kings. All of them were powerful and terrible. No one wanted to provoke them. I did not expect that this girl was actually a magnetic king.

Next, Li Xing was careful not to speak again, so as not to reveal his identity, because he had heard that the king of the big magnetic sea was very hostile to the heavenly court ~ www.readwn.com ~ in case they knew that he was a person in the heavenly court , That's less ferocious.

Finally, Li Xing was taken on a route, and Humidalasso immediately extended his hand to Li Xing, saying, "The remaining thirty annihilates, how can you return me?"

Li Xingzhengzheng said: "In the next big world, there is a teleportation matrix that can transmit items. I will send a message to the family and let them pass the Silent Dan."

He certainly couldn't say that he had the extinguished Daquandan, who lied that he had obtained it from the teleportation array.

Humidalasso didn't suspect anything, nodded: "Okay, hurry up, I still have something to do."

After a while, Li Xing took out thirty deceased Daquandan and handed it to Lasso, then said: "Thank you ### 相救, thank you very much."

"If you are really grateful to me, just send me some more elixir. I will break through soon and need a lot of dysentery. But this kind of thing is very scarce in the Great Magnetic Sea and it is not easy to get it." Speaking, at the same time he gave out Li Xing's ugly palm.


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