Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1107: Treasure key

[Text] Chapter 1107 Treasure Key—

Chapter 1107: Treasure Key

The refining demon deity heard the name of the four sea deities, and for a moment hesitated, and said, "That seems to be a very old man. Why does the envoy mention him?"

Ma Xuanhuang nodded: "Yes, the Great Heavenly Celestial Master of the Four Seas is extremely old. When it fell, it has already been eighty-eight calamities. If it had not been beheaded by the more powerful dragon elephant Great Heavenly Master, his realm would have risen. Reach a broken state. "

Refining the deity: "The ambassador said, I have also heard the legend of the four sea lord, he is really very powerful, and he is a great man of that era." Then he said, "Shangshi is here. Is it related to Datianzun? "

Ma Xuanhuang: "Yes, but this matter is confidential. I will talk to Da Tianzun separately."

Difficult for refining the devil for a while, he couldn't help looking at Li Xing. Both men are messengers, and neither can offend!

Li Xing laughed with a "hey" and rolled his eyes and said, "What? Is the messenger of the first heavenly son more honorable than the messenger of the seventh heavenly son?"

The refining demon Datianzun laughed: "The ambassador talked and laughed ..." Then he looked at Ma Xuanhuang with a helpless look and smiled bitterly.

Ma Xuanhuang's face was slightly heavy, but after a moment he smiled and said to Li Xing: "Brother Li and I are both under the door of heaven, saying that it doesn't matter if you know it." He immediately sorted out his thoughts and went on to say, The treasures left by Sihai Datianzun during his lifetime are related. "

"Oh? Treasure." The refining demon Tianzun moved, "Is this treasure located in refining demon?"

"It is not only located in the refining demon heaven, but also in the refining magic school." Ma Xuanhuang said, "This time I am here, in the order of the first heavenly son, to find treasures for the future battle between heaven and earth."

Speaking of the Earth Mansion, the refining demon reverently said, "The Earth Mansion is becoming more and more powerful, and sooner or later, it will be at war with the heavenly courts to separate them."

At the same time, he didn't quite believe in the so-called treasures in the refining school, saying: "Shangshi, the plants and trees in the refining school, are clear from the bottom, and no trace of the treasure has ever been found."

Ma Xuanhuang smiled slightly: "That's because you don't understand the mystery of the treasure. This treasure is hidden in a dusty space-time, and Hugh said it was you, even the immense celestial being may not be able to find it."

The enchanted demon enlightened suddenly and realized, "It's no wonder, but since it is a treasure of a vainless figure, I am afraid that there will be many dangers when I open it. Can I have confidence in the master?"

When he said this, he was actually doubting why such a big event as opening the treasures of the four seas was sent, and the first emperor sent only a messenger who was not high.

Ma Xuanhuang could certainly hear it. He said, "The first day the son sent me down, but he only explored the way to find out the location of the treasure, and then there will be many masters coming down.

The refining demon Da Tianzun repeatedly said yes, the doubts in his heart disappeared.

After Ma Xuanhuang said his purpose, he turned his attention to Li Xing. Obviously, he also needed to know the reason for Li Xing's visit.

Li Xing said coldly: "Under the seventh day of my life, come to find out the position of the treasure of the Four Seas. It seems that our two goals are the same, which is a coincidence."

Ma Xuanhuang's eyes flashed, Li Xing felt a threat deep in his heart. It seemed that this man had been murdered, and he secretly sneered, depending on how the other party handled it.

After a while, Ma Xuanhuang laughed: "Everyone is working for heaven. I can't look at cooperation and find out the location of the treasure together. How?"

Li Xingdao: "Yes, you should cooperate, but I don't know if you can find a treasure?"

"Since it's here, of course there is a way." Ma Xuan Zodiac, "Unfortunately, I have no way to open it, because to open the treasure, you need a keepsake made by the reincarnation of the Great Master of the Four Seas. No one knows that keeper Lost somewhere. "

"Oh? I don't know what token?" Li Xing asked, his heart moved slightly, thinking of a possibility.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas."

After Li Xing determined that the thing in question was Shan Hai Jing, he was overjoyed, but deliberately asked, "It seems that you have found Shan Hai Jing."

Ma Xuanhuang shook his head: "I don't have a Shanhaijing, so I can only ask an expert to take a forcible treasure."

Li Xing secretly said: "It seems that Xuanhuang's son wants to collect the treasure, but since he met me, he couldn't let it succeed!"

After speaking, Ma Xuanhuang looked at Li Xingdao again: "The seventh emperor sent Brother Li, didn't he tell you how to find the treasure?"

Li Xing looked freely and said, "There is a natural way." In secret, he called Shanhai Tongzi.

The boy in the mountains and the sea, who has been cultivated to the depths of the sun, has reached twenty-eight calamities at this time. When he heard the call of Li Xing, he immediately responded, "Little one! What does the master have to say?"

"Shanhai, at the beginning, but you put the treasure here?"

Shanhai Tongzi shook his head again and again: "Not so, sir, the young master only had a secret key for the treasure, but it was right to say it was a treasure at that time. Because the master key is mastered, you can know the treasure ’s location and finally open Treasure. The real treasure is indeed located here. But the master is assured that no one can take it away without mountains and seas. "

"Really? If you have a shotless expert, you can't take it?" Li Xing asked.

Shanhai Tongzi frowned: "If the strength exceeds the Four Seas Celestial Master that year, it is indeed possible to take away the treasure." Then he seemed to think, "However, the master can use the Shan Hai Jing to transfer this thing to other places at any time so that others cannot find it . "

"Is there another way to say that?" Li Xing said in his heart, "Hurry up, transfer now!"

Shanhai Tongzi said in a difficult way: "My lord, that Shanhaijing was not refined into your mixed Yuan world by your old people. Where do you find it now?"

Li Xing laughed: "Master, since I can refinish it, I can restore it, you see." Then the words, the mixed world trembled slightly, and the immense amount of good fortune rose, forming a book in the void. It is that Shan Hai Jing.

Compared with the original mixed world, the level of this scripture is many times better. At that time, it was only a low-level magic instrument, but now it has become an epic magic instrument of twenty-four calamities.

As soon as Shan Hai Jing came out, Shan Hai Tong Zi felt a sigh and said, "Master, if you want to move the treasure, you have to be small and you must go back home."

Shan Hai Tong Zi was an instrumental spirit bred by Shan Hai Jing and was separated by Li Xingqiang at that time. At this moment, in order to transfer the treasure, he had to re-integrate into Shan Hai Jing, otherwise he would not be able to manipulate the secret key.

Li Xingdao: "Anyway, you are free for a period of time, and now unity, there is no harm to you. According to my speculation, that treasure contains a very magnificent power, if you often approach, it will be of great benefit."

Shan Hai Tong Zi no longer said more, and suddenly rushed into the scriptures. Suddenly, Shan Hai Jing was magnificent, and the two instantly merged to form a complete Shan Hai Jing.

After 10% of this, Shanhai Tongzi immediately called out: "Master, the younger has established a sense of the treasure, will it be transferred immediately?"

"Yes, you will transfer the treasure to the mixed Yuan world now." Li Xing laughed, "things are safe in their own home."

Shanhai Tongzi said a good voice, secretly boosting momentum. At this moment, a ray of strength came from somewhere in the heavens. This strength was not great, but when it appeared, the entire refining magic land shook, as if it were turned upside down.

It turned out that Shanhai Tongzi indirectly controlled the treasure by controlling the secret key of the treasure located at another place in the heavens, making him jump directly into the world of the mixed Yuan of Li Xing.

At the same time, Li Xing felt that the mixed world was so fierce that a small dust that he could barely detect suddenly appeared in an inconspicuous place in the large world. Thanks to his early preparations, the gateway to the world of Hunyuan was wide open, otherwise I don't know how serious the consequences will be during the invasion of this dust.

These are long talks, but in fact they only take place in an instant. Then Ma Xuanhuang, who was talking to Li Xing, asked: "I don't know what to do?"

Li Xing smiled strangely and said, "Confidential, I can't tell you." Then he arched to the refining demon Da Tianzun, "Da Tianzun, already knows the direction of the treasure, now go find someone to open it and say goodbye."

At this point, Ma Xuanhuang and the refining demon deity are both a bit surprised and have been found?

Li Xing turned and left, and Ma Xuanhuang stopped him horizontally, and laughed, "Why Brother Li is in a hurry? Why not find the treasure with me."

Seeing that the other person's eyes were not good, Li Xing sneered, "Why, how dare you stop me?"


Although he didn't dare, he didn't remove his body at all, apparently in distress. At this time, the refining demon is absolutely unwilling to ask questions, and left early to see the excitement.

Li Xing sighed, and said, "You are a ten-robber figure, but you dare stop me, are you trying to die?"

"Whether you are looking for death, you will know immediately." Ma Xuanhuang said lightly, he had clearly seen that Li Xing was just like him ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise, there was no such thing as a coincidence. Treasure.

Moreover, he believed that the treasure of the Four Seas could not be known by a second person unless someone had obtained the Shan Hai Jing. From the above speculation, he can conclude that Li Xing must be fake.

What made Xuanhuang's son very angry was that Li Xing had lied to him a lot. All this, let him gradually kill in his heart, of course, will not let Li Xing leave like this.

"It seems you are very confident," Li Xing said, "surely you can keep me."

"It's not self-confidence, it's natural. There is no need to talk about self-confidence in front of you as a weak person." Ma Xuanhuang's tone gradually turned cold, with a scornful expression, "said, who the **** are you and how can you know the treasures of the four seas? "

When speaking, Ma Xuanhuang's momentum suddenly rose, soaring to the level of the fifteenth calamity legend. His face was full of coldness, as if to say: You should understand now? You and I are not in a grade at all!

Li Xing laughed. In Ma Xuanhuang's incredible eyes, his momentum soared to the fifteenth calamity, saying: "You are nothing but hiding your strength. Unfortunately, I have already seen it. Take out all your strength and let me See if it weighs a few pounds or two! "

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