Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1129: 1 trigger

Chapter 43: Fire at a Touch

When the thoughts turned, Li Xing hit his right fist three times on the floor, and the whole floor made three "thousands". Suddenly, fifty forward battalions quickly arrived and gathered in the room where Li Xing lived.

"Master, what happened?" A warrior asked.

Li Xing looked coldly: "Tsing Yi League may have discovered our footprint and responded to the original plan!"


Before coming here, Li Xing had figured out how to deal with it in case of exposure. Fifty people in the forward camp dived into the inn's kitchen, tent, warehouse, etc., stunned the inn, and changed their clothes.

Since entering the inn, members of the striker camp have begun to observe the situation here, so they are extremely fast, using less than a minute before and after.

The owner of the inn was taken to Li Xing's room. The boss was a middle-aged man and was arrested at this moment. He was so calm. He asked Li Xing severely, "Who are you? Do you know who I am?" How dare to start with Ping'an Inn! "

Li Xing said coldly: "I am the head of the forward battalion under the seat of Prince Xingfang. I am here to destroy the Tsing Yi League. Therefore, no matter who you are, please cooperate with me, otherwise, kill without pardon!"

Upon hearing that it was Wang Zixing's person, the boss was stunned immediately. He does have a backstage, but compared to Fang Hou Wangxing, it is not worth mentioning. He thought that Li Xing was just a general robber, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually a striker.

"Executive, please, the villain knows everything." The boss is a wise man, knowing that the striker camp people do not blink, so he decided to cooperate fully so as not to lose his life.

"Is there a secret in the inn?" Li Xing asked.

Generally speaking, big inns like this will be equipped with secret passages to avoid disasters in times of war. The 36 vassals of Pingguo, with successive years of war, have more or less prepared residents.

As soon as the boss heard that he was not robbing his property, he immediately relieved and said quickly: "Yes! Yes! The secret road is behind the warehouse, and the villain will take him there."

Li Xing nodded and sent a warrior to seek secrets.

After the inn owner left, he was dressed up as a member of the inn battalion and came over one after another.

Li Xing Shensheng asked: "Have Zhang Xu and Han Qing returned?"

"Master, they haven't returned yet."

With a slight frown, Li Xing said, "You don't have to wait. Everyone is ready to retreat into the secret road at any time."

To find out the secret way, Li Xing just wanted to leave his own way out. In fact, he decided to look at the strength of the Tsing Yi League first.

The Ping An Inn is still operating as usual, except that the people in the store have been replaced by the forward camp. The inn boss came forward to cooperate, as if nothing had happened.

When Li Xing was preparing for battle, Zhao Youji was also ready to attack. He ordered that the soldiers in the city blocked the road around the inn, and no one was allowed to approach the safe inn again. At the same time, Zhao Youji, Tian Yi, Ye Yizhou, three patriots, and nine fighters who successfully completed their blood training, as well as dozens of fighters below the tenth level, surrounded Ping'an Inn.

The people in the hotel finally felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange. They found that shop buddies had changed their strange faces, and the noisy environment had become quiet. Some timid, packed up and quietly left the inn.

However, as soon as those who left the inn came out, they were stopped by the Tsing Yi League for cross-examination and all blood-training men were temporarily detained.

One person walked away, there were the second and the third, one after another, the guests of Ping'an Inn were gone, leaving only those comatose shop buddies and the men in the forward camp.

No guest entered the Ping'an Inn again, and the atmosphere became tense.

Li Xing sat on the third floor of the inn, looking down, with a calm look.

At this time, three guests walked into the Ping'an Inn slowly. They were Zhao Youji, Tian Yi, and Ye Yizhou. Three people, with big sleeves fluttering, no expression on their faces, kept walking into the inn.

On the counter, the hostel's face turned pale, his eyes straightened, and he watched Zhao Youji come over.

"Treasurer, are there any guest rooms?" Zhao Youji asked lightly.

The owner of the inn has not spoken yet, and a voice upstairs said, "How many guest rooms do you want?"

The three Zhao Youji looked up. A ten-year-old young man, with a calm temperament, walked down the stairs step by step. Every step he took, Zhao Youji felt the pressure increase by one point.

Turning around and facing Li Xing downstairs, Zhao Youji looked at him: "Li Xing?"

"The leader of the Ben Yicheng Tsing Yi League?" Li Xing also asked.

"It's me." Zhao Youji stared at Li Xing, faintly, "You're younger than I thought. I'm afraid I'm not twenty years old yet?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Do you want to say that it is a pity that a person under the age of 20 died?"

Zhao Youji sighed, "You are really a smart young man. It is a pity to die."

With a smile, Li Xing laughed and stepped on the ground floor. He said: "Su Zhanshan's entire army has been destroyed, Wu Ling has lost his soldiers, and Tsing Yi League cannot stand alone. If you are a wise man, you should surrender as soon as possible, and maybe there is a way to live."

Zhao Youji's face sank: "Young people, life is the most precious, you have to think clearly. On the general trend, Qi Yun has acted as an overbearing faction and has become a public enemy of three factions. On the small trend, Wang Zixing was pinched by Wu Ling and Su Zhanshan. Tsing Yi League has responded. "

"No matter what aspect, Wang Zixing's time will not be too long. You give up Wang Zixing ~ www.readwn.com ~ at this moment to join the Tsing Yi League, I guarantee that at least you will be the master of a city in the future!" Zhao Youji tried Convince Li Xing.

Although there is a purple crossbow, Tsing Yi League has great confidence, but it can't do it without it. At this moment, when he saw the young man with his own eyes, Zhao Youji subconsciously believed that it was by no means a wise choice to host the young man.

Li Xing's expression was indifferent, saying, "I don't know the general trend, only that Liu Tsing's Tsing Yi League is dead!" He stepped out, and a murderous surge broke out. Around, the striker battalion dressed as a shop buddy formed a trend of encircling the three.

Zhao Youji's expression was very regrettable. He slowly raised his right hand and a purple crossbow appeared.

"Once the Ziguang Crossbow is launched, you will all die here, giving you one last chance." Zhao Youji said, his fingers were already pressed on the machine, and he was ready to start.

Upon seeing the Ziguang Crossbow, Li Xing's pupils shrank slightly. He could sense the formation fluctuation from the Ziguang Crossbow, indicating that it was a magic weapon! Li Xing, who has a silk wing knife, deeply understands the horror of the magic weapon.

So at the sight of the Ziguang crossbow, he immediately yelled, "Fight! Retreat!" At the same time, he released the silk wing sword, a strange light, and "Si Lingling" killed Zhao Youji.

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