From the memories of her past self she knew Lu Jian was not a man who would waste his time on things he is not interested in. The best example was her other half of the soul so why is this ice block suddenly showing so much interest in her?

Is he secretly a masochist?

Lu Jian was also assessing Xiu and when he saw that she would not stop eyeing him till he gave her an answer he decided to give in and ask the question bugging him from the last night.

"Let's get married then I will give you the answer."

Xiu was incredulous to hear this statement. She confirmed her thoughts that Lu Jian is really a masochist and the most eager at that.

"Are you out of your mind? Beside we are already married. You still don't believe that I am your wife then why are you even here?"

Xiu decided to take a chance now and convince him of her identity so that she will be able to complete the wish of selfish ghost and be able to go out from this god forsaken situation.

"I will prove it you that I am Xiu your wife."

Xiu then tried letting some tears fall from her eyes so that her act looks convincing.

"Do you remember how I wanted to please you and suffered from all the taunts of your mother. You will say that it is common knowledge and everyone will know of this matter but I will tell you the insidious thing which is only known by you and your family."

She told him how his mother wanted Lu Jian to marry Shen Rui because of their status and how at every time she would send Shen Rui in his room where she the wife was not allowed to go in.

How she was never treated as his wife but less than a servant?

Lu Jian listened to all her words but still did not believe her. As all these information can be found if someone will investigate carefully so how can he believe her?

"What? You still think that I am fake then I will tell you this thing too. Your dear mom accused me of having an affair with your grandpa and your dad. Did you remember? How she was insulting me at that night? In your family only your dad was good to me but your scoundrel mother was accusing me of having an illicit relationship with your father. Is it also wrong? You tell me." Xiu huffed and breathed calmly.

[Master calm down. Your soul is not stable.] Zoru was worried at this reckless girl.

(Fuck soul. We need Lu Jian's love not your concern right now boy. Don't fuck with me now let's focus on our main priority. All thanks to that selfish ghost we are now dogs of Lu Jian.) Xiu sneered at Zoru.

[master you should not speak like this. Afterall she is your other half.]

Lu Jian was silent on the other end.

Xiu thought why is she trapped in between that stupid fool and this ice block? She will be mad one day because of them.

"You want more or this is enough for your breakfast. I can probably give you more." Xiu asked him while fluttering her eyelashes just like a doll with a sickening smile on her face which was borderline creepy.

"Why is your behavior different? You tell me."

"I don't have any feelings for you now. In a way you are right that I am not her but it is not because I am someone else rather I am change person now. My life does not revolve you now. So answer my question now Mr Lu?"

"I am very clear about my thinking and I feel a connection with you so despite being suspicious of you I wanted to try out this feeling. I don't like surprises." Lu jian said the longest sentence in his life while he was not working, again a first for him.

Xiu didn't say anything but was just giving him a look and once felt bad for that selfish ghost.

The person she loved didn't even care for her but she can't blame Lu Jian for his cold heartedness because he is initially like this.

If she was forced like Lu Jian then she might have killed the opposite party in her rage.

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