He can't believe that his handsome personality was treated as a joke in front of these two mongrels.

He was such a handsome man.

Why was he treated like a fool in front of his close people?

Why were they such spoilsports and jealous because of his awesome personality?

"Yeah, yeah, I know young master Jiang. " Zhen Xiu replied and keeps on going towards her cabin.

Lu Jian already went inside his cabin and was waiting for the briefing.

"But why do you keep insulting me? I am your new die-hard friend." Jiang Wui lamented.

Zhen Xiu curled her lips in happiness and soothed her loyal pet by giving him some nice smile. "Awe! I know. I can see the worship in your eyes but sometimes you need to use your mind rather than your heart."

Jiang Wui was confused at first but quickly connected the dots. He knew the way he behaved in the car was stupid and downright pathetic but this was not entirely his fault.

How can he know that his sister in law was just planning to lure that old Lu back? He just thought that his brother was way too overpowered and his bed prowess was something to be amazed. After the last scene he saw in their bedroom; how can they expect him to not behave in that way?

This was bad. Really bad!

"But you can't make fun of me over these things." He was sullen.

Zhen Xiu sat down in her chair and drank a glass of water to calm her annoyance. Jiang Wui was getting on her head.

He can really make people pull out their hair out in frustration. He was cute and bubbly but his consistent chatter can bring nations down.

Her little poor ears!

They were bleeding.

"Yeah! Get on work." She ordered him.

Jiang Wui again raised his head confused. "Work? But sister-in-law you are the head personal assistant and I am under you so you need to work while I follow your orders."

Zhen Xiu gave him an evil look scaring his poor soul in the corner.

"Exactly! Follow my orders. I am new so you are going to do your original work and I your boss am going to learn from you." Zhen Xiu raised her eyebrows at him.

Jiang Wui wanted to curse his luck. How can he forget that his boss was his freeloader sister in law?

How can she be so good to let him have some free time?

"But you are my boss. I can't do your work."

"I am the boss in name only but in reality, I am just an inexperienced fellow so you as a great man need to help me out." Zhen Xiu told him clearly.

"You are going to use me as your donkey then," Jiang Wui deduced.

"Yup! You are so intelligent."

Zhen Xiu brilliantly smiled and gave him a signal to come closer. Jiang Wui hesitatingly went near her.


She looked like such an innocent angel sitting over here and blinking her eyes cutely but the words coming out from her mouth were full on fire when it entered Jiang Wui's ears.

She was really a match made in heaven with Lu Jian.

No one can beat both of them in their poisonous verbal lash.

"You- you! This girl, you want to learn from me but this is how you are treating me?" Jiang Wui said while wiping his non-existent tears.

"Whatever!" Zhen Xiu carelessly shoved her hand.

"Now start working otherwise Lu Jian will come here and will get angry on you. We can't delay him because of our little catfights."

Jiang Wui huffed and did exactly what she ordered like a loyal, rule-abiding subordinate.


I will do it.

You are my sister in law I will do this for you.

He went inside Lu Jian's cabin for the briefing. Lu Jian raised his eyes at him.

Why was he here?

Where was his naughty wife?

She needs to brief him now that she has taken over his position as a P.A.

"Don't give me looks. It was your darling wife who ordered me to help you and not delay you before teaching her anything." Jiang Wui surrendered.

He could not handle the lovey-dovey eyes Lu Jian was throwing at the door.

Lu Jian curved his lips. His heart was beating fast as he heard her concern for him. She was so sweet.

So caring!

Pink bubbles were forming around Lu Jian because of all the sugar in his heart.

Jiang Wui cursed his black luck and forced himself to watch this dog food in front of him.

Zhen Xiu was not here and still, his friend was behaving like a lovesick fool.

Jiang Wui completed his briefing in within two minutes but he doubts that Lu Jian has heard any of it.

All the pink bubbles were proof of it.

"President Lu, get going you have a meeting with your department heads in just ten minutes." Jiang Wui reminded him.

Lu Jian snapped out of his daydream and responded. "En."

"Get up! Your wife will be waiting for me."

Lu Jian paused in his step. He didn't like the words that came out of Jiang Wui's mouth.

"My wife will be waiting for you." Lu Jian spoke each word clearly.

"I don't think so." Lu Jian turned around. "You will be attending the meeting and I will teach her."

Jiang Wui was dumbfounded. Why was his work – alcoholic brother suddenly behaving like this?

"You are the president and I am a secretary."

Lu Jian nodded. "I know."

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