Seeing that Tianxin brocade cares about herself so much, she lightly nodded her head!

Lei Tianming suddenly came to Murong Qingyan's side, took a dagger from his waist and gave it to her, "Yan'er, take this dagger and protect yourself!"

She was touched again!

"Shuangshuang, please follow me to the back hall to avoid. The queen is worried about you!" Murong said anxiously.

But they refused to leave. She said, "the children of Tianyu kingdom are not afraid of the enemy. Sister, will you accompany me here?"

Murong Qingyan thinks that both of them are very strong. Today, after all, it's her wedding day!

She nodded. "OK, I'll be with you!"

Speaking, tianxinjin and other people have come forward to fight with the bodyguards, but they are still weak!

After several rounds, they can't hold on to Tianxin brocade.

Shuimuqing was suddenly caught by the guard's head, and a cold broadsword was put on his warm neck.

"Stop it, or my knife will be merciless!" The head of the guard roared loudly!

All the people stopped. Tianxin brocade returned to the Lord of the kingdom.

Shuimuqing, after all, is not the person of Tianyu country. The Lord of the country should not let the ministers of other countries take their lives. Otherwise, there will be many disputes, especially between the two countries!

"What are you going to do?" Cried the Lord!

The bodyguard gave shuimuqing to the two little bodyguards below, and then said with a sneer, "I said, I want your life!"

In the dark, a man in black is aiming at the heart of the LORD with a crossbow in his hand!

"I have no enmity or enmity with you. Why do you want to press me? Today is my daughter's wedding, you are too much! " The Lord knows that there will be a tough battle today. If it fails, he is willing to exchange one life for the whole country's security!

The right lip of the bodyguard leans upward and takes two steps towards the Lord of the country, "no injustice, no hatred? I don't know if the Lord still remembers Li Xiaoguang from Lengquan village? "

After hearing this, the LORD turned pale. Li Xiaoguang, how could he not remember the name? He couldn't believe looking at the guard in front of him and asked, "who are you, brother Li? Brother Li died to save me. How can I not remember? "

"Who am I? You don't need to know. Yes, he died to save you, but you? You have become the leader of Tianyu Kingdom, but you are ungrateful. Despite Li Xiaoguang's first wife and young children, you have sent people to kill them The whole cold spring village turned to dust overnight! " The bodyguard said with a sneer.

After listening to the words of the bodyguard, the LORD looked at him with disbelief. How could he be such an innocent man? At the beginning, he risked his life to return to the Royal Palace and became the high Lord of the country. The first thing he did was to send people to Lengquan village to pick up their mother and son. However, they went a little late. When they arrived at Lengquan village, Lengquan village had already turned to dust and was lifeless!

Icarami suddenly walked forward a few steps and asked excitedly, "are you from Lengquan village? Then you must know who I am I'm also from Lengquan village, but I was seriously ill after the fire. I don't remember everything before! Fortunately, the Lord is kind and brings me back to the king's palace. I can achieve this now. I think you must have misunderstood the Lord! "

"Misunderstanding? Even if it's a misunderstanding, can you confirm the body? Do you have one? " The bodyguard asked excitedly.

The Lord didn't answer. Yes, he didn't confirm it, because the queen was in labor at that time. Many times in the Royal Palace, he sent people to come here. He had to go back to the royal palace!

"What? Are you speechless? You are an ungrateful villain... " The bodyguard said, with a wave of his right hand, the crossbow in the hands of the man in black in the distance was up to the standard of the national Lord and launched!

When ikarami saw this, she immediately blocked her body in front of the Lord of the country. Suddenly, both of them felt so happy. But she loved him. She didn't want ikarami to die before her. Otherwise, she would regret it!

At the moment when the arrow was about to reach the front of the eyes, both of them suddenly rushed to the past!

Icarami felt that his heart was broken, and immediately held them in his arms.

The Lord of the kingdom was also heartbroken, watching his beloved, the only daughter lying in the pool of blood in front of his eyes, and he rushed to the front of both of them.

Murong Qingyan also quickly went to the side of the two pairs, looking at her painfully. She knew that in order to love, she could offer her life. Such a great love moved her, and a line of moving tears immediately flowed down!

Cries, growls, confrontations, noises

In the distance came the sound of soldiers killing in.

Shuimuqing murmured a few words after the leader's bodyguard, and the bodyguard pushed shuimuqing fiercely towards the Lord, and then killed him.

The guards were injured countless, but the first several rushed out.

The deputy general took the generals of Tianyu Kingdom and killed them. When the deputy general entered the door, he knelt down and said, "I'm late, please punish the Lord!"

"I will reward you for your help, but in an emergency today, you should take people to bring them back first. Remember to keep your mouth alive. I need to ask you clearly!" The LORD said, looking at his beloved daughter!Ikarami picked them up and carried them back to their new house.

In the new room, the maid lifted the red bedding, and ikarami took them to the bed. She looked at the pale faces and cried, "go and find the Royal doctors, quickly!"

When the queen learned that her daughter had been hurt by an arrow, she was heartbroken. With the help of the palace maid, she came to the dormitory with Murong Qingyan.

"Shuangshuang, royal doctor, how is the princess?" The queen asked as soon as she entered the bedroom!

The royal doctor felt his pulse, shook his head and said, "back to the queen, the princess just hit the heart with this arrow. I'm afraid it's..." The doctor shook his head and knelt down!

The queen was in agony. Ikarami didn't believe it. She held their hands tightly and said, "Shuangshuang, you said you want to live with me forever. I won't let you go first. I won't let you go!"

Both of them are weak, with a smile on their pale faces. "Lami, don't be sad. I'm not afraid to die. After I die, you must live well and take good care of my father, my mother and my wife..."

"Shuangshuang, you won't be right again. You'll be fine. Hurry up and call all the Royal doctors..." Ikarami's whole body was broken. He roared to the maid around him. The maid ran out immediately after listening!

The queen listened to the doctor's words, could not accept the fact, fainted in the past, Murong Qingyan and the palace maid supported her back to her bedroom!

After a while, the palace maid came to see her again and said that the two princesses had something to say to her.

When she returned to the princess's bedroom, tianxinjin was there.

The princess called them to her and said softly, "elder sister, I know that you always have a prince in your heart, and you are in your heart. I don't know why my sister is so indifferent to the king. But my sister, life is changeable, and you should cherish it. Don't wait until you miss it, then you will regret it I Cough I wish you all the best I'm afraid I can't attend your wedding But But I have something for you... "

Ikarami helped the two pairs take down the agate necklace she wore on her neck and put it in the heart of Tianxin brocade's hand, "this, here you are, it's a pair with the agate she sent to her sister before, I want you to be together forever, don't separate..."

Tianxin brocade holds the glass bead and looks at it again. Suddenly, he tightly holds Murong Qingyan's hand and says to both of them, "don't worry, princess, I will live happily with Qingyan......"

Murong Qingyan didn't push away the warm hand of Tianxin brocade. She suddenly wanted to understand that the world is changing, and living is hope!

She hates herself. Why should she have a cold war with tianxinjin for such a small matter? They missed so much. She should not miss it again!

Moist eyes, she pours into tianxinjin's broad chest, and tianxinjin holds her tightly!

Both see, difficult smile!

The Lord of the Kingdom dealt with the affairs in the banquet hall. Hearing the bad news, he came here.

When they saw each other, they laughed and said, "father, don't frown. Do I like you to smile? Smile happily I know you accept this fact, I can't accept it, but I don't regret it at all. Even if I do it again, I will choose to do it! Father Sorry Sorry I shouldn't have made you and your mother so sad... "

"Son, don't say, don't say, it's the father. The father didn't protect you Don't worry, father won't let you receive this arrow without any reason! " The king's eyes are full of hatred and hatred, which often blinds his eyes, and he has been deeply involved in it!

They shook their heads hard. "Father, don't Don't take revenge. When is the time for revenge? My daughter only wants the father and Lami to live and protect the kingdom of Tianyu Ramee, please protect my father for me later... "

"I will, I will, I will protect my father And protect you... " Icarami has been crying. Such an iron man can't wrinkle his brow even if he chops his fingers. But when he sees the two, his heart, his tears

"I'm sorry Yes No From... " Before they finished speaking, they closed their eyes forever and never woke up!

Cry, ring one after another, good happy Leng is turned into a white matter!

The red hanging in the palace has been changed to white in a short time.

All the ministers who originally drank the wedding wine changed into dark colors to send off the two princesses.

"Before their lives, they loved freedom. She once told me that if she died, she would bury her in the prairie, and she would protect her land on the prairie," she said

Hearing icarami say such words, all people quietly lowered their heads, eyes are missing, are sad!

The dead bodies of both of them were buried in the royal mausoleum in the prairie after only two days in the palace. Tianxin brocade and Murong Qingyan sent her the last journey. She buried the congratulatory gifts she gave them together with the coffin.

"Let this pair of porcelain dolls accompany you, so that you won't be so lonely!"

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