Seeing that it was Ma Ma's mother and daughter who had come, the nursing home was determined to be hostile and blocked them out of the door, so they went to report in the room.

Murong Qing Yan Zheng and Gao Yuanyuan and Li Ya talk about trivial matters in detail. Knowing that Ma Ma's mother and daughter came, they didn't mean to turn away, but let the servant girls help Li Ya down first.

After all, there are some things that are not suitable for prenatal education. She is afraid of damaging the baby in others' belly!

GaoYuanYuan didn't look at her own business, so she left with her maid!

Just after the two talents left, Ma Ma's mother and daughter walked in with their toes high and gas high, with a fake smile on their faces.

Murong Qingyan sits on the main seat of the living room, holding the tea cup in his hand and gently sipping it. Yu Guang sees that Ma's mother and daughter have arrived in front of him, and then puts down the cup and looks up? I have blown my dear aunt and sister! "

"It's all family. Come and see you when you know you're back!" Mahalanobis drags Murong Xiaoru, who can't hold his breath, and his words are full of hypocrisy.

Murong Qingyan suddenly smiled and said to the servant girl around him, "didn't you see my aunt and sister coming? Not yet Murong Qingyan said to the servant girl, his face changed and he smiled at Ma's mother and daughter. "It's a guest. Sit down, Auntie and sister!"

Waiting for Ma Ma's mother and daughter to sit down safely, the servant girl sent two cups of chrysanthemum tea and several dishes of cake.

"My aunt is really concerned about Qingyan. As soon as I come back, you are in a hurry to see me. Try these cakes. I brought them back from Tianyu kingdom. I can't buy them here!" Murong Qingyan is able to focus on the three characters of Tianyu kingdom. They just come to taunt themselves, so she won't let them succeed.

Murong Xiaoru couldn't hold her breath. She laughed and said, "it's just a few plates of cakes. What can I show off? I came here with my mother to comfort you. My sister must be very sad right now? How can elder sister sit so calmly? "

Murong Qingyan knows that the unknown Murong Xiaoru must be talking about the assassination of Tianxin jintianyu Kingdom and the imperial palace. Since they don't know, she comes to tease these two unknown women!

"What did my sister say? Why should I be sad when I eat and drink? " Murong Qingyan pretended not to know, and took a sip of tea cup.

Ma glanced at Murong Xiaoru, turned to Murong Qingyan and said, "doesn't Qingyan know Prince Jin By the way, it's said that the king of brocade has made a princess Hui in Tianyu. They are even more like each other. My aunt is afraid that Qingyan will marry her in the future and suffer losses! "

Ma's transformation ability is very strong. He who talks about the life and death of the prince in private will be punished by the board easily, but the nine families in Zhulian will be the most important. Murong Xiaoru is small and not sensible. She can't let Murong Qingyan calculate her hoof!

Murong Qingyan just smiled after hearing this. "Indeed, the prince likes Princess Hui very much. The prince and Princess Hui have solved a big case together in Tianyu kingdom. They are like each other, talented and beautiful!" Murong Qingyan thief Xi says how good she is. If the two people in front of her know that they are the wise Princess they used to laugh at, they are going to faint!

But Murong Qingyan still wants to have a good time with them. If they were angry, wouldn't they fail to come here and taunt themselves?

Murong Xiaoru went to a cake to eat. The taste is really different from that of Tianfeng country. Ma gave her a wink again. She just put down the cake and said to Murong Qingyan, "sister, don't be sad. Without the king's care, do you have our family? We will take good care of you! "

"Yeah, Yan'er, if I don't like King Jin, I'll ask your father to leave the marriage and find you a good family. It's better to be a concubine when I get married? Although he is a prince, if he is not favored in the past, he is just like a widower. It's better to marry an ordinary good man and live a steady life! " Ma smirked triumphantly, with an expression of ridicule!

However, what she said happened to be written by Murong Qingyan!

She hooked her lips, smiled and said to Murong Xiaoru, "my aunt is right. Sister, I heard that you and your royal highness get along very well. It's said outside that you will be the side room where the prince will marry? You don't have to do anything with my sister's follow-up. Find a good family and live a solid life

Murong Qingyan's words made Ma jump, her angry eyes flew to Murong Qingyan, but Murong Qingyan gave her a very cunning smile.

"Yan'er is wrong. Xiao Ru in our family is the one in the prince's heart now. Even being a concubine is the most favored one. Later, when his highness ascends the grand unification, Xia Yu's mansion will still rely on her to shine on his family." Although Ma's recoil gun was excellent, Murong Qingyan understood that the desire of heaven was lustful, and the clothes he had played were piled up like a mountain. Would he care about a commoner daughter of Xia Yu who had no power?

Moreover, the information of her intelligence bureau clearly stated that Tianxin wanted to use Murong Xiaoru to understand her affairs!

She was silent for a moment, and Ma was satisfied. They thought Murong Qingyan was sad.Murong Xiaoru looks at the picture of Murong Qingyan. She doesn't know how comfortable she is. "Elder sister, don't be sad. After her sister is married to the prince's mansion, she will take good care of her and won't let her suffer in the palace!"

"I'll thank my sister first. When will she marry into the prince's mansion? Elder sister, I've been thinking about this wedding wine for a long time! " Murong Qingyan looks up and asks with a smile. Murong Qingyan loses her color because she doesn't know what the prince promised to do!

Knowing that Murong Xiaoru was in trouble, Ma immediately got rid of the siege and said, "Yan'er, I'm afraid that he forgot. You, the elder sister, haven't been married yet. How dare our Xiaoru get ahead of her sister and marry her?"

Ma talked about Murong Qingyan again. In Xia Yu's mansion, there was this rule. She was very happy to let her daughter marry the prince earlier, but now in retrospect, ah We have to solve the woman in front of us first. We can't let her hinder our daughter's happiness!

"Aunt, is it my fault that I didn't get married earlier?" Murong Qingyan asked seriously. Seeing the embarrassed expression of Ma's mother and daughter, she said with a smile, "Auntie, sister, don't make this expression. I'm joking. How can I care about this rule? If my sister wants to marry his royal highness, it's too late for me to congratulate. How can I prevent my sister from being happy? "

Ma's mother and daughter relaxed and smiled awkwardly. Murong Xiaoru was more happy after hearing this. She immediately said, "don't worry, elder sister, Jin Wang is dead, and no one will bully you. Later, I will cover you!"

Murong Qingyan's face is whitewashed all of a sudden, and mahalanobi's face is also livid!

For a while, the atmosphere is even more embarrassing don't want it!

Fortunately, when it was time for dinner, the young man came in and asked, "Miss, the dinner is ready. Do not need to add two more chopsticks?"

Murong Qing studied a little bit and said, "plus, Auntie and sister seldom come here, and then go after supper?"

Ma's mother and daughter found that they had been here for some time, so they got up with Murong Xiaoru and left!

Murong Qingyan looks at their backs vaguely, and finds it interesting to fight with them occasionally!

"Auntie, sister, please walk slowly Welcome to come again... " Looking at the two of them are not far away, Murong Qingyan looks up and shouts!

The night is dim. The bright moonlight shines on the earth, bringing warmth to the earth!

Every family lights the oil lamp. The family is happy at home!

But there are such a group of people, they take advantage of the darkness to do things, and start the planning step. These people are the elite of the intelligence agency. These elites are different from the ruthlessness of the dead. They are all masters with flesh and feelings!

Usually hidden in the various governments, today I got the call of the intelligence bureau, just one after another excuse to go out to this place to gather. They are wrapped in black, wearing black diamond masks, and they look like Batman in the TV series!

In the daytime, they have grasped the trend of Wang Qing's house. All the servants in the house are pretended by the dead to watch Wang Qing. At this time, Wang Qing is having the last dinner with his family!

The elite of the intelligence agency flew to the roof of Wangqing's house very quickly, and then each of them defeated the dead. Then he went directly to the dining room of Wang Qing's family.

When the women saw the men in black coming in with knives, they were all panic and shouted.

The elites stepped forward and covered their mouths.

Seeing that they had no malice, Wang Qing asked, "who are you? Why do you want to sneak into my house? "

"Lord Wang, you don't need to know who we are. As long as you know, we can save your family and your life! I'll give you a cup of tea now. You'd better think about it. If you don't want to die, take your family with you and go with me at once! " The elites then stand by Wang Qing's side, look after Wang Qing, and don't let him have any small action to do!

Wang Qing felt that he saw the hope, but he was afraid that it was another trap. In the end, he was happy!

But if he doesn't leave, he will take good care of his family even if he promises to do so in accordance with the way of heaven's desire. I'm afraid that's just the polite words he said before the black pot!

Wang Qing's old mother, wife and children must have made a big deal when they heard the elites saying this. And they all know that there are suddenly many servants in the family today. They look at them as if they are watching them!

"Son? What's the matter? "

"Husband, I don't want to die. My son is still young. He can't leave me!" Mrs. Wang asked excitedly, holding a boy of five or six years old!

Wang Qing felt that the noise in her ear was very painful. After a big drink, she blustered everyone. "OK, don't make any noise. I won't let you have anything. Please be quiet. Let me think about it!"

Wang Qing is worthy of being a leading figure at home. In a word, family members dare not spit out half a word!

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