"There's nothing to explain. If I have something else to do, I won't be with you!" Seeing tianxinjin sober up, she also left peacefully!

Clothing, spring rain has been cleaned for her, she looked back at the eye other hospital, do not know whether they have a chance to come back? This trip to Tianshui is very dangerous!

She is very tangled, tianxinjin, did not expect him to understand so soon, but why is this time?

She really wants to leave, you just think that you left because you saw that scene of anger!

"Miss, do you really want to leave? King Jin is not like that. She was dragged away by the second miss! " Chunyu looks at Murong Qingyan's tangled expression and thinks that she can give tianxinjin an opportunity to explain!

Murong Qingyan smiled, "yes, I have to leave here. Don't worry, I will come back..."

"Spring rain has already brought rain," but miss, where can you go

"I'm going to the frontier with my second brother..." Murong Qingyan thought for a moment, but it's hard to say for sure.

Spring rain is to go to the border, the heart of the flowers, "Miss, let spring rain with you, on the way to take care of Miss......"

Murong Qingyan hesitates for a moment. She is pregnant. It's inconvenient to be with a group of men. It's convenient to take Chunyu with her. She nods and agrees, "OK, come with me. I'll wait for you at the door. You pack up and come right away!"

Tianxin brocade was dragged to death by Murong Xiaoru. "You let me go..."

"Brother Jin Wang, that's not what you said just now. You said you love me and you want to marry me You can't stop counting! " Murong Xiaoru read the Tianxin brocade and said it softly.

Tianxinjin is very anxious. He can't tell her directly that he is just her brother. In that way, Murong Xiaoru will only find a way to use them.

"Murong Xiaoru, please respect yourself. Every word I say is to your sister. I have no interest in you! Let go... " Tianxinjin gets angry. If he and Murong Qingyan have a cold war for this, he will regret it.

Murong Xiaoru was thrown out by Tianxin brocade. Tianxin brocade immediately went to Murong Qingyan's room, but only met the spring rain with the package.

"Chunyu, how about your miss? I want to see her... " Tianxinjin said eagerly.

In order to be with Ximen Feng, Chunyu also has a little selfish heart. She can't tell Miss Tianxin Jin to go to the remote frontier, otherwise, she can't go with her!

"That Miss Miss doesn't want to see you! " The spring rain said intermittently and ran away.

Murong Qingyan has been on the carriage waiting for the spring rain. When the spring rain got on the carriage, he immediately said, "master, let's go..."

Seeing the tense appearance of Chunyu, Murong Qingyan asked, "what's the matter with you?"

Chunyu gasps and replies, "it's OK. Just now, King Jin came to see you. I lied to him..." She still doesn't want to cheat Murong Qingyan. Looking at the confusion in Murong Qingyan's eyes, she goes on, "Miss, I told Jin Wang that you don't want to see him. Did you think he would misunderstand anything? Otherwise, miss, we won't go to the frontier. Why don't you explain to King Jin? "

"No, let's go. I can't catch up with my second brother's team when I'm late!" Murong Qingyan still decided to go. Since he had misunderstood, let him misunderstand it so that he can know how important he is to him.

"Miss But... " Spring rain still needs to be fully understood, but Murong Qingyan's mind has been determined, and she didn't go on.

The car soon came to the outskirts. Ximen Feng's team had been away for two hours. If they had been travelling day and night, they would have been able to catch up.

"Master, please hurry up..." Spring rain can't wait to see Ximen maple, but it ignores the fact that her young lady is pregnant. The road in the countryside is not smooth, the carriage is fast, and the bumps are severe.

Murong Qingyan grabs the edge of the window, without speaking, but quietly looks out of the window.

The night is dim, and the moon is already high.

Perhaps the groom was in a hurry to find a place to spend the night. The speed of the carriage was too fast. A wheel hit a big stone. The whole carriage began to shake badly, and it was likely to overturn.

"Ah, master, please stop Stop... " Spring rain is catching in and shouting out.

The coachman was trying to stabilize the carriage, but the horse was frightened and couldn't control it at all. "Miss, the horse is frightened. You can sit still. I'll find a way to stabilize it!"

"OK Be careful... " Murong Qingyan lightly replied, but her hand was still tightly holding the window edge. She had a child in her abdomen, and she would not let herself and her child have an accident!

But the carriage is out of control. It has deviated from the original track and ran to the bamboo forest on the side. Further on, the carriage should rush into the bamboo forest.

Seeing this, the horse driver jumped out of the carriage and ran away.

Murong Qing studied and found that something was wrong. He asked Chunyu to go out and have a look. He raised the curtain of the door and found that the groom was missing. He immediately felt anxious to cry. "Miss Miss, the driver is missing. What can I do? The bamboo forest is ahead. In case of collision, we We're going to get hurt! ""Spring rain, don't be afraid. Listen to me. If the carriage doesn't stop, let's jump down together. This is a dirt road. Plus the rain in the last few days, if it does, it will be OK. But if the carriage hits the bamboo forest, we will be injured. Listen to me..." Murong Qingyan carefully observed the terrain around him and said with cold hands shaking in the spring rain.

They slowly got up and went to the front of the carriage. However, the carriage suddenly stepped on the brake. Because of their inertia, they sat in the carriage one after another.

Murong Qingyan's stomach is painful again. He feels his stomach and gets up slowly.

Spring rain has nothing to do with it. It's very weak. This fall has passed out unexpectedly.

The curtain of the door was lifted up. Murong Qingyan looked up, but he didn't expect that the person who came was Ford.

"Fubo..." Murong Qingyan looked at Fubo in surprise and walked out of the carriage slowly.

Fubo helped Murong Qingyan to the side, and the two sat down on the stake on the side.

"Fuber, why are you here?" Murong asked.

Ford smiled and gave Murong Qingyan his pulse first, then said, "I've been in the bamboo forest these days. The air here is good Miss, where are you going? "

"I'm going to Tianshui to do something. I was going to catch up with the second brother's team who was going to the border, but something like this happened!"

Ford frowned. "How can you go so far, miss? Does jin'er know you're leaving? He assured you to leave, too? "

"He didn't know. There was some misunderstanding between us..." Murong Qingyan said softly with his head down. The night was beautiful and cold.

Ford got up, looked at the moonlight and said, "why don't you, miss, stay in this carriage for one night first, and then go tomorrow. You're not fit for a long journey now."

"Now that there is no rickshaw puller, I have no choice but to do so. Fubo, would you please go to the city tomorrow and hire a rickshaw puller for us? We are really in a hurry. We have to go! " Murong Qingyan is afraid of delaying his time. It's nothing if he can't catch up with Ximen Feng. If he goes late and lets the secret of Tianshui state leak, which leads to the paralysis of the intelligence agency, it's really going to be a big deal.

Ford nodded silently and lit a fire beside the carriage to make Murong Qingyan comfortable.

When spring rain wakes up, it lies next to the person named it. It's already light.

She pushed open the window of the carriage and saw Ford. She got out of the carriage and asked curiously, "eh, who are you? Is it our new groom? "

Ford smiled and handed over the dry food in his hand. "Well, let's eat first, and then we'll start when your young lady wakes up!"

"Can we catch up with the army of young master Ximen?" Spring rain asked hurriedly, but she came out for Ximen Feng!

Ford shook his head. "I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with you all night, but I'll send you to your destination You, just give me the carriage at ease! "

"Fuber, have you found the groom?" Murong Qingyan hears the sound of spring rain in it. He thinks he has found the groom and comes out, but there is no fourth person here.

Ford still smiled and said, "Miss, I'm not sure you two girls are so far away from home. I'll take you..."

"Miss, do you know him? Did he save us yesterday, too? " Spring rain eating dry food to Murong Qingyan.

Murong Qing Yan nodded, "yes, he is Fubo, King Jin's life-saving benefactor Spring rain, you'll eat well and go to the carriage to clean up. We'll start in a moment! "

After hearing this, Chunyu immediately went to the carriage, biting the dry food. "Fubo, we saved us yesterday. We are very grateful. How dare you bother to take us so far..."

"It's just because it's so far away that I have to send it. If something happens, I'll be upset! Moreover, I have an idea. I have a good martial art that no one inherits. I can't let it go. Just in time, one of the mental skills I studied is suitable for pregnant women to practice. It also has the function of stillbirth, which can be taught to you on the way... " Ford said, and also gave Murong Qingyan dry food and water.

Murong Qingyan thought about it. He thought it would be better if there were reliable men around to protect him than if he was in a hurry when he was in danger. "Then trouble Fubo. Qingyan must live up to Fubo's kindness!"

"So good You eat here first. I'll go in and tidy up my things. I'll be on my way soon! " Said Ford, getting into the bamboo forest.

Murong Qingyan sat down on the stake yesterday and slowly swallowed the hard to chew dry food. It's not bad for those in the wild.

After eating, he took out a small bottle from his waist. This is a small pill prepared by Liu Haidong for her every day. "Fortunately, this small pill is protecting you, mother. It's useless. It's not good for you. You should grow up in her belly!" Murong Qingyan felt his stomach and said.

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