The carriage galloped away. An hour later, it stopped steadily in sikornian Xi's old house. Sikornian Xi got off the carriage and stood in the same place. She was afraid to move forward. The door of her old house was only one step away, but it felt like a distant and sad dream.

But the laughter that only exists in the memory clearly feels as if it was yesterday. SIKO nianxi's eyes were red in an instant. The three words of SIKO's house, which used to be glittering on the gate, are now covered with thick dust.

The coachman of the carriage stood quietly behind Si konianxi, looking at the young man who had been staring at the deserted house, but did not disturb him.

Si konian Xi slowly reaches out her hand, but she can't touch the temperature that used to be here any more. After a long time, Si konian Xi converges his heartache, turns around and pays the driver's fare, and then walks inside.

Anyang palace.

Cui'er stood outside the room of Si konian Xi for a long time, but she didn't have the courage to knock on the door. She knew that Si konian Xi was upset yesterday, so she took it out on her. I don't know if Si konian Xi is down today.

When Leng Shaoyuan went out to go to court, he saw cui'er who had been wandering in the courtyard, "what's the matter?"

Leng Shaoyuan suddenly makes a noise and startles Cui er. She turns around and sees Leng Shaoyuan in neat clothes. Cui Er blurs out her own ideas. Leng Shaoyuan is also a little puzzled. At this time, Si konian Xi's door is closed. Why hasn't she got up yet?

Leng Shaoyuan frowned and went forward to knock on the door, but there was no response. Leng Shaoyuan raised his hand and directly pushed the door open. The room was quiet as if there was no one. Leng Shaoyuan quickly opened the curtain of the inner room.

What's striking is the big bed of Si konianxi. The bedding on it is so neat that it doesn't look like someone has slept on it. However, Leng Shaoyuan clearly remembers that when he left the room yesterday, Si konianxi had already lifted the quilt to go to bed.

Is she up already? Where did she go in the early morning? She didn't like walking around the palace.

Cui'er sees that there is no sign of Sikou nianxi inside and outside the room. Suddenly, she has an uncertain premonition in her heart. Leng Shaoyuan turns around and asks cui'er if she has seen Sikou nianxi go out from here.

Cui'er shakes her head. She stands outside before dawn. She has never seen Sikou nianxi go out from here. Leng Shaoyuan's face sinks. That is to say, she has left here since last night. Last night she was not in the palace at all. He saw her undress in her room and lift the quilt just to force him away from her It's just a room.

She ran away again? What's the reason this time?

Just as Leng Shaoyuan is going out of Si konian Xi's room with a black face, the red one on the table attracts Leng Shaoyuan's attention. He brought it to Si konian Xi yesterday, but she didn't even look at it. Now it's stacked neatly on the table, and even the dust on Si konian Xi last night has been swept away.

Leng Shaoyuan went to pick it up, but found that there was a piece of paper on it, writing these lines of beautiful handwriting. Leng Shaoyuan knew that it was Sikou nianxi's.

"Lord, don't blame nianxi for leaving without saying goodbye, but it's really an emergency. You must know what I married to you, so don't stop me and don't look for me. When the lucky time comes, I'll show up. This time I promise to you personally, so I won't break the appointment. I've seen the wedding dress and it fits me very well."

The last sign is Sikou nianxi. Leng Shaoyuan holds the paper tightly. Sikou nianxi doesn't tell him why he disappeared in such a hurry in the palace, but Leng Shaoyuan can guess something.

Leng Shaoyuan crumples the note into a ball and throws it out. She still doesn't believe her. Then the scene he saw yesterday should be her deliberate plan for a long time.

Leng Shaoyuan looks at cui'er with a cold face. She doesn't see the contents of the note, but seeing the angry expression on Leng Shaoyuan's face, you can imagine that Sikou nianxi must have left a book and left.

Cui'er is puzzled. It's Leng Shaoyuan who rescued her from the prime minister's mansion. If it wasn't for Leng Shaoyuan, Si konianxi, I'm afraid she would have been trapped in the Chaifang now. She is so affectionate. Why does she want to escape marriage?

Leng Shaoyuan doesn't open her eyes. She doesn't know about Sikou nianxi's plan when she looks at cui'er. In order to make sure she is safe, she even counts cui'er.

Leng Shaoyuan put her wedding dress in place. She said she would come back when the auspicious time came. But this time Leng Shaoyuan didn't know whether she could believe her.

Leng Shaoyuan strides out of Sikou nianxi's room. Cui'er hesitates and follows him in fear. After all, she follows Sikou nianxi to the palace. Now she must know Sikou nianxi's whereabouts.

Leng Shaoyuan sent someone to the palace to ask for leave with the emperor. Originally, he went to the court today to discuss with the emperor about the wedding date. But now, because of Sikou nianxi, Leng Shaoyuan doesn't think it's necessary to go to the palace.

Outside the door, he had a carriage ready for a long time, but before Leng Shaoyuan went out, he saw a group of people coming to the palace. Leng Shaoyuan waited at the door for a while, waiting for those people to come near.The leader of those people was an elderly Mammy, followed by several servants and servant girls. When they saw Leng Shaoyuan standing at the door, the Mammy was stunned for a moment and went forward to salute.

"Lord Jin'an, the maid is the steward of the Yin family. Today, I come to discuss with the Lord about tomorrow's wedding." That mammy claimed to be Yin Fu, that is, the steward mammy of Yan Jingsong's family, surnamed Dong. Seeing Leng Shaoyuan dressed in a court dress and in a hurry, she asked, "is this going out?"

Leng Shaoyuan was worried after he knew the identity of mother Dong. Now it's time to go to the court. If he goes to the court, he's obviously shirking. But if he doesn't say anything, he doesn't know when these people's so-called discussions will take place, and when they can't find the whereabouts of Si konianxi. What should he do?

Leng Shaoyuan is in a dilemma when Yu Guang sees cui'er coming out of the palace in a hurry. She has a flash of inspiration and can use cui'er to stop her for a while. "Mother Dong doesn't need to be polite. I have something important to do now. I need to go out for a while. This is cui'er, the big maid in the palace. Tomorrow's wedding has been given to her by the king. What does mother need to discuss Then ask her

Leng Shaoyuan gives everything to cui'er with a smile. In fact, there is a manager in the mansion who is worried about this period of time, but today he goes to buy some things for tomorrow's wedding banquet, so he is not in the mansion.

Mother Dong was puzzled to see that Leng Shaoyuan was just a dull little servant girl. But since Leng Shaoyuan said that, she could not say anything more. She politely saluted cui'er.

Cui'er is stunned to see that Leng Shaoyuan has already gone away with several bodyguards, and she reluctantly returns a gift to mother Dong with a white face. Although she also follows the manager of the palace to take care of the wedding banquet, she is in charge of Si konian Xi. Now she has to push everything to her to discuss with the mother who seems to be hard to deal with. It's not going to kill her Is that right?

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