After seeing Lu Yichen, Cheng Hai'an has a short circuit in his brain for a moment. How can he be here?

Did you discover Gong Yao and Gong Yue?

Looking at her unpredictable face at that moment, Lu Yichen was also very curious about what she was thinking.

"What? It's strange to see me? " Lu Yichen put one hand in his pocket and looked at her pleasantly and leisurely.

"No, it's not..."

"I've come to see a friend off. Why are you here?"

"I, go home!"

"You live here?" Lu Yichen raises eyebrows unexpectedly.

Cheng Haian's face was slightly drunk, some red, and some nervous. But looking at Lu Yichen, he nodded, "Hmm!"


"A little bit!" Cheng Hai'an opened his mouth, but he did not dare to look at her directly. He did not know whether he was guilty or how. He did not dare to look at him.

Looking at her, Lu Yichen took a step forward.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Hai'an immediately stepped back. In a panic, Lu Yichen stepped into her defense line.

Such a defensive appearance, but let Lu Yichen eyebrows flash a trace of displeasure.

"It's OK. You go back." He spoke.

Cheng Haian nodded, "well, I'll go back first!" She was about to leave, but I didn't know how. She was almost fainted. At this time, Lu Yichen stretched out her hand and helped her.

The fragrance is like a bosom, and a strange feeling cuts through Lu Yichen's body.

"Well, are you all right?" Lu Yichen asked.

Cheng Haian shakes his head, "it's OK!" Then he released Lu Yichen and said, "thank you, Mr. Lu. I'm going back first!" With that, he seemed to have to leave.

Lu Yichen stood in the same place, looking at her back, the corners of his mouth intrigued with a smile



Gong Yue is talking to Gong Yao about today's affairs, and then takes out a hair, "live up to expectations, got it!"

Looking at taking a hair, Gong Yao was curious, "how did you keep it?"

"Of course I have my own way!"

Gong Yao asked no more questions.

Gong Yue thought and said, "brother, do you think he really will be our father?"

"I don't know!"

"He's really a gentleman. He's more gentlemanly than you are."

Gong Yao Bai took a look at this sister who judged people by their appearance, and said nothing more.

At this time, the door was knocked, Gong Yue ran to open the door.

"Mommy, what's the matter with you?" Gong Yue looks at Cheng Hai'an.

Cheng Hai'an walks in and throws off his slippers. "It's OK."

Gong Yue went to smell, "Mommy, did you drink?"

"Shh, a little bit. Don't let my brother hear it..." Cheng Hai'an looks back at Gong Yue and makes a Shhh gesture.

Gong Yue smiles at Cheng Hai'an and says, "Mommy, I won't say But... "

Cheng Hai'an looks back and sees Gong Yao standing behind him.

Cheng Hai has a sense of frustration when settling down.

"I just drank a little..." Cheng Hai'an explains, also stretched out his hand to do a very small movement, standing in front of Gong Yao, clearly she is a mother, but like a child ready to receive training.

Gong Yao sighed helplessly, "go back to the sofa and lie down first!"

"Yueyue, you go to the kitchen to get the antidote. I bought it today. It's in the cabinet below!"

"Good!" So, Gong Yue immediately ran to find the antidote.

"No, I just drank a little..." Cheng Hai'an just want to say what, was gong Yao a look to the second to kill back.

Cheng Hai'an nodded, and immediately walked toward the living room.

And on the other side.

After hanging up the phone, MuQing began to feel uneasy.

She didn't believe that Lu Yichen had children, and they had been together for so long But if not, who is that child?

Lu Yichen, she wants to be unpredictable, and she still refuses to talk about marriage with her. Is it true that she has children?

Once this idea is born in the heart, it seems to be rooted in the general spread, can no longer contain.

When Lu Yichen went back, he saw the man at the door, frowned, pushed the door open and went down.

"Why are you here?"

"Wait for you!"

"What's the matter?" Lu Chen didn't seem to notice.

Mu Qing thought about it and said with a smile, "in fact, it's nothing. Where have you been? Why did you come back so late? "

"Something's wrong!" Lu Yichen simply said, as for what, but did not say.

Mu Qing's face changed a little uneasy, "I called you today It was picked up by a little girl! "

Hearing this, Lu Yichen frowned. The little girl picked it up. Who else could there be besides Gong Yue?He laughed. "What? Don't you even eat a little girl's vinegar? "

"Of course not, but she said She's your daughter... " Mu Qing said, and then carefully looked at Lu Yichen's expression, want to see a little clue.

Sure enough, Lu Yichen was stunned for a moment, then the corners of her mouth began to hook up, "is that what she said?"

Mu Qing nodded and looked at him nervously for fear that it was really like this.

Lu Yichen didn't care. "She didn't have a father, so she said that. Don't mind!"

"Is it?"

"What? You don't believe me? "

"No, how can I not believe you? I'm just afraid that if this matter is known by the media, and I don't know how to talk nonsense..." Mu Qing said, in a flash, the words have been for Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen smiles. His handsome facial features exude the smell of evil charm, which is like the most perfect combination. "It can't be true or false, whatever they say!"

Looking at his expression, there is nothing wrong with it. Mu Qing puts down her heart and smiles, "that's what it says, but it always causes trouble and affects the company's reputation."

Lu Chenqing did not look back.

"What's the matter? Did I say anything wrong? " Mu Qing asked, he looked at her like this, let her have some guilty and afraid.

"No, it's late. I'll take you back!" Lu Yichen spoke.

"Yi Chen, can't I be here today?" Mu Qing looked at him and asked shyly.

Lu Yichen looked at her, "what you said, if you are known by the reporter and don't know how to say it, so I'll send you back!"

Mu Qing did not expect Lu Yichen will take these words to prevaricate her, "but we are male and female friends, know how?"

"At present, our company is facing a project immediately. I don't think of any problems, you know!" Lu Yichen said that although the voice is not big, it is extremely firm.

What else can Mu Qing say? Finally, she nods and gets on the car.

All the way, Lu Yichen was driving. He didn't say anything. Mu Qing looked at his side and said, "Yi Chen, are you angry?"

"No, how can you say that?" Lu Yichen turned his head and looked at her.

Mu Qing shook his head, even a little cautious, "I know, I should not doubt you, I am not suspicious, just afraid Yi Chen, can you understand? "

Lu Yichen glanced at her side eyes, then nodded, "I know, I won't think much, you can rest assured!"

Hearing her say so, Mu Qing leaned on his shoulder, "Yi Chen, don't worry, there won't be another time!"

Lu Yichen did not speak again, nor pushed her away, so he kept the car moving, but his deep eyes made people unable to understand what he was thinking.

All the way to the door of Mu's house, Mu Qing looked at him, "don't you come in and sit down?"

"No, there's something else to go back to!"

Mu Qing nodded, "well, slow down on your way!"


Watching her get out of the car, Lu Yichen drove away directly.

Mu Qing stood there, looking at the car disappeared, this just relieved, turned back.

On the other side.

As soon as Lu Yichen entered the house, his mobile phone rang and took a look at the number, but it was a strange one.

Few people knew about his personal phone call. Thinking of it, he answered.


"Handsome uncle, it's me!" Gong Yue speaks sweetly on the phone.

After hearing the voice, Lu Yichen thought of who it was, "why didn't you sleep so late?"

"I called specially to thank you. Thank you for taking me home today!"

"You're welcome!"

"I didn't disturb you so late?" Gong Yue asked tentatively.

"No, I just got home!"

"That's good That, by the way, handsome uncle, do you have MSN? "

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Can I add you?"

"You also have MSN?"

"Of course

"All right." Lu Yichen reported his own number. He was also surprised that he did not resist a little girl who was a few years old.

Perhaps it was the feeling of intimacy to see her, which he did not reject at all.

"Well, I sent out the request, you remember to pass it!"

"Well, I'll pass on later!"

"Well, uncle Shuai, you have a rest early. I'll hang up first, or Mommy will come to check the post later!" Gong Yue said.

"Well, good!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yichen directly put his mobile phone on the table and went to take a bath.

When he came out of the bath, he had already forgotten about it. He sat in front of the computer and held a video conference directly. It was not over half an hour later.

Originally wanted to close the computer, but saw the MSN message came, this just remembered Gong Yue to add his things.Click open, did receive a request, the head portrait is Gong Yue's profile, shot very beautiful, and her name is, elegant Yue.

Lu Yichen can't help but pick up the corners of her mouth. The elegant princess is more suitable for her.

After passing, just ready to offline, but received a message.

"So late?"

Lu Yichen quickly typed on it, "haven't you slept yet?"

"Well, it's not time yet!"

"Children, it's better to have a rest early. It's good for your health."

"The same is true of the grown-ups."

Lu Yichen

Gong Yao, sitting in front of the computer, tries hard to pretend to be his sister, but unconsciously exposes his nature. After thinking about it, he quickly types a few words on it, "people care about you too." he also delivers a lovely portrait.

Lu Yichen looked and laughed, "I know, thank you for your concern!"

"You're welcome!" Gong Yao once again sent a lovely picture. He was so cute that he almost distorted it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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