Hai'an is embarrassed.

Obsidian baby, you don't think of Mommy?

No, it can't be!

But there is no way. Who let her promise baby didn't do it!

So she went to the bath.

Just a few steps, Gong Yao reminds, "Mommy, you need to bring your own laundry!"

Hai'an was stunned, looked back at obsidian, frowned, and walked towards his room.

The room was dark, Haian just wanted to turn on the light, but suddenly felt someone behind her attacked.

She turned around, just to flash, but was imprisoned by a hand, and then she pressed her on the wall.

Two bodies, snug together.

Haian took the opportunity to reach out his hand and touched the switch on the wall, and opened it with a click.

Suddenly, the room was bright.

In front of the big handsome face, the corner of the mouth raised a smile, and with a little surprise, "Xiaobai

Gu Bai pressed on her, and his handsome face was smiling with a heart-catching smile. "You almost got attacked by me!"

"I can prevent wolves, I am deliberately to you

"Come on, that little tripod Kung Fu also does not say who teaches you!"

Haian smiled, not much care about the topic, but looked at him and asked, "how can you come here?"

Gu Bai, however, stooped down, sniffed on her, and frowned unhappily, "you drink?"

Haian pushed him away, nodded, "a little!"

Gu Bai frowned, but he said nothing.

Haian asked him, "how can you come here?"

"Miss you!" Looking at her blushing face, narrow eyes squinting, deep eyes penetrating desire / look.

Haian did not find it strange to his behavior and words, but asked, "when will I leave?"

"Plane at two o'clock in the evening!"

"So fast?" Asked Hai'an.

"So if you don't come back, I'll go to you!" Gu Bai said, saying the whole person to come together, to Hai an a loving relatives.

Hai'an reached out and greeted him with a blow.

"Well..." Gu Bai covered his chest with one hand and couldn't help but hum.

Haian noticed that she was wrong, twisted her eyebrows and asked, "what's wrong with you? You're hurt? "

"Well!" Gu Bai nodded, but the handsome and handsome five officials with a little bit of the expression of selling sprout, handsome and evil charm.

Haian, though drinking some wine, was not drunk confused. She hurriedly walked over and opened her clothes to hit him. "Let me see!"

Haian just wanted to open his clothes, Gu Bai grabbed her hand and kissed her mouth. "Nothing, just a little hurt!" The action is ambiguous, but also has the esthetic feeling.

Hai'an twisted her eyebrows, and looked straight at him, and his eyes contained something called worry.

"And, don't lift men's clothes casually, it's dangerous!" Gu Bai said that even if he was injured, he did not hide from Hai'an, because he liked her to worry about herself, but he didn't like her to see her wound, not to make her heartache, and not to let her involve such bloody circles as the underworld.

They are like an invisible understanding between them, more ambiguous than friends, more precious than family, more understanding of each other than love.

There is no exact adjective in the relationship between the two.

Five years ago, when Hai'an was still in school abroad, she had been studying for herself all night. She just prepared to go back and found Gu Bai who was injured, and saved his life. They knew each other.

Hai'an only knew that Gu Bai was very influential and had a relationship with the underworld. It seemed that he was a group. But that time, Gu Bai was just doing his task, and was attacked and injured, and she was saved.

She saved him, and Gu Bai helped her greatly in life, and because of her life, it was not so hard.

However, in the United States, no one knows the relationship between Hai'an and Gu Bai, and Hai'an only knows that there is a person named black shadow around Gu Bai. He is Gu Bai's bodyguard. Hai'an can also directly contact the shadow. Besides, Haian never asked him about it!

Hai'an thought that even though Gu Bai was a dangerous person, he would never hurt himself.

She believes in this.

They were like a rope, pulling each other, and they were intimate with each other, but they were self-evident.

Hai'an looked at him, just to say what, Gu Bai pulled her to go outside.

"OK, don't look at me with such eyes. I'm hungry. Go out and see what the baby does delicious!" And he said that, no matter whether it was three or seven or twenty-one, he went out with Hai'an.


Gong Yaogang is delicious, although it is only noodles, but it also has a full smell.

The kitchen skill of obsidian is really not covered.

Gu Bai went out, "baby, let me try your cooking step back!" Said Gu Bai sat directly on the table, picked up the fork around a circle of face on the lips to taste.Gong Yao elegant smile, "please feel free to taste!" Then he flashed into the kitchen and shortened another plate.

Hai'an poured a glass of water and walked over. She was not worried about Gong Yao's cooking.

If really, Gu Bai tasted a mouthful, full of praise, "Gong Yao baby's cooking skills, is really more and more superb!"

"Because I've never been lazy!" Gong Yao said, then came out of the kitchen, another plate placed in front of Hai'an, "Mommy's mouth is too picky, I can only make continuous progress, continuous progress! Otherwise, it will be backward! "

Hai'an smiles and doesn't feel anything at all.

At this time, Xiaobai comes out of the room, hugs Bai, and comes out of the room

Seeing Gong Yue, Gu Bai hugged him in his arms directly, "do you want Xiaobai?"


"Xiaobai miss you too!"

Palace Yue this just sweet smile, "Xiaobai miss me, is that a gift?"

"Of course

"Where is it?"

"It'll be sent later!"

Hearing this, Gong Yue laughed, "Xiaobai is the greatest!" With that, she gave him a kiss on the face. "If I had my eldest brother more than ten years, I would have married you. What a pity!" Gong Yue has a tone of regret.


To this woman, she is again headache, helpless, finally helpless smile.

"OK, come down and let Xiaobai eat!" Haian said.

Gong Yue this just obedient from Gu Bai body down, and then sat on one side, waiting for Gong Yao to bring things to her to eat.

Gu Bai looks at the mother and son, the corners of his lips can't help but hook up, his eyes slowly narrow up, converging into a mysterious color, which makes people see unreal.

Such eyes, full of indulgence and tolerance.

One day, he will take them to his kingdom and love them well!

Although Gong Yue and Gong Yao are not his children, he is the most precious one in Hai'an, and he will bear it together.

At this time, Haian suddenly remembered something and looked at him, "do you go back to America directly?"

"No, I went to Italy. Something happened there. I have to deal with it. It may take a while. I don't trust you when you come back, so I'll see you first." Gu Bai said, looking at Hai'an, the secluded eyes actually emit a trace of blue color.

"Well!" Haian smiles and nods. She doesn't ask anything, because she believes that Gu Bai can do it well.

Even if she asked, she just worried more. It would be better for him to do it by himself.

Gong Yao sits aside and listens to Gu Bai's conversation with his mother. A shrewd twinkles in his tiny eyes, and the corners of his mouth move. He silently records Gu Bai's words in his mind

When Gu Bai left, he gave Gong Yao Gong Yue a card, because he knew that she would never ask for Hai'an, so he could only give Gong Yao.

Gong Yao has not reached out, but Gong Yue is very generous. She kisses the card kindly. It feels good to smell RMB.

"Xiaobai, I will love you very much Gong Yue said.

Looking at her lovely appearance, Gu Bai smiles.

Do not accept white, do not accept!

And the money in that card can't be less!

Besides, if he doesn't accept it, Gu Bai will try to leave it to them.

So, he might as well be more direct.

It's not that Gong Yue is scarce of the money, but that it is Gu Bai's love for her mother. If they don't accept it, Gubai will make people stare at them.

In that case, they thought it would be inconvenient to do something.

Money, they want, just like paper, he is so, how much to cover up some of his activities and traces!

Gu Bai left.

When everything is quiet.

Only in the room of Gongyao, there was a faint light.

The computer on the desk is on. Small people sit in front of the computer and concentrate. They just have an elegant smile. Now they become a little serious, a little like the stern version of Lu Yichen.

The fingers are nimble and familiar to operate on the keyboard, type in a series of numbers, and then enter a space group.

As soon as I went in, I saw countless chatting records, which were full of hot air.

"Jack, I heard international has been looking for you recently. How are you all right?"

"It's OK for the moment, but damn it, I can't get rid of it, just like a follower!" Jack said angrily.

"Who let you move other people's people, it's strange not to trouble you!"

"The devil knows it's their man!" Jack said.

The night laughed. "But I still want to congratulate you. I heard that international major is a woman, and you may succeed if you use beauty tactics." Lu Zheng, who just went online.

"Yes, if so, I'll have to think about it!"As soon as Gong Yao went up, he saw that they were chatting.

He ignored everything and went straight to the subject.

"Jack, where are you now?"

"Branch, what's the matter?"

"Do you know what happened in Rome?" Gong Yao asked.

Jack was stunned, then his face was straight, "OK!" Answer and start checking immediately.

Gong Yao sits in front of the computer and waits. His fingers are beating rhythmically, indicating his impatience.

At this time, Gong Yue took a look, "brother, you say, what will Xiaobai do to Rome?"

Gong Yao shook his head. "It's not clear now. Let's see what Jack says."

Gong Yue also nodded, and her immature face was slightly nervous.

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