The next time.

Zhixuan really wants to spend time in the hotel with cloud.

But Zhi Xuan is really really really regret, because this man is not at all secure.

He said he wouldn't move, but he did.

Zhixuan really has a kind of feeling to be eaten by him at any time.

"Well, stop it..." Zhixuan looked at him and whispered.

"What can I do? I want to eat you!" She said in her ear.

"I'm surprised how you can bear it!" Zhixuan said.

Yun intended to kiss her lips, "I don't want to ask you in such a situation. For the first time, I must choose a meaningful place!"

Speaking of this, Zhi Xuan one Leng, "what meaning?"

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't before you..."

Yun Yi raised her eyebrows and realized that she had made a slip.

And his expression more let Zhi Xuan doubt, at this time, she stood up and looked at him, "what do you mean by that word?"

Yunyi fell on the bed and laughed, "it's not interesting..."

"It's interesting. What's the first time..."

He did not speak, Zhi Xuan guess, "that time, what did not happen?"

Yunyi touched her head, "fool, you just know!"

When he said this sentence, Zhixuan would be crazy, "so, really not?"

"Fool, you are a woman, in this respect, you should feel it!" Yun Yi looked at her with a smile and said, looking at her such a naive and cute appearance, I felt particularly lovely.

"How do I know? I haven't experienced it!" Zhi Xuan looked at him and said, then grabbed the clothes on his chest, "you liar, you even lied to me!"

But the impression of Yun Yi stayed in that sentence, and I did not experience it. At this time, he directly took Zhixuan into his arms, "really not?"

Zhixuan blushed, "in my impression, there is no Anyway, I don't remember the past things. I don't know if there were any before! "

The more she blushed, the more she was throbbing. Some place of her body had an immediate physiological reaction. At this time, he turned over and pressed Zhixuan under her body, then pasted her thin lips and kissed her fiercely.

Zhixuan is not expected to be a kiss, he just around his thin waist, bear his storm.

After a long time, Yunyi just let go of her, nose wing stare at her body, "how to do, now I want you!"

Zhi Xuan a listen, scared immediately encircle bosom, "do not!"

Looking at her lovely appearance, Yunyi couldn't help laughing.

"I'm serious!" Zhixuan tooted her mouth, puffed her cheeks, and her eyes were wide open.

"Good, no you!"


"Well!" Yun Yi hugged her, after Zhixuan put down her guard, he murmured in her ear, "don't do it now, talk about it later!"

Zhi Xuan, "..."

Although she wanted to scold him as a hooligan, she didn't know why, but Zhixuan was sweet.

This is probably love.

Before she was how anti cloud idea, but now she is very clear that she is not against, is afraid.

Because he felt familiar and strange, so did not dare to be together, but now together, this sweet feeling will fill her full.

Thinking of this, her mouth showed a sweet smile, closed her eyes, let Yun Yi embrace.


And on the other side.

Hai'an was standing on the balcony when Lu Yichen came up from behind and held her in his arms.

"How is it, cold?"

Haian shook his head. "It's not cold!"

Two people look at the distance, do not know what is thinking.

"You say, what are Yunyi and Zhixuan doing now?" Haian asked on a whim.

Lu Yichen leaned over and directly imprinted a kiss on her lips. "That's it..."

Haian looked at him with a smile on his face and continued to look at the distance.



"Do you think we'll go on like this all the time?"

"Of course

"Will we always be so happy?" Haian asked.

She seldom asked such a small woman's questions, and now such a question is not boring, but has a different feeling.

Lu Yichen looked at her. "I don't guarantee that we will be as passionate as we are now in ten years. But I can promise you that I will always be good to you and devote myself to you."

Hai'an looks back at him with strong eyes, then turns around and hugs him directly.

Yichen said with a smile, "maybe ten or twenty years later, our relationship has changed from love to kinship, but I still hope to be able to hold hands with you and grow old with you."

Haian hugs more tightly.For girls, what they like to hear most is that I will only love you for a lifetime, but this is not the case for Hai'an, because for a mature woman, she knows that such words are just a kind of emotional release at the moment, and what Lu Yichen told her is a promise that she will never give up.

Passion may soon disappear, love may be lost with time, but their kinship has reached an inseparable level.

She was so moved that she buried her head in his neck.

After she was pregnant, she became very emotional. Lu Yichen knew that she must be very moved now. At this time, he looked down at her and said, "we had a hard time living together. Should we cherish the next time?"

"Well?" Hai An looks up at him.

Lu Yichen did not say a word, but directly beat her up.

Lu Yichen hugs her and walks into the bedroom


Two days later.

At the door of the hotel, Yunyi and Zhixuan have just arrived, and Lu Yichen and Cheng Haian have also arrived.

"I thought you were not going back." Yun Yi opens his mouth. Now his girlfriend is in the hand and he speaks with great momentum.

Lu Yichen glanced at him. "Don't talk too much. You want to see me. Do you wish I didn't go back?"

"I didn't say that!"

"But you think so!"

Yunyi laughed, "I know you don't go back by yourself!"

"I don't go back until I know it!"

"You --"

two people bicker as soon as they meet.

At this time, Lu Yichen said something in his ear. After hearing this, Yunyi said nothing.

Lu Yichen took a look at him and then got on the bus with a smile.

After Hai'an also went up, Zhixuan quietly walked over and asked in his ear, "why don't you speak? What did he tell you? "

Yun Yi turned back, looked at her, but sighed, "the world can let me bow, in addition to you, who else?"

He didn't say specifically. He said this and got on the bus.

Zhixuan stood in the same place, so they just said she?

Although I don't know what they said, Yunyi's words still make her very happy and excited.

She secretly smile, also followed the car.


On the plane, Zhixuan and Lu Yichen changed positions and sat beside Cheng Hai'an.

Take her arm and rest your head on her shoulder.

Looking at her coquettish appearance, Hai'an mouth slightly hook, "good mood ah!"

"Do you have any?"

"How have you been these two days?"

Speaking of this, Zhixuan's face was slightly red, "very good, just like that!"

She didn't look at her, and her eyes wandered with a guilty heart.

"How about following Yunyi?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" She hung her head.

"Don't you want to tell me?"

"No way!" At this time, Zhixuan looked at Hai'an, Zhixuan caught the urgent, "Oh, I told you, I am with him!" When she said the last sentence, her voice was very low and her voice was not clear.

"What are you talking about? I didn't hear you clearly. "

"I said, I'm with him!" Zhixuan once again opened her mouth.

"I still can't hear you clearly..."

"I said we were together!" Zhi Xuan suddenly yelled.

At this time, the whole first class cabin suddenly fell into a state of silence.

Yunyi's line of sight looks past, although can only see a side face, but that look can squeeze out the water gently.

As if aware of what, Zhi Xuan immediately hugged her head and lowered her head.

Lost dead.

It's going to be lost to China.

Haian looked at it again and again, and couldn't help pulling up the corner of his lips.

"I blame you..." Zhixuan lowered her voice and opened her mouth. Her eyes looked around. She was very embarrassed.

And Hai'an was also close to her and said, "don't you think it's a kind of exciting thing to admit your feelings so boldly?"

"There is no such thing as It's going to kill me Zhi Xuan covered her face and said.

Hai'an laughs. "It's hard for people to chase you. It's OK for you to admit it like this."

"Hai'an elder sister!" Zhi Xuan Qi grabs her, tone half helpless, half coquettish.

"OK, OK. It's OK. It's OK. You think I didn't say anything!"

"People must think I'm crazy and not reserved!"

"Believe me, they will only think you are a very brave girl!"

"Will you?"

"Of course

Zhi Xuan's eyes looked around, and then comforted herself, "yes, anyway, they don't know what I said, what do you mean!""That's it

In this way, Zhixuan rearranged her clothes and sat upright.

Although still a little embarrassed, blushing, but she told herself, no one knows, even if some people do not know who it will be.

With that in mind, she was relieved.

Take a deep breath.

Hai'an looked at her and said, "Yunyi is a reliable and principled person. I believe he will not let you down!"

At this time, Zhixuan looked at her, "sister Hai'an, will you look down on me?"

"Despise you? Why? "

"When Yunyi chased me, I didn't agree with him, and I even hated him. Now, suddenly Do you think I'm going too far? " Zhi Xuan looks at Hai'an and asks carefully.

She was still somewhat sympathetic to this matter.

After hearing her words, Hai'an thought, "should you ask yourself first, if my opinion is, yes, what would you do and leave him?"

"Of course not!" Almost any doubt, Zhixuan said directly!

"That is, other people's views are always others', only feelings are their own, what others see is the surface, and what you feel is the most real!" Haian looked at her and said every word.

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