After dinner, Cheng Haian went back to his room to have a rest.

Gong Yao cleans up outside and Gong Yue goes back to his room directly.

After finishing, back to the room, Gong Yue sat in front of the computer, saw him come in, "brother, come on!"

Gong Yao walked over immediately.

"How's it going?" Gong Yao asked.

"Jack said, the goods are all right. Fortunately, you reminded us that we have made two preparations, but I didn't expect that Xiaobai really dared to move his mind!" Gong Yue said.

Gong Yao nodded.

There was a lot of conversation in the group, PI.

"Fortunately, Gong Yao reminds us that otherwise, the billion goods will go to Gu Bai's hands." The night opens.

"Now it's good. I haven't got the goods. I've provoked the international criminal police. He should have been bothered for a while." Lu Zheng said evil.

Watching them chatting, Gong Yao simply looked at the chat record.

"By the way, the ghost door didn't attack?" Gong Yao asked.

Lu Zheng said, "no, this time, the ghost gate is very quiet, there is no wind."

Gong Yao was relieved. Fortunately, the people in the ghost gate didn't make a move. Otherwise, he didn't know what to do.

Now he doesn't want to have a direct conflict with Lu Yichen!

However, he was also worried that people like his father could not be moved by such a large amount of money. Moreover, this batch of goods was a kind of temptation to anyone. He did not believe that Lu Yichen was not moved.

The quieter he was now, the less secure he was.

After thinking about it, he said, "no matter what, watch out for the ghost gate. If Lu Yichen wants to take advantage of the money, he will probably act secretly. Since the United ASEAN association has been entangled by the criminal police for the time being, transfer the goods quickly!" Gong Yao said.

"Already in transit!"

"Well, deal with it as soon as possible. It's easy to attract people's attention when the goods are large." Although in the eyes of outsiders, that batch of goods did not have the current number, but it was all made up to avoid people's eyes.

You know, it's tens of billions of goods, Gu Bai and Daddy are not jealous, that's impossible!

After the matter was explained, Gong Yao was relieved.

At this time, Jack said, "Gong Yao, you seem to know the master of the ghost gate very well!"

"What's more, there's Gu Bai!"

Gong Yao "..."

"Do you know each other?"

"It's just one meeting!" Lu Yichen explained.

"No wonder..." The night also nodded,

"that How do they look? I hear they are all very handsome The night asked with a smile.

"This..." Gong Yao thought carefully, "it's not bad!"

"What do you think?"

"I am the most handsome!"

"Poof..." Jack couldn't help laughing.



Jack cursed the night.

Lu Zheng was the most rational person to say, "is that right? Let's have a look at the real face of Lushan Mountain and decide whether it is or not! "

"I have something else to do. I'll get off first. Bye!"

Every time I talk about this, Gong Yao always escapes!

"Gong Yao, are you too busy or what? Why is it so urgent every time, so early? "

"If people want to go to bed early and get up early, they need to grow up." Gong Yao sells cute.

After hearing this, Jack really wanted to send a disgusting picture directly.


Is it disgusting?

"Don't be disgusted, be normal!" Mozi said.

"I'm disgusted, but I'm still a baby..." Gong Yao.



"What? Don't you believe it Gong Yao asked.

"If I tell you that I'm only five years old now, do you believe it?" Jack asked.

Gong Yao "..."

He is not, but he is!


Nowadays, no one believes the truth!

"Forget it, believe it or not, OK, I'm going to sleep now. I'm going to bed. Good bye to you guys!" Finish saying, direct offline.

He knew that every time they were chatting, Jack would take the opportunity to check his location, but he was still far behind him in terms of computer.

Therefore, he is not afraid.

"Damn it, it's down again!" Jack make complaints about Tucao.

"What? Not yet? " Lu Zheng asked.

"What is Gong Yao's system doing? How can we find out?"

People, "..."


Gong Yao turned off the computer with a smile, but at the same time, he suddenly saw a Q * q with a head flash.

He specially set up the online prompt, which is Lu Yichen's Q * Q.

I talked last time, but I haven't talked much up to now.

Lu Yichen's Q * q is very strong, with six eights and a high level. However, it is rare for him to go online.Gong Yao, this Q * q 80% is also bought by him!

Looking at it, Gong Yao suddenly has a whim and has no sleep.

In the dead of night, it's a good time for * * to smile.

So, he clicks open Q * q and sends a message in the past.

"Good evening, dear."

After the news was sent out, but there was no news for a long time. Gong Yao frowned and pursed his mouth. In a bad mood, he attacked Lu Yichen's internal system.

Let you drag!

"Brother, do you really want to do this?"

"Who let him drag like what!" Say, Gong Yao's finger flies on the computer to operate.

Lu Yichen is investigating the information. When he sees someone talking to him, he is too lazy to be reasonable. However, he didn't expect that his computer would be hacked into. He turned black. However, there are many important information on his computer. If it is leaked out, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Lu Yichen quickly maintained the system, and pursued hackers, frowning.

However, Gong Yao laughed.

Although his intelligence quotient is very high, he also created a genius unconsciously. But on the computer, Gong Yao can already say that the development is terrible. If he wants to compete with him, Gong Yao can really say a big word. He really doesn't pay attention to Lu Yichen.

To this day, he has not met his opponent!

Therefore, Gong Yao disdains to waste time playing with Lu Yichen!

Although Lu Yichen couldn't catch up with the hacker and couldn't detect the location, he knew who it was.

At this time, I saw Gong Yue chatting with him.

Then he replied, "why didn't you sleep so late?"

"Waiting for you!"

Gong Yao said with a smile, this is good. If you reply early, you won't have what happened just now.

"I'm a little busy and tired today. Let's go to bed." He said.

"What? Are you not happy? " Gong Yao noticed that he was not very interested.

"It's OK!" While chatting, Lu Yichen traced back the IP address of his computer. As a result, he went to the United States!

He is not stupid to know that the address is fake.

But who is it?

Black his system, but nothing moved, his computer a lot of secrets, but he did not touch, it can be seen that he is not malicious.

At the end of the day.

He never thought that the person who hacked his computer system was the one who was chatting with him!

If you know, just because he did not reply, he must regret death!

"You're all engaged, and you're not happy!"

See this sentence, Lu Yichen frown, "you also know?"

"Of course, magazines are so popular that I don't want to see them."

"Ah..." Lu Yichen laughed and talked about this with a little girl. The scene was funny.

"Oh, what a pity!"

"What a pity?"

"I'll introduce you a beautiful woman for free, no matter the appearance, the figure, the intelligence quotient, is the top class!"

Lu Yichen I prefer stupid women


I don't know why, feeling his beauty, he even flashed the face of Hai'an in his mind. How hard that woman is, he can't understand it!

So, women are better to be stupid!

"Well, you'll be sorry then."

"I don't know these two words!"

Gong Yao "..."

Lu Yichen never thought that one day, he would regret what he said!

When two people are chatting, suddenly the door of the room knocks gently, Gong Yao doesn't say a word, and quickly hides the interface.

Hai'an happened to open the door and looked at Gong Yao and Gong Yue sitting in front of the computer. They looked serious, "what's the matter with you? So much noise? "

Gong Yao quickly presented a big smile, "it's OK. I'm just excited about watching TV."

Gong Yue nodded.

Cheng Haian's eyes swept his computer interface, "OK, if you have nothing, go to bed early, don't be too late!"

"Well, I see." Gong Yao nods.

So Haian retreated.

After confirming that Hai'an returns to his room, Gong Yao turns on the computer and switches the interface.

"Well, Mr. Lu, I'm going to sleep. I'll talk to you some other time."

"Well, go to bed early!"


Gong Yao just got off the line.

Gong Yue also breathed a sigh of relief, "brother, I'm going to have a rest." Say this, get off the chair and go back to your room.


In the bar.

Mu Qing directly took a taxi to the working sports bar.

In the bar, the colorful light bulb is constantly rotating, and the deafening sound is inspiring. The men and women in the dance pool are writhing freely, which adds a sense of relaxation to the bar.Most of the people who are able to come here are rich people, and the purpose of coming here is to vent and contact with others.

Mu Qing is very good and beautiful. Her appearance has attracted many people's attention.

Mu Qing was not in a good mood. After drinking a lot of wine, her face turned red. In the dance pool, she danced, twisted and indulged with her eyes closed.

At this moment, she needs to drive Lu Yichen out of her mind, stop thinking about him and indulge.

MuQing jump very bold, but also very seductive * people, let people see not from the blood spurt.

Her figure is very good, a twist, full of demon * Rao.

There was a man up there dancing with her.

The other side seems to be a good looking man. Mu Qing squints at him, but doesn't refuse. He jumps boldly, thinking of letting go.

The two danced tight and hot, and their bodies became more and more tight. The man even put his hands on Mu Qing's waist.

"Miss, you are beautiful..." The man murmured in Mu Qing's ear, "I seem to have seen you there?"

Mu Qing red lips up, eyebrows and eyes so swept his one eye, but did not speak.

"Can I buy you a drink?" The man approached her and stroked her waist.

Mu Qing looked up at him, chin slightly raised, posture arrogant, "you? It's not qualified yet! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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