"You can hit me, why can't I hit you?" Hai'an looks at her and asks, do you think it's the city / long Qian Jin that's amazing!

"You -" Mu Qing glared at her fiercely, this woman no matter when looks so calm, calm let others crazy.

Hai'an raised a sneer and said, "MuQing, I'll bear with you once. I'll give you face, but don't push forward. Who do you think you are? The city, the long life? What else do you have in addition to this title, but I tell you, relying on your father is not a skill. Don't show it off all day long. I will disgrace you! " Haian's warning word by word, Duoduo is not there, or she must clap her hands for what she said!

It's so good. It's so cool!

Mu Qing looks at Cheng Hai'an, and her eyes are about to stare out. For a while, she is choking and doesn't know what to say.

"So what? You can't match me all my life. No matter what I rely on, Cheng Hai'an, you are doomed to lose to me in this life! " Mu Qingqi's shout.

"Is it? Why do you come to me now? "

"Of course it's you. I'll teach you a lesson!" Speaking of this, she thought of the photo again, looked at her and yelled, "Cheng Hai'an, I won't let you have a good time in a city!"

Cheng Haian frowns.

Hook / quote!

Hook / quote again!

She's not bothered. She's tired of it!

Can you change some new words!

Cheng Hai'an looked at her impatiently, "Mu Qing, can you have some new words? You don't bother me. I'm tired of listening. Since you are such a baby, Lu Yichen has the ability to control him. Don't let him go out! Besides, I say again, I didn't hook / lead him. I have nothing to do with him. You'd better make sure that you don't wrong me again, or I'll make what you said into reality! " When Cheng Hai'an said this, he was also a little excited.

She was fed up with her vexatious behavior, and the last word came out of her head.

As a result, her words, but let Mu Qing face changed greatly.

She absolutely believes that Cheng Haian has this ability!

Otherwise, Lu Yichen can't say that she has given her heart

If she really wants to hook up Lu Yichen

She couldn't imagine the consequences!

Seeing that she didn't speak, Cheng Hai'an calmed down her mood. "I said everything that should be said. Please stay away from me in the future. Don't look for trouble." Say me, and she's going to leave.

Hai'an didn't want to talk to her because no matter how she said it and how she explained it, she believed that she had quoted Lu Yichen. Therefore, no matter what she said, she only thought she was sophistry. What else could she say?

Seeing her going, Mu Qing is crazy!

"Cheng Hai'an, you bitch, I will kill you!" Said, ferocious face, from behind rushed up.

Cheng Hai'an learned a bit of self-defense with Gu Bai, so when he feels that there is danger behind him, he subconsciously dodges. However, Mu Qing pours into the air.

The most important thing is that they stretched out the stairs. She was flapping in the air and her gravity was unstable. She suddenly stepped on an empty space under her feet, and the whole person fell back into the air.

"Ah -" Mu Qing called out,

Hai'an responded. When he saw it, he wanted to stretch out his hand to pull her, but he didn't expect to pull her out.

Watching Mu Qing roll down the stairs

There are only a few steps of Zheng'an

In response, she immediately ran down, "how are you? Mu Qing, how are you? "

But Mu Qing's face is very white, there are some abrasions on his face, and he can't say a word of pain.

At this time, someone came over and just saw this scene. They looked at Hai'an in an incredible way. They looked as if Hai'an pushed her down. They were terrified. They were stunned for a few seconds, and then they yelled, "director mu, how are you Come on, director Mu fell down the stairs... "


Lu Yichen walked into the company, looking a little tired, but still unable to cover up his evil governance, luxurious.

After driving away that day, he didn't expect to receive a call from Yunyi. When something happened in the United States, he rushed over and went there for half a month

As soon as Lu Yichen went in, he saw that everyone was flustered.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chen asked coldly.

Looking at Lu Yichen's return, the employee was surprised. He hadn't seen anyone else for half a month. Then he responded, "director Mu fell down the stairs!"

Lu Yichen frowned. The next second, he walked directly to the stairs.

However, when Lu Yichen walked in, Hai'an was standing by, and several employees were busy lifting MuQing.

"Mr. Lu!"

Hearing this, Mr. Lu, Cheng Hai'an raises his eyes. At the moment when his four eyes are relative, there are too many interwoven things.

Lu Yichen's eyes quickly moved away from her body and looked to the stairs. However, when he saw the people on the ground, he pressed his face and walked directly over without saying a word."MuQing..." Lu Yichen looked at her, his face was grim, "what happened?"

"I don't know. I only know that Miss Cheng quarreled with director Mu here. When she came in, she saw director Mu fall down the stairs..." The staff said it was vague, which implied that it was Cheng Hai'an who pushed her down.

Cheng Hai'an stands in place and frowns when he hears the employee's complaint.

Lu Yichen raised his head and took a look at Hai'an. His deep eyes let people know what he was thinking.

Haian just stood in the same place, did not speak, his eyes were still candid.

She didn't do it. She had a clear conscience.

Mu Qing fell into Lu Yichen's arms and kept his hands over his stomach, "pain I have a stomachache... " She said in a sad way.

Lu Yichen looked at her miserable appearance and bent over. Without saying a word, she was about to leave.

"Ah, it's bleeding..." A colleague called out.

Lu Yichen picked up MuQing and found that a lot of blood flowed out of her body

Hai'an also looked at the blood on the ground and guessed something.

Lu Yichen looked sinister and terrifying, "call an ambulance for 1 * 2 * 0!"

The staff on one side stood, startled by Lu Yichen's cold drinking, then nodded again and again and called the ambulance.

Lu Yichen rushed upstairs with Mu Qing in his arms, but Mu Qing grabbed his clothes and said, "Yi Chen, am I Dying? "

"No, you won't die..." Lu Yichen said, "don't talk, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Mu Qing suddenly cried, grabbing and landing a Chen, "Yi Chen, I really love you, really, for you, I am willing to do anything, you don't want to leave me, OK?"

Lu Yichen looked at Mu Qing, frowned, and finally said, "OK, I won't leave you!" With a consistent tone of indifference and domineering, he carried her away from the dust.

She didn't ignore Lu Yichen's words. Her heart trembled slightly, but she didn't say anything. She just stood in the same place with a calm face that made people unable to see any emotion.


In the hospital, MuQing was taken to the emergency room. ()

Lu Yichen was waiting outside. The demon's face was sinister and deep. He leaned against the wall, as if thinking about something.

At this time, Mu Tianqing and Jiang Ru heard the news of MuQing's accident and rushed over.

"Yi Chen, what happened?" Mu Tianqing came in a hurry, worried about the inquiry.

Lu Yichen pursed his lips and did not speak.

At this time, the employee saw Mu Tianqing and said excitedly, "director Mu and Miss Cheng don't know why they quarreled at the stairs. I heard the sound and walked over to see director Mu fall down the stairs, while Miss Cheng was standing on the stairs..."

The vague narration turned the needle to Hai'an.

"Miss Cheng? That Miss Cheng? " Mu Tianqing frowned and asked in a sharp voice.

"The new designer of our company, Miss Cheng Hai'an..." As soon as the staff finished, they were glared back by Lu Yichen. Finally, the staff were afraid to speak.

"If you don't know the situation, you'd better not talk nonsense!" Lu Yichen warned.

The employee was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak.

Mu Tianqing suddenly understood that Mu Qing had told him about this woman, and also had an affair with Lu Yichen. It was because of this that he urged them to get engaged!

"It must be her. It must be that woman. MuQing fell down the stairs because of her. If Qing'er has something to do, I will not let her go!" Jiang Ru said in a huff and puff that it was Hai'an who did it.

"Mrs. mu, it's better not to make a conclusion so soon, since the matter has not been found out yet." Lu Yichen said that she did not deliberately defend Cheng Hai'an, but she also felt that there was something strange about it. Cheng Hai'an was not like this kind of person.

Mu Tianqing frowned, "Yi Chen, what do you mean? Only the two of them, is not that woman, or Mu Qing himself fell down the stairs? Don't forget that Mu Qing is your fiancee. If you don't help her, you still defend that woman! "

I can see that Mu Tianqing is very excited.

Lu Yichen is insipid and ruthless, which is quite similar to Cheng Hai'an, "Mu Shi / Chang, as you said, Mu Qing is my fiancee. How can I defend other women? Don't worry, if she did it, I would not be merciful to her! "

Hearing what he said, Mu Tianqing was stunned.

Does Lu Yichen really have nothing to do with that woman?

"That's good. Don't say that I bully the small as the City chief. I'm also a father. I'll never allow other people to bully my woman like this!"

"Moshi / Chang, don't worry, I will handle this matter well!"

Mu Tianqing nodded and said nothing more. Their relationship was mutual. Without Lu Yichen, I'm afraid he did not have his present position. Lu Yichen seems to be unruly, but mu Tianqing knows that he is not simple, so he doesn't say much. If he offends Lu Yichen, there is no benefit. At this moment, the door of the emergency room suddenly opened.Hearing the sound, Lu Yichen and Mu Tianqing rushed up.

"How are you, doctor?"

"Doctor, how is my daughter?"

Everyone asked with one voice.

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