She just left, Mu Qing went to wash her hands, but at the same time, her eyebrows frowned.

I seem to have seen her somewhere, but I'm not sure.

Thought for a long time, or did not remember, simply did not want to, washed hands and walked out.

When she went out, Lu Yichen was waiting for her outside.

If she needs something, she says, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing, just met a madman!" Mu Qing said lightly.

Lu Yichen, a gentleman with a smile, didn't take it seriously, "let's go!"

Lu Chenqing needs to know something for a long time.

Lu Yichen doesn't like women who are looking for trouble, so naturally she should be more clever.

Get in the car, two people drive away.

On the other side, Hai'an returns to the private room, and Xiaoying looks at her, "why so long?"

Hai An laughed, "free education!"

Shadow pick eyebrows, do not understand her meaning, Haian sat down, "OK, continue to eat!"

See is not important, shadow also did not continue to ask, four people happily continue to brush the pot.


The next morning.

Hai'an takes Gong Yao and Gong Yue to the cemetery.

Row after row of tombstones looked a little lonely. Haian went to a tombstone and looked at the pictures above. He was kind and had a calm smile.

"Mom, I've come to see you!" She spoke.

Then he looked at the two people around him, "Yao Yao, Yue Yue, called grandma!"



Gong Yao and Gong Yue both called out obediently. Even if they make trouble again on weekdays, they look very obedient here.

Gong Yao put down a bunch of flowers, "grandma, we came to see you!"

"Grandma is beautiful!" Gong Yue said.

Looking at them, Hai'an smiles happily, "Mom, I'm back. I'm sorry, I haven't come to see you all the time..."

After talking for a long time, Gong Yao and Gong Yue are very quiet. Finally, Hai'an gets in a good mood and says, "OK, we're going back."

"Grandma, we are gone. Yueyue will come to see you often in the future." Gong Yue said.

Looking at them so sensible, Hai'an smiles happily, "let's go!"


So we left together.

After going back, Hai'an found a school for Gong Yao and Gong Yue. It was not far away from where he lived. This was the only way to settle the matter.

Now just go to work tomorrow.

In the evening, Haian went back to her bedroom after washing.

"You two go to bed early, you know?" Haian looked at the two and asked.

Gong Yue immediately nodded, "good night, Mommy!"

Haian shook his head helplessly and went back to his room.

Gong Yao was sitting over there doing the computer. At this time, Gong Yue got together mysteriously and said, "brother, I have something to tell you!"

"What?" Gong Yao doesn't look back, his eyes continue to stare at the computer.

"Yesterday, when I went shopping with Mommy, I met a man who looked like you so much!"

Speaking of this, Gong Yao's hand suddenly stagnated and looked at Gong Yue with his head on the side, "what do you want to say?"

"Brother, you are so smart, you must know what I said, but there is a woman around him, otherwise I will ask more!"

Gong Yao was thoughtful, then looked at her, "and then?"

"He said his name is Lu Yichen. He looks very handsome and rich. Otherwise, you can search him and see if you can find him!" Gong Yue proposed.

Hearing this, Gong Yao nodded and agreed. So he turned on the computer and input Lu Yichen , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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