Lu Yichen frowned and looked at her displeasantly.


She said congratulations!?

Lu Yichen's face was so embarrassed that he didn't expect to wait for such a long time!

He gave a very ironic smile.

Lu Yichen, what are you looking forward to!

Looking forward to a little response from this woman?

At this time, he raised a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth, "thank you!"

Cheng Haian hears a feeling of gnashing teeth, but she chooses to ignore it automatically. She smiles, "no, it should be..."

Before she finished speaking, she had been pulled into a hard embrace, and her unprepared lips were pressed down. He mercilessly ravaged her lips, as if to pour out all the pent up anger. It was crazy and frightening

Cheng Hai'an is stunned and wants to push him away, but he hugs him more tightly and kisses more crazily. In the end, Cheng Hai'an gives up the struggle and let him go.

It's not like it's on the street.

However, she was not warm and not angry, which made Lu Yichen more angry. He suddenly took a sharp bite on her lip to punish her.

"Oh Cheng Hai'an takes a painful step back, frowns, and stares at Lu Yichen in displeasure.

He looked at her, still angry, "Cheng Hai'an, this is your punishment!"

Cheng Hai'an frowns, the anger of his eyes, she is not unable to understand, as an adult woman, Lu Yichen to her hint she still understand.

But what kind of person Lu Yichen is? She doesn't know or dare to understand. She thinks that she can't control him, so she doesn't want to give each other opportunities, because it's not the only emotion, she doesn't want to.

She just wanted to be plain and light. She didn't think that she would never marry for life, but she didn't expect to meet someone like Lu Yichen in her lifetime

"Mr. Lu, I'm..." Cheng Hai'an looks at him and says what he wants to say, but he can't say anything. Maybe in his heart, he has a sense of guilt for him, which comes from Gong Yao and Gong Yue.

Lu Yichen also looked at her with deep eyes.

Now he's conflicted that he doesn't even know what he wants.

He knew she had children, but even so, he could not forget her.

She is like a drug, let him want to give up, but can not give up, because, very painful

He stepped forward and held her in his arms. His breath was heavy, and his expression seemed more painful. "Cheng Hai'an, what should I do with you?"

Seeing him like this, Cheng Hai'an is also uncomfortable. He is silent and does not speak.

"How about being my woman? I can treat it as nothing, nothing happened. I can give you whatever you want!" Lu Yichen said that God knows how much courage he used to say it.

Perhaps, Cheng Haian misunderstood his last sentence.

Frown frown displeasantly, she raises eyes to look directly at him, "what meaning?"

Lu Yichen did not answer, but buried his head in her neck.

"Give me some time and I'll take it!" He said.

That sentence, inexplicably beating the heart of Cheng Hai'an.

Lu Yichen is such a proud man. Although Cheng Haian said that he did not know much about him, how could he accept a woman with children.

Although the child is his, he doesn't know it now

Now, Cheng Hai'an's heart is heavy, and it's hard to say how to feel.

Lu Yichen is a terrible man.

You don't know what he's thinking.

I don't know what kind of things he will do.

However, the more like this, the more Cheng Hai'an is unable to accept. She droops her eyes, and her long eyelashes cover her. She says faintly, "I'm sorry..."

Excuse me?

Lu Yichen looked at her with deep eyes, "what do you mean?"

Cheng Haian didn't know what to say, "Mr. Lu, we are not suitable..."

Lu Yichen frowns deeper, he can not mind, what she is still thinking.

"I There is someone in my heart. I'm sorry! " She said.

At that moment, Lu Yichen really wanted to go crazy.

Of course, Cheng Hai'an had someone in his heart. He was just trying to refuse Lu Yichen.

But Lu Yichen took it seriously.

A pair of angry eyes looked at her, God knows how much courage he needed to not strangle her. His fists clenched, and his veins were highlighted. "Get out of here," he said.

Cheng Hai'an raised his eyes and looked at him. His eyes were scarlet. He could see that he tried his best to endure something. He simply did not say anything and left directly.

Looking at her back, Lu Yichen's face was speechless with anger. The next second, he hit one side of the wall with a fist

His move attracted a lot of attention, but Lu Yichen stood there with a grim face.At this time, his cell phone rang.

After ringing for a long time, he picked it up and said, "hello..." The voice was very unpleasant.

"Is it Lu Yichen?"

"Are you?" He asked subconsciously, because the voice on the phone was a child.

"Is my mother with you?" Gong Yao asked.

Lu Yichen frowned. All he could think of was Cheng Hai'an, but he still asked, "who are you?"

"Cheng Hai'an is my mother. Tell me if she is with you now. She is very dangerous now!" Gong Yao said nervously.

Lu Yichen frowned. He didn't expect Cheng Hai'an's child to call him.

"What danger, she's gone!"


Hearing these two words, Gong Yao's heart almost raised.

"Lu Yichen, you should go to my mother right now. She is in danger. Someone wants to kill her!" Gong Yao word by word, holding a mobile phone, shouting.

Maybe it's Gong Yao's excited appearance. Lu Yichen doesn't doubt the truth of his words at all.


"I don't know who it is. You're going to find her right now. I'll be right there." Gong Yao said.

"Good!" With that, Lu Yichen didn't think so much and hung up the phone directly.

Looking at the distance, Cheng Hai'an's figure has disappeared.

Damn it!

He didn't care about anything else. He got on the car and ran after him.


And on the other side.

Cheng Hai'an walks along the roadside, and her mind is full of Lu Yichen's words to her, as well as his expression, scene by scene in her mind

She couldn't help taking a deep breath at the thought.

Looking at the front, I have to admit that Lu Yichen's words shocked her.

It was an unprecedented shock.

It's just

It was just a shock.

Although she also has a heart, but she is very clear that they are not suitable, so she would rather not start.

However, she was not only guilty of Lu Yichen, but also the two little ones in her family.

They always hoped that they could be together. She had tried to think about it. However, from MuQing's incident to now, her idea has also changed

Mu Qing also had his children, and she didn't want Lu Yichen to know their existence.

So let her be selfish!

She was much more relaxed when she thought about it.

I want to take a taxi back.

But suddenly found that this road, not to mention the car, not even a personal shadow.

Cheng Haian found that as long as he was with Lu Yichen, he would not be able to get a taxi.

Just thinking about it, a face of the car from far to near, hesitated that the light was too bright, she could not see clearly, subconsciously reached out to block

Suddenly, Ann's speed went up. The car just came to the sea

Cheng Hai'an looks at it with a bad premonition. The car is so fast that she wants to be killed.

Seeing that the car was about to hit, Cheng Hai'an turned around and ran without saying a word, and ran to places where the car couldn't get into.

The speed of the car is very fast. After Cheng Hai'an runs, the car hits a pulley on the ground, and the sound of the brake is terrible.

Cheng Hai'an runs and takes out his mobile phone. Damn it, there is no electricity at this time.

However, at this time, someone from the car came down with a gun in his hand and aimed at Cheng Hai'an's back

There's a bang.

Lu Yichen is looking for Cheng Hai'an while driving. When he hears the gunshot, he feels his heart wrenched.

Cheng Hai'an!

He called it in his heart!

The next second, he picked up speed and drove forward.

Cheng Hai'an, you can't have an accident. You can't!

You must dare to have an accident!

He was driving, but he didn't notice. His hands were shaking

It was a panic, a panic from the bottom of my heart.

And Li Ke and Gong Yao also arrived nearby. The sound of the gun was not small, which made Gong Yao's heart shake hard.


The bottom of Gong Yao's heart is unspeakable tension.

"Drive fast!" He yelled.

Li Ke took a look at him and didn't speak. He added the speed to the fastest and drove there.


That shot did not hit Cheng Hai'an. She continued to run forward. However, just at this moment, Lu Yichen drove over and saw her from a distance.

"Cheng Hai'an!" He gave a shout.

Hearing the shouts, Cheng Hai'an raises her eyes. However, when she sees Lu Yichen, she is stunned. She has to admit that she was moved to see him at this time.Just, she was about to say something, only heard, Bang

Cheng Haian's body trembled for a moment. Looking at Lu Yichen's sight, they all began to blur

Lu Yi Chen was glad that she was ok, but after that shot, her body slowly slipped down Right in front of him.

"Cheng Hai'an!" He opened his eyes and called out. He ran to her immediately and hugged her.

At that time, he found that his hands were full of blood, and Cheng Hai'an's eyes had been closed.

Looking at the blood, he was startled. He felt more crazy than beating him. His pupils were slowly enlarged. A spark came out of his eyes. His anger became more and more fierce. Suddenly, he had an impulse to destroy the heaven and earth.

Looking at the man who was about to leave, Lu Yichen directly raised the gun and fired a shot at the man with a bang.

And, one shot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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