Although Gong Yao was young, there was also an indescribable aura when he stood there. He looked up at Lu Yichen. In his sight, he was tough and determined.

Because Gong Yao doesn't know what reaction Lu Yichen will have.

He remembered, he said, that he didn't like children.

So there was no need for him to show that he needed him.

As a result, Lu Yichen did something that surprised him.

He looked at him and began to speak after half a sound, "are you Cheng Hai'an's son?"

"Well!" Gong Yao nods, his face is expressionless, so people can't see what he is thinking.

I don't know why, looking at Gong Yao, Lu Yichen always feels like he saw himself when he was a child. His tough eyes make people feel sad.

"She'll be fine!" He said.

Gong Yao is surprised that he should open his mouth to comfort him.

Although he said he didn't want to rely on him, Gong Yao's heart gradually calmed down, perhaps because he was here.

Perhaps, he knew that no matter what, Lu Yichen would not sit around and ignore it, so he gradually became less worried.

He nodded, "Hmm!"

Looking at the door of the operating room, Gong Yao sighs, mummy, you must refuel!


Looking at Gong Yao's expression, Lu Yichen couldn't take his eyes off for a long time. If it was just a coincidence, it should not be like this.

However, he did not remember what happened between him and Cheng Hai'an, and how could he have such a big son!

This doubt, let him very uncomfortable, always calm and wise he, at this moment can not say the feeling, it seems that there is a mystery want to put aside urgently, not clear his heart will be more irritable.

"Is she your own mother?" Lu Yichen asked.

Gong Yao "..."

can't help looking at Lu Yichen. He can't help but make complaints about it. Is there any false?

"Yes Gong Yao nods.

Lu Yichen frowned deeper, "then you Who is daddy He asked.

Gong Yao almost blurted out that it was you.

But the words stopped.

"This question, I'm going to ask my mommy!"

Lu Yichen frowned, puzzled at him, "what do you mean?"

"I was raised by my mother. My mother said who is my father is!"

Lu Yichen

Cheng Li has been taking care of him for years?

No other man?

Gong Yao did not say it clearly, but such a hint had already made him ecstatic.

It seems that now he has decided that the person in front of him is his child.

As for the matter between him and Cheng Hai'an, how to have children will be discussed later.

Looking at Gong Yao, I feel excited.

Even if there is no proof that he is his son, he is sure.

It's a feeling that can't be described by words. Looking at Gong Yao, he doesn't repel him, even can't say it.

"What's your name?" Lu Yichen asked, he did not find that his voice was shaking, looking at Gong Yao, there was an unspeakable caution.

"Gong Yao!" Gong Yao said.

Gong Yao?

Why does he feel so familiar with the name?

Maybe he was dazzled by the things in front of him. He didn't expect Gong Yue to go there. He just looked at Gong Yao and wanted to reach out and touch him. But when he reached the air, he couldn't put it down

Gong Yao also looks at his hand, seems to know his intention, and his heart is also a little excited.

Does he not exclude him?

As you can see, he is not exclusive.

No matter how strong Gong Yao is, he is just a child and hopes to be loved by his father.

Besides, he still likes Lu Yichen very much, but I don't know whether Lu Yichen likes him or not.

Gong Yao stood there and did not move. He just looked at him calmly. In fact, his heart was already excited.

Lu Yichen doesn't know what he wants. He has always hated children, but he has a different feeling for Gong Yao. Suddenly, a child appears. According to his character, he should be very angry. He would like to pull Cheng Hai'an out of the emergency room to ask what is going on. But now, it is not.

He did not reject the existence of Gong Yao.

On the contrary, there is a strange feeling.

Very strange, very excited, some at a loss.

Finally, Lu Yichen put his hand on his shoulder and patted him gently.

"Brother!" At this time, a voice sounded behind him.

Gong Yao is stunned and turns back. At this time, Gong Yue runs over from behind. What follows is Huayu.

"Why did you come?" He asked, then looked at the flower language, "youThe flower language snorted coldly and looked away.

"It was I who contacted her. I saw your position here, so I came straight here!" Gong Yue said, then looked around, "where's Mommy?" She asked, worried.

Speaking of mummy, Gong Yao frowned, "don't worry, mummy is hurt a little, now in the emergency room!"

Gong Yue's face became embarrassed, "what about Mommy? Is nothing going to happen? "

"No, no!" Gong Yao comforted her, "don't worry, mummy is OK!" He said.

Gong Yue listened to Gong Yao very much since she was a child. Although they were generally old, she believed in Gong Yao.

Because he never lied to her.

Thinking so, she nodded.

Looking at Gong Yue's worried appearance, originally did not want to let her know, did not expect her to come directly.

But it's none of this.

Looking at Gong Yao and Gong Yue standing together, the biggest change should be Lu Yichen.

Gong Yao, Gong Yue!

He suddenly understood something.

"Are you brothers and sisters?" At this time, Lu Yichen asked behind him.

This sound, Gong Yue also called the past, looking at Lu Yichen, "handsome uncle?"

What's the handsome uncle? I'm going to change my name to Daddy!

Lu Yichen frowns at them, so they are brothers and sisters. So if Gong Yao is her child, so is Gong Yue?

Lu Yichen is also a bit messy. He looks at Gong Yao for proof.

Finally, Gong Yao nodded, "we are twins of dragon and Phoenix."

Lu Yichen

Some things, needless to say, have been certified.

If they were not his children, Gong Yue would not approach him again and again. Now he wants to come, he is more sure.

Gong Yue stands aside and doesn't talk. It seems that daddy and brother have been chatting for a while.

However, I didn't expect to meet in such an occasion.

Gong Yue doesn't say anything. Pretend to be dead!

Even if daddy blames her, it has nothing to do with her.

Gong Yue is very similar to Cheng Hai'an. It's OK to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. If someone is responsible, he can hide.

Who knows, Lu Yichen not only did not say what, but looked at Gong Yue, is speechless excited.

No wonder, every time she sees Gong Yue, she always has a familiar feeling. At first, he felt that it was because she was like Cheng Hai'an. Now, it is not all.

"Come here!" Lu Yichen tries to calm himself down and looks at Gong Yue.

Compared with Gong Yao, Lu Yichen can be more natural because of his contact with Gong Yue.

Therefore, Gong Yue is no stranger and walks in the past.

"Uncle!" Gong Yue raised a brilliant smile.

Lu Yichen

Looking at that smile, he couldn't say how it felt. At this moment, Lu Yichen formally looked at her.

Indeed, he is very similar to Cheng Hai'an, not only in appearance, but also in character.

Looking at her, he was a little trembling, very nervous.

He couldn't help feeling that, just one night, he suddenly became a father, and he was the father of two children. There was no sign at all. Although he had a lot of impact, he was still very excited.

Looking at them, his eyes can not help but show love and doting. Lu Yichen would like to give all of his own to them at this moment, as long as they can be happy.

Lu Yichen didn't have any very intimate people in his life. Although he had parents, he lived in the haze when his mother died when he was very young. Although Lu Yinzheng was his father, he never did what his father should do. For him, Lu Yin was an existential being.

What's more, in his childhood, there was a haze like Gong Ailin.

His life, not much better.

Over the years, he has developed his own power. Even though he is ruthless, people who know him know that he never does anything against the principles. Moreover, he is very eager for family affection

The appearance of Gong Yao and Gong Yue fills a certain position in his heart.

He will never let them repeat his mistakes!

"Uncle, what's the matter with you?" Gong Yue blinked her eyes and asked.

Lu Yi Chen shakes his head, the excitement that cannot cover up, "nothing!"

Looking at him, Gong Yue also smiles. It can be seen that Lu Yichen doesn't hate them. At least, he doesn't hate her

And on the other side.

Gong Yao stood there, looked at them and sighed.

Looking at Hua Yu, he stepped forward and said, "thank you today."

"Hum!" Flower language cold hum a, "it's OK, I'll go first!" Finish saying, wait for Gong Yao to open mouth, go directly, that proud back, capricious extremely.

Looking at her back, Gong Yao sighed helplessly.Women, as expected, are hard spoken and soft hearted people.

Clearly, she cares about herself ~

at this time, Li Ke comes up and says, "boss, you and Lu Yichen You... "

Gong Yao takes a look at Lu Yichen and then thinks of something, "Li Ke, go and help me do something!"

Li Ke blinked, "what?"

Gong Yao came forward and said a few words in his ear. Li Ke listened and nodded, "OK, I know!"


"But boss, what..."


"You and Lu Yichen, you..."

"Don't worry, I'll be OK!"

Li Ke, "..." He didn't want to ask him if he would be OK. He wanted to gossip about what it was like!

"Not yet?" Gong Yao raised his eyebrows, and his small face became serious immediately, not to mention, it was quite like a leader.

As a result, Li Ke did not dare to ask any more questions, sighed and walked away reluctantly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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