When Mu Qing couldn't cry, Lu Yichen came in.

At a glance to see Mu Qing, Mu family accident, Mu Qing also haggard a lot.

"Are you back?" Looking at Lu Yichen, Lu Yin spoke in a deep voice.

Hearing the sound, Mu Qing looks at the door and sees Lu Yichen. She immediately gets up and pours at him.


Lu Yichen stood in place, did not move, let MuQing embrace himself.

"Yichen..." Mu Qing cried a snot a tear, began to cry, pale face with a few strands of pale, make people love.

Wait for MuQing to cry enough, this just raised eyes to look at Lu Yichen, "my father was planted, now has been arrested, one Chen, now only you can help him!"

Looking at Mu Qing's yearning and trusting eyes, if he didn't do it too much with Mu Tianqing, it would not be so.

"I already know about it!"

"Yichen, we must help him, or our family will be ruined!" Mu Qing cried and said that the delicate and moving feeling, anyone saw heartache.

However, in addition to Lu Yichen.

"MuQing, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about it!" Lu Yichen said word by word.

"Why?" Mu Qing looked up at him in disbelief and looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Your father is suspected of corruption, which is beyond my ability. I can't help him!" Lu Yichen said word by word that he did not want to give her unnecessary hope, because he was not prepared to do so.

If they had not pushed people too hard, he had never thought of taking such a step. Now, to blame, they can only blame themselves for being too self righteous.

If he is helping at this time, it is estimated that Gong Yao will not recognize him as a father.

"Yi Chen, I know you must have a way. He was planted!"

Lu Yichen pursed his lips, but he was thinking of Cheng Hai'an and his family.

Mu Qing thought he was thinking about it, so he said quickly, "my father is really wronged. Yichen, you must help him!"

Mu Qing has been emphasizing this matter repeatedly, and Lu Yichen is a little unhappy,

at this time, Lu Yin is looking at him, "what do you think of this matter?"

"Now someone has already put the matter on the bucket. Whether it is true or not will not be known until after the investigation!" Lu Yichen said.

But Lu Yichen frowned, "Mu Qing, is it unjust, you are very clear, do you want me to say it clearly?"

In a word, Mu Qing's face was stunned.

Indeed, some things, Mu Qing can not deny, but she did not expect Lu Yichen said so direct, Mu Qing's face a burst of ugly.

As if aware of Mu Qing's displeasure, Lu Yichen said, "but since it is in the investigation, I will let people take care of your father!"

"Really? Thank you for your time... " Mu Qing said gratefully.

Lu Yichen picked up the corner of his mouth and said nothing more.

At this time, Lu Yin was looking at him, "what do you think of this matter?"

"It's still under investigation. I'll see how powerful the things are!" The implication is that if the evidence is confirmed, Mu Tianqing can't escape.

Lu Yin nodded, but he didn't expect that Mu Tianqing would be planted in the ditch, which was also a mistake.

"No matter what, I'll find a way to save my father. I'll find that man!" Mu Qing said firmly.

Lu Yichen did not speak, nor did Lu Yinzheng.

At this time, Mu Qing looked at them, and then fixed her eyes on Lu Yichen. "Yichen, our family is now closed..."

Before she finished her words, Lu Yichen already knew what it meant. Just as she was about to open her mouth, Gong Ailin took the first step and said, "let's live here for a while..."

This is Mu Qing's purpose, "really, I, can I?"

"You have an engagement with Yichen. Now that something happened to your father, there must be no place to live. What can't be done?" Gong Ailin said in a slow voice.

In Mu Qing's impression, Gong Ailin never said a word more, and she would not speak so gently. She could see that Lu Yichen did not have a good relationship with her, so she did not dare to go in too much. However, she did not expect that at this moment, it was she who helped her.

Now thinking of this, she can't help but feel that she has been biased against Gong Ailin and is grateful.

Thank you Mu Qing opens her mouth with a smile.

"No!" Gong Ailin also smiles, "I'll ask someone to help you clean up the room and come out!"

Then he got up and told the servant to clean up the room.

Lu Yichen did not speak during the whole process, and his eyes just turned around them.

According to his understanding of Gong Ailin, she is definitely not such a kind-hearted person. It must be her intention to let Mu Qing live here.

He did not open his mouth to stop, but he wanted to see what Gong Ailin was up to.

At this time, Mu Qing turned her head and looked at Lu Yichen. She looked pitiful, "Yi Chen...""How can you live here now?" Lu Yichen said.

Hearing that he also agreed, Mu Qingcai is really happy. How long have you known Lu Yichen, she has never spent the night in Lu Yichen's apartment or her hometown. This can be said to be the first time.

Now I can't help but feel that Lu Yichen is serious about himself.

It is not said that those who help you at the most difficult time must be those who sincerely treat you. At this moment, naturally, Lu Yichen is also classified into this category.

She can't help but be moved, can accompany her at this time, this is also regarded as a trace of warmth in the coldest.

At this time, Lu Yichen's mobile phone rang, he picked up the mobile phone and looked at it, "I still have something to do, so you can live here first!" Finish saying, raised eyes to see a gong Ailin, and Gong Ailin's line of sight just good-looking come over.

"I'll talk when I'm done!" Lu Yichen said.

Mu Qing nodded, "OK, you go to be busy first." At this moment, she is as meek as a lamb.

Lu Yichen nodded, got up and looked at Lu Yinzheng, "Dad, I'm going to be busy first!"

"Well!" Lu Yinzheng just answered coldly. Without saying anything, Lu Yichen turned and walked out.

MuQing sitting on the sofa, looking at Lu Yichen's back, suddenly feel some small happiness.

At least, she began to enter his life, and he, did not refuse.

At this time, Gong Ailin came over, "Miss mu..."

"Just call me MuQing!"

"Good, Mu Qing, the room has been cleaned up with you, next to Yichen's room!" Gong Ailin said.

Speaking of this, Mu Qing was more happy. She nodded, "OK, thank you aunt Lu!"

"You're tired. I'll take you upstairs and have a rest."


Mu Qing got up and said hello to Lu Yinzheng and went upstairs to have a rest.

Since the accident happened, everyone is afraid to avoid it. There is no way for her to come to the Lu family. She thought she would be rejected, but she didn't expect Thinking of this, she sighed, but her mouth also raised a comfortable smile

"You have a good rest. Let me know if you need anything." Gong Ailin said.

"Good!" Mu Qing nods.

Gong Ailin just closed the door. At the moment of closing, the smile on her face faded away, and instead, a gorgeous sneer


In fact, what Gong Ailin did was not only strange to Lu Yichen, but also to Lu Yinzheng.

"How could she suddenly live here?" Lu Yinzheng asked.

"What's the matter? Is it strange? " Gong Ailin sat down with her legs folded. She looked elegant despite her age.


"What's so strange?"

"You have never liked her, and you do not like outsiders staying here. How could you let her live here today?" Lu Yinzheng asked.

Gong Ailin also knew that she couldn't explain it. She slowly ate the fruit and then said, "Mu Tianqing has an accident. Everyone is afraid to avoid it. Lu Yichen has an engagement with her. If we stand by at this time, how should others talk about us?"

"That's it?"


Lu Yinzheng didn't speak any more, but according to his understanding of Gong Ailin, he didn't look like a person who would consider these things


Because of the affairs of the Mu family, everyone is very curious about the engagement between Lu Yichen and MuQing.

Now everyone is afraid to avoid it. Now they want to see what the Lu family will do.

Therefore, MuQing moved into the Lu family, was photographed by reporters, and soon on the news.

Of course, including Gong Yao and Gong Yue in the hospital and Cheng Hai'an.

Cheng Hai'an has nothing to do with her love shooting news. When she sees the news, she shakes her head helplessly, "children, your beloved father will soon find a stepmother for you!"

Originally thought Gong Yao and Gong Yue would be angry, but they were not angry at all, "Mommy, don't worry. There is only one mother in law, and no stepmother!"

"So sure?"

"It must be!"

"But you little stepmother, you live in your father's house!"

"If you can live in, you can roll out!"

Cheng Hai'an, "..." I looked up at him.

Gong Yao quickly changed his words, "if you can live in, you can come out!"

Cheng Haian is satisfied.

However, for this news, Cheng Hai'an doesn't feel much about it. It seems that she can feel it. Lu Yichen doesn't pay much attention to Mu Qing.

Lu Yichen came out of the Lu family. Originally, he wanted to go directly to the hospital to see Cheng Hai'an. But just after leaving home, ah Jie said that the company had something to do. He had to go to the company again. So he got on the car and went directly to the company.

Because there was a meeting to be held, it lasted until more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

Just after opening, Lu Yichen is sitting in the office. Ah Jie comes in."Boss, this is a real estate contract!" Ah Jie gave it to him directly.

I didn't expect that ah Jie was so quick to handle affairs. Lu Yichen took a look at it and nodded, "OK, I know. Is there anything else to do next?"

Ah Jie looked at the time, "at six o'clock, there was a video conference, and after that, nothing happened."

It's only four o'clock now. Lu Yichen looks at the time, but his mind has already flown to the hospital. He wishes to pass now. But it's already four o'clock. He is afraid that he can't make it back and forth, so he can only wait.

"OK, I see. If there is anything else to sign, bring it in for me!" Lu Yichen said that he could spend more time with them at one time. When he thought about this, he felt that working was a very dynamic thing for the first time.

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