Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1167: Leave the wind

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Mu Qianxi and leisurely lived for a few days, and watching the gods gather more and more people, it seems that they have a big move.

Ge Shudao: "There is less major coming. Let's go ahead and lead the way to give the Lord a surprise."

"Good." Others have agreed.

Mu Qiang was naturally brought to the depths of the valley by Ge Shu. In the depths of the valley, two parallel keels were placed.

Ge Shudao: "Shuanglong is open in parallel, and the vault is here."

"When the Lord comes, I can open this Dragon treasury. We are here to stay here. There must be no mistakes." Another humanity.

Here is strictly guarded, and this hostage has been guarded.

Her eyes turned to the pair of dragons, she must enter the vault before the so-called young master.

Do not hesitate to act tonight.

The night wind in the valley is very cold, and the enemies of power, who are sealed by the power, sit in the fire and roast the fire.

The voice of "噼里啪啦" came out, no one noticed, and a faint scent was lingering around when the fire spattered.

In the middle of the night, everyone sleeps very deeply.

No one noticed that a black shadow broke into the camp of the hostages.

Nine nights untied the prohibition of Mu Qiang's body, and Mu Qian said: "Nine nights, let's go and see, the entrance to this dragon treasure house!"

This parallel double dragon looks exactly the same, but there is a mark on the forehead of the dragon.

Mu Qianxi took out a painting of the dragon **** spoon and found exactly the same.

Mu Qian said: "As long as I use the key to open the door, I can easily go in. How about the wind here in nine nights?"

"No!" Nine nights very decisively refused.

Although they have keys, but they do not know what is dangerous in the Dragon Treasure, how can he be assured that she will go in alone.

Mu Qian said: "I am poisonous to me, although I am very confident, but if someone comes from outside, you still need to clean up. You will stay here to wind."

"No!" The answer for the nine nights is as always.

She went on to say: "Now that the Mantra is placed inside, you can still suppress it. If you go in so close to it, I am afraid..."

Nine nights imprisoned Mu Qianxi in his arms. He said in a low voice: "This gentleman said, no, it doesn't work! I will accompany you."

"If you go in, you can only drag your hind legs, or you can take the wind outside!"

A mad voice came out, and the pale green light wrapped up Mu Qian and nine nights.

Mu Qianxi looked at the boy who suddenly appeared in front of her like an elf, and shouted: "A stop!"

A stop: "Dead woman, don't be in a daze. I don't know how long it can control this madman, you can open the door soon."

Ms. Qian said: "Good!"

Nine nights are not obedient, she can only choose to play first and then play the Wanjue Daquan.

Mu Qianxi jumped into the air and put the dragon's key in the keyhole. Then the dragon under her foot opened her mouth and swallowed Muqian.

A stopped chasing the past, but nine nights slowed down.

He wants to raise his hand and directly blast it here.

But at the thought of destroying Mu Qian’s plan, he finally did not do it.

The nine-night face was gloomy and terrible, his cold road: "Nine-fold chaotic pavilion, you are really good!"

"You'd better not let the cockroaches get hurt, don't let me break the slag, never ruthless!"

This is the end of the matter, nine nights can only choose to take the wind.

He is at the entrance, and anyone who feels that he is in a nine-night monarch who is in a bad mood at nine nights will definitely be wiped out in an instant.

Mu Qian, swallowed by the dragon, entered a vast and magnificent hall.

It's very big, and it's not easy to find the Mantra.

Mu Qiang stepped into the hall and began to look for it. As a result, Ah stopped to see a shelf full of precious elixir.

"Hey! Dead woman, here is your favorite thing, don't you take it?"

Mu Qian said: "The most important thing is to find the Wan Man Daquan. Other things don't matter."

A stop was a little angry: "You used to be like this, you really turned to the fainting of the beauty fans. In order to save the **** man, you don't even want your favorite things."

Mu Qian said: "Now, the safety of the nine nights is more important. Although you have a bad relationship with the nine nights, don't make a temper at this time, hurry and find!"

After passing through several doors, Mu Qianxi saw the front and had a sleeping dragon.

When Mu Qianyu approached, the dragon suddenly opened his eyes.

"Human!" A thick voice came.

Mu Qianxi looked at it silently, and it spoke again.

"Human, you have the dragon **** key to come in. Even if it is not a dragon, it is a very important person of our dragon family, so I will not be embarrassed to you. Tell me, what do you want to get in the Dragon Treasure? As long as you pass the test, then the thing will be It will be yours."

Mu Qian said: "What I ask for is only one thing. That is part of the Wan Man Daquan that your dragons guard."

The ancient dragon, which was originally peaceful, suddenly got up.

For a time, a gust of wind swept toward Mu Qian.

"Human, you know, no matter who you are, you want to take away the Mantra from here, then there is only the way to death. You said the four words, I will never let you live today. Leave here." The tone of the ancient dragon, with a murderous murderous.

Ah stopped slowly in front of Mu Qianxi, looking proudly at the ancient dragon.

"Dead! Little Master's contractor, are you qualified to let her die?"

The boy's tone is arrogant, and he does not put the ancient dragon in front of his eyes.

His body exudes mysterious and powerful time.

"Eternal Pavilion, Jiuzhong Chaos Pavilion Adult." This power makes the sound of this ancient dragon tremble.

A stop: "Hand over the thing!"

Ancient Dragon Road: "To the adults of the Jiu Chao Chao Pavilion, our dragons are naturally assured. But the rules to go, still have to take a trip. I will not kill your contractor, but she still needs to be tested."

"No problem! If I am there, I would like to see your dragons and be able to make some tricks out." Ah stopped and agreed to it.

Ancient Dragon Road: "So, please inside!"

Its figure disappeared in front of them, and the door behind it slowly opened.

After walking into that door, Ah stopped the careless way: "Dead woman, you still want to carry the phoenix nine nights alone to get the Wan Man Daquan, now know that this thing is not so good to get it? Fortunately, I woke up Help you, or you don't know how to die."

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