Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1175: Destroy nine nights

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"Boom!" A burst of loud noise, stopped for a while, and opened again.

"Water is not heart!" Mu Qianzhen as a refining pharmacist, naturally knows that water is not heart-wrenching.

I hurriedly gave the water a few shots, then gave him the healing medicine, and then looked anxiously into the black figure in the air.

Nine nights with Gu Xiaotian’s battle, she couldn’t get it, but...

If you consume power in nine nights, you will definitely have problems.

Water has no heart: "Mu Daren, if you can take the nine-night adult to leave, just leave! Gu Xiaotian is not good!"

If they leave, Gu Xiaotian is angry and is expected to kill the entire dragon.

Mu Qiang Shen Shen, "Do you have a way to safely retreat?"

"Because there are restrictions on the law of the heavens, the Protoss can't kill the dragons, and at most they lose some dragons. The adults don't have to take care of us."

"Protoss can't do it, but the dragons fight, but it is ok!" Mu Qianyi's low road.

The water was unintentionally silent for a while, then said: "Mu Daren, maybe there is still a little turn."

"What turn?"

"You got the space bracelet, there is the water dragon holy beads, you put the water dragon holy beads inside the Shenshui dragon ring. If the water dragon adults can recover, these guys are not afraid." Water has no heart.

Of course, this opportunity is very small.

Even if the Dragon Ball is useful to the Water Dragon, he can't recover as quickly.

Even if you want to be jealous, try it!

Ms. Qian said: "Good!"

She took out the space bracelet, but there is a soul mark on it, she can't open it.

"I help the adults, erase this soul... cough and cough..." Water has no intention of using the power to erase this soul mark, and coughs up.

Mu Qian’s medicine is quick, but he is too hurt.

Mu Qian said: "There is no water, you still have a good health. I will erase this soul mark myself."

Water has no heart: "Mu Daren, no! You will be countered."

She replied: "I am a refining pharmacist, the soul is stronger, don't worry!"

Mu Qiang's hands erased the soul mark of the space bracelet, which is much simpler than he imagined, and the water is incomprehensible.

"It is the contractor of the Shuilong adults!"

At the same time, the demon dragon master felt that he had lost contact with the space bracelet, and Gu Xiaotian also found that his own soul mark was erased.

How can this be?

Some of the people present, except for His Highness of the Nine Nights, who had the ability to erase his soul mark.

Now, the Highness of the Nine Nights is playing against him, who else...

He looked to the direction of the disappearance of the soul mark, and the power of nine nights of horror shrouded him.

Without the power of darkness, the most strange force in the world, when he rushed to Gu Xiaotian, his face changed greatly.

"Boom!" The attack fell on his left face.

That mature and handsome face, like a swallowed by a black hole, in addition to flesh and blood disappeared, even the bones are not left.

The whole person suffering from Gu Xiaotian froze, and he whispered: "His Nine Nights, still as always, ruthless, cold and ruthless! Fortunately, now your power is not like it used to be, or this blow, I will die!"

"I won't give you the chance to hurt me for nine nights!"

He was beaten by the heavy blow, but he never looked at him for nine nights.

After Mu Qianji erased the mark of the soul, he became the new owner of this space bracelet, and then found a light blue bead inside.

This is definitely the holy dragon of the water dragon. As a water element, she clearly feels the power of the vast water element.

Water has no heart: "This is the holy dragon of the water dragon."

Mu Qianxi put the water dragon holy beads in the water dragon ring. When the water dragon holy beads entered, the water element of the **** water dragon space became extremely rich.

Mu Qianxi seems to feel that her contractual relationship with the water dragon has become clearer. She said: "Water dragon, I hope this water dragon holy pearl can help you."

Mu Qianqi asked: "Crystal Ying, how is the night!"

That level of combat, even if she looks at it with mental power, will be hurt.

Crystal Yingdao: "Hey, the man you selected is more powerful than you think. The guy of the Protoss will not be the opponent of the night! And Ah stopped but spent a lot of effort to seal the Mantra. And Wan Man Daquan was frozen in the Shenshui Dragon Ring. It was suppressed by two eternal artifacts, and it could not interfere with the night."

"do not worry!"

The gentle and gentle sound of Crystal Ying makes Mu Qianxi feel at ease.

Mu Qian said: "If the nine nights are not right, you can send us two people and leave here!"

Crystal Yingdao: "Good!"

Crystal Ying is the strongest eternal artifact. She sees that the nine-night victory is in the grip, and naturally there is no suspense.

Gu Xiaotian was very embarrassed, and his body fell parabolically in the air.

The demon dragon has a big eyes, and he is the first time he saw the hero of the heroic **** Wu.

There is no perfect place all over the body.

And the black man who stands in the air, like the undefeated God of War, dominates the world, no one can compete with it.

"Hey!" Gu Xiaotian vomited blood.

"Damn! Why the Dragon World will suppress the power, if there is no suppression of power, I ... I will be able to defeat you." Gu Xiao weather bad road.

He never thought that if it wasn't for the dragon's spiritual power and the power to suppress it, he would have been killed by the dragons, and he could have a chance to be arrogant.

When Gu Xiaotian was defeated, the morale of the **** sentiment fell sharply.

Just in the nine nights to make Gu Xiaotian completely disappear, another sound of negative measurement came.

"The Lord has been preparing for this for a long time. Not only did you not get the Mantra, but you also made yourself look like this. It is waste."

Suddenly there was a guy in a black robe in the air, under the black hood, so that people could not see him.

Gu Xiaotian said: "If I didn't encounter this disaster star, how could it end up like this?"

The man slightly showed a little chin, his mouth slightly rising, "Oh! It was the nine nights!"

"I have seen His Highness nine nights!"

He bent over to Mu Qian, and he was very respectful.

"You are as strong as ever, and the curse of my cursing family has been squandered for more than a decade. In this world, it is estimated that you will be able to do this."

"The more you are so powerful, the more you can't beat, the more I want to ruin..."

"Boom!" His words, before he finished, turned to attack him in nine nights.

Nonsense, too much!

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Play well!"

The curse for the nine nights is the so-called curse! She met such a guy in Black, and did not expect them to come out again as a demon.

This strange and insidious guy actually tried to destroy nine nights. If she found her old nest in the future, she would absolutely use the various poisons in the world to flood the base camp of their cursers! Buried!

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