Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1206: Meet the little guy

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Mu Qianxi also had some doubts at this time. Is it that someone deliberately throws these things, let them fight for you to live and die, and then the first one to rush in to grab the sword of eternal.

There is indeed this possibility, but who has the ability to do it all?

Even if it is a Samsung force, you can't do it until you don't have enough preparations!

Zero people with the North Han Temple round, the elders saw Mu Qianyi come back with zero, some strange.

Entering such a illusion, they also lost a lot of people in the North Han Temple, this little girl is still alive.

When I saw the elders, Mu Qian said: "The elders, zero injuries, I have to give him treatment. Can you not act these days?"

The elders said: "This elder has also noticed that this forest is a bit strange. Before I can find out the intelligence, I can't act easily. Let's rest here first."

The elders turned to zero, although they looked good, but he found his body a little bad.

Zero has great value in use, but now he can't bear to die at all.

"Okay, then I took zero to heal."

The elder is not an old fox. When he learned that the situation was wrong, he sent someone to inquire about the information.

He said: "This must be a trap set by someone else. Don't worry about other things, just think of ways to go to the entrance."

"The elders, who did this in the end? The East Pole Hall or the Sanskrit God Kingdom?" In addition to the Samsung forces, it is estimated that no one in the Quartet has this ability.

The elders shook their heads: "The East Pole Hall is now affected by this chaotic situation. This situation is more like the Sanskrit God Kingdom. I suspect that there is another big force involved, we must be careful, be sure to To complete the task that the lord explained, he should not let him down!"


Their conversation, Mu Qianxi and Zero also heard.

There was a dark light in their eyes, and it was.

Zero even wants to leave this dangerous place, and they simply don't know the fourth power, which is sacred.

Mu Qianxi naturally understood his thoughts and returned to him with a look, impossible!

Their uncles and **** are becoming more and more tacit. Even if they can't formally chat, one can understand the other's thoughts.

Zero is very worried.

The elders said: "The other party wants to drag us all, and then we will get the eternal sword in one step. We must act quickly! Go..."

Mu Qiandao said: "The Great Elder, zero injury!"

The elders said: "Mu girl, your medical skills are very high, zero is no longer a problem. The old man can not be alone for him, affecting our mission, let the owner disappointed!"

Zero cold channel: "I am fine, I can act now!"

Joining the team of the North Han Temple, naturally there is nothing to cat and dog, but when they walked to the edge of the forest.

At the other end, the inexhaustible flamingos that flew over began to besiege them.

"Hey!" These flamingos are not very strong, but they can stop them from moving forward.

The elders said: "Destroy them! These beasts, it is estimated that some people are sent to delay the time! As long as it is still delaying, it means they have not succeeded."


It seems that there is a fire element, and some of the firebirds will not die.

Although the masters of the North Cold Hall stopped the most of the firebirds, there were still some guys who had placed orders and rushed toward Mu Qian.

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Water Dragon!"

The ice blue water dragon entangled these flamingos, they screamed in horror, and then were wiped out by the water dragon.

"The water dragon is broken!"

"The water dragon is shocking."

"Flowing rain!"

"Rumble!" Because the water element is particularly good, Mu Qianxi unscrupulously began the crazy water-splitting elemental spirit attack.

The people in the North Han Dian also noticed the strength of the spiritual power of Mu Qianshui. The elders said: "This little girl is not a genius, the water element is so strong. If her strength is higher than a big grade, this Some flamingos can't stop us at all."

Mu Qianyi, while practicing the magical skills on the side of the medicinal herbs, does not seem to consume the spirit.

The flamingos are coming out more and more, and even if they are dying, they will stop these people.

"Great elders, this way, we can't rush at all!"

"The elders, we are retreating, or we are trying to kill them."


Mu Qianxi is very clear, so I have been playing it all the time. It is estimated that all people will not be exhausted.

In the end, how to crack!

The soul of Mu Qianxi was scattered and found that the end of the forest was stopped by an invisible wall.

These flamingos are rushing from the other side of the wall, and the smallest one is rushing...

Give it a try and you will know!

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Water Dragon!"

An ice blue water dragon rushed to that corner.

Why she didn't have enough strength, just plugged it with water, and didn't show firebirds, but she couldn't make a hole in this wall.

Mu Qianqi shouted: "Zero!"

I don’t need to say anything more than a thousand words. Zero quickly reacted. A sword smashed into the place where the water dragon blocked it.

"Boom!" A loud noise, zero this sword, blasted a hole in front.

This side is a green forest, but on the other side is an endless fire red.

Mu Qian said: "From here, you can go out. Go..."

When they hesitated, Mu Qianxi rushed to the past and hurriedly chased it up.

The elders said: "Fast! Go!"

Seeing that some other flamingos are to be surrounded, they want to hurry to get close to the eternal sword, and they only have this way to go.

After rushing into it, Mu Qianxi lost consciousness.

After restoring consciousness, the first time I felt the heat, like being fried in a frying pan.

Suddenly, the finger came up with a feeling of coldness, and Mu Qian suddenly opened his eyes.

As for the cold feeling, it is because...

Mu Qianxi looked down at the little guy who was around her finger. It was a small fire snake with no big thumbs on her body.

At this time, the little fire snake spit the snake letter, licking her finger, and the eternal ring on the finger, the **** water dragon ring.

The little guy seemed to feel that Mu Qiang woke up, like a frightened bunny, "Oh!", completely disappeared in front of Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qiang slowly stood up and the cold on his fingers had not dissipated.

The little fire snake didn't take the opportunity to attack her. Instead, she was licking her ring. Could it be such a little guy who knows the gods?

No one gave her doubts. The little things didn't look very strong. The effort to escape was very powerful. Even if she had the mental power, she could not find this little guy.

Mu Qianxi did not pay attention to the little guy, but looked around!

What is this place?

The second uncle came in with her, but now, she is not around her.

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