Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1215: Lord of the city

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"I will try to burn!" A red-red pig rushed out, and then it was the flame of the sky.

But the red flame is useless!

Among the sleeves of Mu Qianxi, a little guy rushed out. This little guy just spewed a small flame, and the whole ghost was burned directly.

"Puff puff!"

The little guys were few fewer in a row, and they stopped around, but the guy was too tired to move.

"Hurry up and add energy. I didn't think your flame was the credibility of these souls." Mu Qian took out a few bottles of pharmacy and praised the little guy.

The little guy excitedly drank a lot, and Qian Qian said: "Let's go!"

Not long after, but a large number of black ghosts came out, the little guy rushed out.

Even if the medicine of Muqian can make the little guy recover quickly, but this little guy is too small, and suddenly can't hold it.

Xiaohong proposed: "Master, don't you have that fire element to treasure?"

"This little guy can't see what it is, but it has the power of the fire element. It's a useful point to use it to improve its strength."

The fire element to the treasure fire Wang Jingjing is reserved for the sword spirit Yanlong to restore strength, but now it has not appeared, it is not bad to use a little bit to this little guy.

Mu Qiang took out the fire king Jing Jing, and seemed to smell a particularly delicious taste. The little guy ran up excitedly and then ate it.


Mu Qian said: "If you are slower, you are not afraid to blow you up!"

After the little guy finished eating, she felt that her strength had improved, but she could not feel that she had advanced to a few levels.

"Hey!" The little guy ate at once, the power couldn’t be made, and the flames sprayed everywhere.

These ghosts that are not dead can be unlucky!

With the little guy, Mu Qianqi seems to have opened the plug-in on the road, and there is no ghost to dare to move them.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Little guy, you are really amazing!"

The little guy was a little embarrassed, then it looked at Mu Qian, who wanted to eat that.

Mu Qian said: "You are still so small now, the fire element is the treasure, but you can't be afraid of accidents. If you can safely leave here, if you are willing to follow me, you can give it a little more. ”

Big head, but to be left to the sword spirit.

Only the stronger the sword spirit, she will have the possibility to deal with the soul in the future.

The little guy is not unreasonable. She listened to Mu Qian’s words and she retracted the sleeves of Mu Qian’s.

Mu Qianxi and Gu Baiyi walked forward without meeting other people. When they reached the end, they saw a building built with mahogany.

The entire city was built of metal, but this wooden building is very rare.

Above the gate of the wooden building, there is a plaque.

"Wan Jian Lou!"

"Is it true that the soul of the sword is placed in the Wanjianlou?"

"Hey, go in?" Gu Baiyi asked.

"Now, there is only one way to go, you can only go in and see."

This time, the door is closed.

When Mu Qianxi and Gu Baiyi pushed the wooden door open, a flaming red light shifted them to another space.

In front of them are two identical twin girls, who look at Muqian: "We are the swordsman of Wanjianlou. If you want to enter Wanjianlou, you must pass the test of our sisters. ""

Mu Qianqi asked: "What test?"

Another girl smiled like a flower: "Of course, it is to defeat us."

Each of them used a pair of swords, and soon one of them approached Mu Qian.

"Block!" A silver-blue sword ran across her, another woman, who quickly came from behind.

"Hot Moon Shadow!" Mu Qianyi and a sword waved out.


The two sisters safely escaped, Gu Baiyi said: "The two of them are not good to deal with, give me a person!"

"I want to cooperate with you through actual combat and practice the sword you taught me." Mu Qian said.

"it is good!"

Twin sisters, the heart is in harmony, the perfect match.

The cooperation between Mu Qianxi and Gu Baiyi was a little bit worse, but they were running in the battle.

The cooperation between the two people is getting better and better, and the advantages of the twin sisters are becoming less and less obvious.



The purple figure and the white figure are interlaced, and the swords used seem to have been copied out in general, but one is stronger and the other is weaker!

"Hey!" This pair of twin sisters was injured by Jianmang.

Seeing that Mu Qian’s sword skills have made such progress, Gu Baiyi smiled with satisfaction.

The twin sisters stood up and said: "The two of you have a strong sword, the world is rare, and the degree of cooperation has become so strong in a short time, we admire! So, you passed."

Mu Qianxi and Gu Baiyi were sent out of this space and came to the first floor of the Wanjian Building.

On the first floor of Wan Jian Lou, there are a lot of swords. The voice of a young girl came. "You have passed the test here. You can take everything away here."

When I was taken away, "all of them are taken away. If other people pass the test, there is no reward."

"Other people? It is impossible for ordinary people to enter Wanjianlou. You have come in today. In the next thousand years, no one is expected to enter Wanjianlou."

"The other people, where have you been?" This time came thousands of masters.

"We are the sword-sword slaves of Wan Jian Lou. I don't know the situation outside. The reason why you come in, it is naturally related to Wan Jian Lou, other people have no chance, there is no way to come in."

Mu Qian said: "Since your family is so generous, then I will accept it."

"The first layer can get some low-order spirits, and the second layer can..."

She hasn't finished, and Mu Qianchen interrupted: "So can I leave now?"

Uncle and Yun Xiu did not come here, she still went to find someone.

"You are so anxious to leave, there are many treasures here!"

Mu Qian said: "I just want to find friends and relatives who come here. These treasures are much lighter than they are."

“Yucheng is divided into upper city and lower city. If you are in the lower city, the lower city is bigger than the upper city. It is not easy to find someone. But if you become the owner of the city, you can see through the frog mirror. It is also convenient to find someone in any place in the upper and lower cities of Yucheng."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Listening to you said that it seems really convenient! But how can we become the master of the city."

The girl said: "As long as you can reach the seventh floor, you can become the owner of the city."

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