Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1223: Bloodthirsty sword slave

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"Millennium, this battle, I lost! You have to be careful!"

Feng Yunxiu said the last sentence, "Oh!" and fell to the ground.

Mu Qian said: "Wan Jian, send this guy away for me..."


Mu Qianxi found that he had not been able to contact Wan Jian.

"Ha ha ha!" A laughter came out.

"The sword of eternal is my, I am the sword of eternal, the chosen master."

A middle-aged man in a purple robe raised a red-red sword and laughed.

His eyes have now become bloodthirsty red.

White has no sea, "damn! The sword of eternal is actually taken away by him."

"Long live the lord!" This man is the lord of the two-and-a-half-strength Zilei Zong, who is the most powerful person in the East. He won the fake sword.

If you can't contact Wan Jian, even if you are stunned, you can't leave.

At this time, Zi Leizong, waving the sword, said coldly: "Today, this sect mainly uses your blood to sacrifice swords, and all of you will die here."

I felt the fire element that was running around, and Mu Qian’s face changed greatly, shouting: “Hurry up and retreat!”


Gu Baiyi returned to Mu Qianxi for the first time and left with a thousand miles.

The sound of screaming came out, "Red Lotus!"

A fire lotus appearing out of thin air is condensed by the elements of fire. It blooms in front of their eyes and seems to destroy everything.

"Boom!" A loud noise seems to be smashing the entire lower city of Yucheng.

Mu Qiang reacted quickly because she was too familiar with the moves of Yan Longjian.

Knowing that the other party wants to use the red lotus root, but never imagined that the red lotus roots that others have displayed can be strong enough.

But it is also normal, after all, all this is controlled by the soul.

Although it was stunned by this explosion, it was only a minor injury.

There are still many reactions that have escaped this robbery, but more people have become the soul of death.

The body became a blood mist, and the soul became the nutrient of the sword.

This scene is extremely bloody, so that some of the masters who have seen the big world have a faint color.

The sword of eternal is very strong and strong, and they have been reflected in close range.

But such a fierce sword, is it really they can control it?

They looked at the purple-red lord with a red-red sword and a madness. This is not a sword, but a slave to the sword.

Their eyes showed a timid color, just passing by the death, and let them wake up.

This sword is not something they can control.

Even those masters who came down from the top spot were frightened and warned at this time. "We must support the soldiers. We are not its opponents at all, so fast!"

Eternal artifact, that is above the existence of God.

Even if it has been quiet for thousands of years, even if the strength is not as good as before, it is not something ordinary people can conquer, especially the most bloodthirsty and fierce dragon sword!


They have to run, but the entire space has been shrouded in blood fog, they simply can't go out!

"Yanlong lore!" A red-red fire dragon, passed through a person's body, turned into a blood fog, and made the surrounding blood fog more intense.

Bai Wuhai looked at the moves made by the purple lord's lord. This move was absolutely not the purple sect of the past. This is the move of the eternal sword, but why is it so familiar!

He looked at the side of Mu Qianxi, yes, the trick of this little girl is exactly the same as that used by the Zi Lei lord!

And her sword!

Just fighting chaos, he did not pay attention!

Now think about it carefully, and find that the sword that the little girl used once was exactly the same as that held by the Zi Lei lord!

How can there be two swords of eternal sword?

"Little Beauty..." Purple wants to tear the space, leaving with Mu Qian, but discovers that the entire space has been controlled by the soul.

Purple curse cursed: "This sword is too evil! Stars, we will not believe, we can't clean it."

They know very well that if they want to leave safely, they must solve this sword.

Gu Baiyi did not shoot, but stayed at the side of Mu Qianxi. He also noticed that Bai Wuhai’s eyes were not right.

The one who holds the evil sword is not the sword of eternal, the sword of eternal is the one of the children.

The conversation between the nephew and Yanlong did not evade him at all. Now, when I saw this fake Yanlong sword, which is exactly the same as the sword, how could he not understand it!

In the Quartet, Ziyou and Xingchen are still eating this for the first time.

The bloodthirsty sword, a few blood marks on their bodies.

As more and more people are killed, blood is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more souls are swallowed up, and the fighting power of the other side is even more terrible.

kill! kill! kill!

Mu Qian said: "You must join hands together, otherwise everyone will die!"

Bai Wuhai can only guess the point at the bottom of my heart, and now it is a matter of life!

The violent Zi Lei Zong master forced the extreme, and some of the people who had been battling for your life and death began to deal with him.


The attack that was joined together, even if he injured the Zilei lord, he did not react at all. He was completely controlled by this sword, only knowing the killing!

Numerous figures have plundered the past attacks, and many people have become the souls of the sword. This battle, a fierce battle.

After a crazy battle, the surrounding blood fog became sticky, and the sword in his hand seemed to be full, and then his figure rushed to Mu Qianyu as a blast.

"Little beauty!"



His attack, high-ranking spirits will be spiked in the blink of an eye, the ninth-order master can be easily killed by him, let alone a seven-level spirit!

They rushed past the desperately and wanted to stop this guy!

The red-red sword turned into countless swords and rushed to the three of them!

"The person who is in the way, die!"

"Hey!" The blood-red swords that penetrated their bodies were fatal injuries.

Even with a sigh of relief, there is no longer a pneumatic hand.

Purple Lei Zong, approached Mu Qianxi.

The bloodthirsty scorpion stared at Muqian: "I will give you a whole body!"

The person in front of him has a brutal bloodthirsty, which makes people feel chilly.

The girl’s face was stained with blood and dust, but the faint smile in the face of the invincible brutal enemy, the ultimate smash, made people look away from the eyes.

Gu Baiyi, they all stunned, but the ensuing is the incomparable tension.

Mu Qianqi slowly said: "Do you really think that you killed me?"

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