Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1251: Ice clear jade

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That one is seven, and Mu Qiang has seen it. The face that was swollen last time seems to have recovered.

Mu Qianzhen felt a bit strange. It was normal to have seven people in this situation.

But one or two of them are like this, so it’s weird!

It seems to be a special imitation of others, but the imitation of the four is not like the general.

The three people are like three stinky stones, standing there and arrogantly saying nothing, let them wait like this.

As a result, a group of fans are extremely adored, and it is worthy of being seven, so unattainable and fascinating.

Listening to their whispered voices, Mu Qian’s mouth was slightly twitched.

It has been a while since the opening of the assessment, but these three have not explained anything, and everyone can only wait for the temper.

After waiting for half an hour, another voice came, "The saint is coming!"

The crowd widened their eyes, and they couldn’t think of it. The saints would actually come.

A white shadow exchanged, step by step lotus, black hair like a waterfall, a white coat wrapped with a good body.

The cold light in the twilight, the whole person is exposed to the cold air, and the temperament of one of the personality of the condensation grease is quite similar.

But looking at it carefully, it is totally different.

The condensed fat is like a sword with a sheath, with a sharp edge, but the woman in front of her eyes is clear and noble.

An ice sword and an ice flower, the difference is still quite big.

Such as the beauty of the United States, the cold three young masters can not open their eyes.

Seven less greeted the up: "Qinger sister, you came too early, let them wait for a while, there will be no less meat."

"Qinger sister is coming!" Six young masters are very enthusiastic!

However, the five are less cold. "Since the Qinger sister is coming, you can start the selection soon!"

His face was cold, but his eyes could not help but go to the white shadow.

Yu Bingqing did not seem to hear their words, and calmly came over.

The three of them are awkward, but they have already become accustomed to the indifference of Yu Bingqing.

To know that they are called the North Cold Seven, but none of them become the Shaodian.

And Yu Bingqing is a true saint, the identity is a lot higher than them.

Yu Bingqing's eyes are cold and cold, even if everyone admires her, she does not dare to look at her more.

"Open the ice field!"

The ice field is a space for the Northern Han Temple to enter the hall. The ice field is open and they don't know the rules.

At this time, there are seven less: "There are ice beads in the ice field. The more ice beads are found, the more chances are for the next round of assessment."

"In the next round of assessment, only 3,000 people are qualified, and all others must be eliminated. This is the rule. Just listen to it and go in!"

After that, seven less will not speak anymore!

It seems that I have to say a word, I have to drop a piece of meat.

Everyone is helpless, as if these two people in the North Han Temple are the cold and cold temper, they have no choice.

Everyone hurried into the ice, and when they entered the ice, everyone was confused.

Where are you going to find ice beads? What does the ice bead look like? They don't know it!

Mu Qianxi is also incomprehensible with them. The last time the Dongji Temple was admitted to the temple, it can still rely on Xiaohong to cheat. This time I really don't know what to do!

She is groaning in her heart, explain more and die? Just know the loading!

Even if you don't have a clue, you have to continue to look for it. You have already arrived here, and you can't give up the assessment because of this difficulty.

The white figure swept out and seemed to blend into this snow and ice.

When these people entered, the seven seem to have changed their faces.

He pleased to look at Yu Bing and said: "Qinger's sister, the ice field of the ice field is now mature, or we will go in and take it out."

Six less followed: "Yes! If Qinger sister can use the tens of years of ice, improve the strength of the two-order. That cloud repair, there is no name for the first genius of the square, it is definitely the sister of Qinger. It is."

Five less roads: "Also! If you are a Qing dynasty sister, you will become the first genius of the Quartet, you can also press the East Temple. At that time, the Lord may accept you as a disciple."

Seven little and six less talked, Yu Qinger did not put it in the heart, but when the five less said the two words, Yu Bingqing flashed a glimmer of light in the cold scorpion.

"The elders said, allow me to go to the ice for centuries. If this selection is completed successfully, the ice age is my reward." Yu Bing Qing.

"I want to go, you don't have to follow me!" Yu Bingqing walked into it.

Seven less hurriedly chased up, "take Wannian chalcedony, but there are five levels of peaks and holy beasts, we are so assured that the Qinger sister you go alone! I accompany you..."

As a result, all three of them followed up. When they entered, the elders smiled and said: "Hehehe! These children!"

"The great elders, although the saints have the strength of the sixth order of the spirit emperor, but the five-level holy beast is also breaking through the sixth order, it is not easy to deal with!"

The elders replied: "This is a good experience for Qing Er! If Qinger used the Wannian Ice Medal to advance to the Eighth Order of the Emperor, the Presbyterian would not accept her as a disciple."

"This is nature. In addition to Feng Yun repairing the freak, the Quartet has never been so fast trained before the age of 30 to the seventh level of the Emperor. The Lord will reject such a good disciple!" Another old man , with the road.

Ice Lingzhu is a kind of spiritual thing formed by this ice field. It is not enough for the ice system to be useful, so they can only be used as a prop for customs clearance. It seems that there is no other use.

After looking for so long, Mu Qianji found some, watching this crystal clear ice beads, Mu Qian said: "This is the ice beads! It can be found."

The harvest was good, but some people came to the door.

"Kid, good luck! Find a lot of ice beads, see a share, divide us a little!"

Ms. Qian said: "Why?"

"Just by my fist, it is harder than you..."

During the speech, he directly sneaked into her with a fist.

Mu Qianyan popped up a pharmacy needle and greeted his fist. "Oh!", the needle was completely drilled into his hand.

"Ah! Ah! Hey!" The voice of a ghost crying and embarrassing came out, and his painful face was distorted.

Mu Qianxi looked at him innocently. "Is your fist very hard? How do I feel that my needle is not as hard?"

"Damn boy, kill me!" The man said to some of the dog legs around him.

"I want to break his arm, I..."

In the face of their attacks, Mu Qianyi easily escaped, and the spirit of exudation made them laugh.

"The fourth level of the Emperor, this strength, who is giving him confidence to participate in this Northern Han Temple into the palace!"

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