Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1257: High-profile behavior

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Seven less: "Then you said, what do you want to win?"

He is only thinking about it now, hurry up and try!

Mu Qian said: "If I win, your space ring will be mine."

"You are very greedy!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I don't think seven, your space ring is more important than Wannian."

"Of course this is not!" If Qinger can look at his space ring, how can he pursue it for so long without catching up with people.

"This is a small answer to you! When is it better?"

Ms. Qian said: "Now!"

"Good!" Seven are also very happy.

The contest in the North Han Temple gathered a lot of people at this time. Today, you can see that seven people are competing with others.

Although the seven opponents are not very strong, there is nothing to look at, and there is no suspense in the results, but they do not want to miss it.

On the stage of the contest, seven less look at Mu Qian said: "Boy, I advise you to give up and give up the things directly! Don't get time to suffer."

Mu Qian’s lazy way: "Where are you going to talk so much, hit it!"

"You are looking for a dead end, then it’s okay to blame me."

Seven little sullen words just fell, the body shape flashed, the cold wind tore the air, toward the neck, heart, and all kinds of deadly threats.

Seven is a wind elemental master. If there is no talent for the elemental spirit, it is also qualified to become one of the seven colds.

His attack speed is very fast, but he is not as good as a thousand.

Seeing that he had succeeded, but only the air was left in front of him.

"Just hit only the afterimage!"

"This Murong is a thousand nights, fast speed."


"Bad boy, can you just hide?"

A hit did not succeed, seven less running up the wind element elemental power, attack again.

Weathered in order to scream the blast eagle, like lightning, rushed to Mu Qian.

"The wind eagle spreads its wings, but this is a seven-semester school!"

"The kid is going to be on the spot."


At this time, Mu Qianxi also counterattacked.

"Water Dragon is off!"

The ice blue water dragon meets the blast eagle.

Water and wind elements are intertwined and collide.

"Boom!" A loud noise, they actually saw that seven less actually went back a few steps.

This time, the confrontation, it turned out that Murong thousand nights, a fifth-level emperor has the upper hand, how is this possible?

Seven less originally wanted to go to the cold heart pool to improve the strength, the result did not become, the latter used the hard medicine to give the strength to the first level.

This is a first-class emperor, but the name is not true!

Mu Qian’s flash of light, originally wanted to use the cards, it seems unnecessary now.

When the seven retreats, Mu Qianyi once again shot, "falling flowers and rain."

Just being beaten back by Mu Qianxi, it is definitely his shame, and seven less angry: "Mu Rong is a night, you don't feel too early."

His whole body's spiritual power, madly rushed out, and the momentum is pressing!

"Seven less is this to be true?"

"He was beaten back by Murong thousands of nights. It turned out that he did not make full effort!"

Seven less arrogant words: "Today, you must be beaten by the younger ones."

Countless wind blades, surrounded by crazy madness.

"The wind blade dances."

The wind blade fell on the platform and made a trace.

This is more tailor-made than the material of Wutai. It is very hard. If the wind blade falls on the person's body, it is absolutely visible.

The guys trained by the Samsung Force North Cold Hall are not completely straw bags, and Mu Qian’s body shape has escaped his attack.

It’s incredibly fast, faster than a windy elemental master.

Damn it! This will not kill her.

Seven less cursed in the heart, but at this time Mu Qianxi has approached him.

"It's just that! Seven less!"

Mu Qian’s wrists are gently lifted, and the thousand thousand squats are low: “Xuan Xuan Yin!”

"Touch!" Seven little bodies flew straight out.

When he flew out, there was a crack in the spider web that he had just stood around.

"Hey! What kind of skill is that, the destructive power is strong!"

"Just a stamp, the seven descendants of the emperor have flew out."

Light enemy, once again underestimated.

Seven little moments leaped and wiped off the blood of the corner of his mouth: "It seems that I am looking down on you. However, I will not lose!"

Seven less once again played against Mu Qianxi. For a time, the elements of the wind and the spirit of the water were dazzling.

The two people collided fiercely, and the seven were of a high level. Murong’s speed was thousands of nights, and even a time could not be won!

"Water dragons are extinguished!" Mu Qianyi shot again.

The spirit of sweeping the emperor, even if the seven is the emperor, have to be careful!

However, he escaped the attack of the water dragon, and Mu Qian was appearing behind him like a ghost.

A cold voice rang in his ear, "Low Xuan Yin!"

"Touch!" Seven less was directly bombed by the contest.

Everyone can't believe their ears, they are defeated, and seven are defeated!

Before looking at the lively six-small and five-small faces, they were all green, and they lost, and they lost to a newcomer who had just entered the North Cold Hall for a month.

Their seven cold faces in the North Han Temple will be lost by this waste!

Mu Qiang went to the front of the seven little: "You should honor your promise."

At this time, the seven little, gray-faced, took out his own space ring: "This is still worth losing."

He was very unwilling in his heart. He looked at the six young and five less and said: "Six brothers, five brothers..."

Six young people also know that they can't drag on any more, and they must get the ice of the year.

Seven less came over and said: "I saw you so wonderful with the small seven, this young master is a little itchy! I want to challenge you, can you dare to accept?"

Mu Qian said: "Since six young people have to challenge me, then I have nothing to accept! Please!"

Mu Qianxi calmly went to the Wutai.

"Insane! This Murong is crazy for a thousand nights. It is not enough to accept the challenge of seven. He even accepts the challenge of six less."

"The strength of the six young people has reached the third level of the Emperor! How could he be the opponent of six young."


Mu Qiang's face was calm, although she did not touch the situation in the North Han Temple, she practiced for more than half a month.

This does not mean that he has been keeping a low profile in the North Cold Hall.

If it is low-key, with the strength of her talented king, it is impossible to approach the great elders and the lord, close to the second uncle who is the left guardian?

This north cold seven gives her such a high-profile opportunity, then she naturally has to follow the trend.

It’s a pity that you missed such a good opportunity.

Six less toward the martial arts platform: "Mu Rong thousands of nights, then let this less look! How many cards do you have in the end."

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