Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1266: Seven strokes defeated

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In the past, a few of them looked at Yu Bingqing, absolutely with deep love.

But now, it is hostile.

The identity of Yu Bingqing is different. As a saint of the North Han Temple, he is not qualified to become a Shaodian.

I did not expect that she was qualified by the abolition of the identity of the Virgin.

Yu Bing Qing Dao: "You brothers, the place of the small hall, the Qinger Zhi is sure to win, but also please the brothers and sisters."

Two less laughed: "Can the Qinger sister be too confident? My brother has also broken through the sixth stage, and it is not necessarily impossible for you."

"Sixth-order?" Yu Bingqing smiled lightly, but the strength of the body spread made them five eyes wide open.

"We are like brothers and sisters. If Qingle becomes a small hall, naturally, it will not be ill-treated to the brothers. But if the people who are swearing at the house of the lord become a small hall, do you think that you will have a good life? Please also ask your brothers, think about it."

After Yu Bingqing finished, he turned and left.

The four looked at the slender back and his face was cloudy.

Before the start of the test, Mu Qianxi and Gu Baiyi arrived in time.

Gu Baiyi came again and let the audience boil again.

It’s a miracle that the Lord’s host came to watch the game. It’s really unbelievable to watch the game for two consecutive days.

The ten promoted yesterday, together with the North Cold Four Shao and Yu Bing Qing Mu, a total of sixteen people.

The opponent of the match, the lottery decision.

Mu Qianzhen took in two.

Upon hearing the news, everyone sighed and said: "Mu Rong's luck in the night is too bad. In the first game, he even got two."

"Two are the strongest people except the big ones."

After everyone has identified the opponent, they will stand on the platform.

Yu Bingqing’s opponent is just an ordinary disciple. She smiles lightly and surrenders to her convenience.

"I surrender"

Big and small, three less, and four less are similar.

Although the North Cold Seven was killed by Mu Qian, three of them were still in the eyes of ordinary disciples, and they are still mountains that cannot be climbed.

Two less: "Kid, don't think that you have defeated the three wastes, you are self-righteous. You will lose today."

Mu Qian took out a long sword. She smiled and said: "The game hasn't started yet. You can talk big words, not afraid of others flashing to your tongue."

"Jian Murong used a sword for thousands of nights."

"The last time he did not use them with the four, they didn't use swords."

"The lord likes him so much, and it is estimated that the true biography of the lord is sure."

The long sword crossed a curve in the air, and the thousand chills said: "Hot Moon Shadow"

The moon that appeared in an instant, cold and chilling, fierce and rapid.

Ordinary disciples may not know this trick, but elders have widened their eyes.

"The lord, even gave his school to Murong thousands of nights."

“It’s even more incredible that Murong learned it all night, how long she used to learn.”


"Han Yueying turned out to be a cold moon shadow"

Yu Bingqing saw that cold moon, and his eyes became colder than that sword.

The heart of the cockroach is going crazy, and the lord of the temple has taught his school to this kid.

Two less hurriedly running spiritually to avoid, the sword gas is like cutting tofu, cut a trace on the contest.

"Water Dragon Kill" Mu Qianxuan does not seem to want to give the opportunity to avoid the second, to win the pursuit


Under the attack that Mu Qian’s eyes are not smashed, the second few have no spare time to fight back.

As early as after the use of Hanyue Shadow to take the lead, Mu Shao was destined to lose.

"Hot Moon Shadow"

"This is another trick." Under the intensive attack, he was useless.

Two of them have cold sweat on their heads, but now he can do it, can only dodge

Mu Qianxi poured the spiritual power into the sword, and the cold voice: "Double Moon Shadow"

"Double Moon Shadow she even learned the double moon shadow."

"This sword is not much weaker than the Lord."

"The sword"

"It's a thousand nights, it's a ghost. It's no wonder that the Lord likes him so much."

Two less escaped a moon, but could not hide the one behind

"嘶" Jianqi swayed from his back, and Mu Qianxi made a move from the front.

"Water Dragon Break"

The water blue dragon directly sent the two less to the contest.

"Touching" the second few squats fell on the martial arts platform, with unwillingness in his eyes.

The faces of the two elders are very bad. With the strength of their disciples, even if Murong learned the uniqueness of the lord's house for thousands of nights, even if he can't win, he won't lose so fast.

However, it was defeated. From the beginning, the fighting rhythm could not keep up with this kid.

This kid is terrible, talent is not terrible, his combat experience is also far from his stinky boy.

Mu Qian said: "There are two cold in the north, but it is only so seven strokes, you can't hold it."

Everyone was shocked, "Mu Rong won a thousand nights."

"Win, he actually won"

"Not only won but only used seven strokes to defeat two."

"If I am not mistaken, the strength of Murong's thousand nights is the sixth order of the Emperor. The sixth stage of the Emperor of the Emperor used seven strokes to defeat the second of the Sixth Order of the Emperor. Is this still human?"

At this time, the second few could not wait to find a hole to drill in. He finally managed to advance to the sixth level of the Emperor, but he did not play well. He encountered such a freak and was simply lost to his home.

Originally, I despised the age of Mu Qian, and at this time my eyes were like the eagle-eyed stare at Mu Qian.

This has a million years of Murong, another strong enemy besides Yu Bingqing.

After the game, Mu Qianxi told Gu Baiyi: "Xiaobai, I didn't lose face to you."

"The child is very powerful." Gu Baiyi replied.

Every time Yu Bingqing sees a happy conversation between two people, there is an impulse to want to take a thousand dollars.

It’s getting faster soon, and soon Mu Qian will disappear from the world and will never appear in front of the Lord.

The test of the sixteen into eight is over, and the next round is a new round of the test.

Mu Qianqi’s lucky luck is not very good. This time I’m pumping a lot of money.

Four less luck is not very good, because he is jade ice.

He knows that he is not an opponent of Murong's thousands of nights. Only Yu Bingqing and Boss can defeat Murong's thousands of nights. The Shaodian must be one of them.

At this time, he naturally has to recognize each other and concede and save the spiritual power of Qing.

He said: "I admit defeat"

The opponents of the three young people also admit defeat, and everyone focused their attention on the collapse of the big and small.

The rising star, the genius of the temple, and the first genius of the old cold hall, this will definitely be a very wonderful matchup.

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