Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1268: Want to kill her

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Mu Qiang looked up and said to Yu Bing: "Listen to Miss Yu's tone, it seems that I am looking forward to playing with me like a game?"

"The genius handed over by the master of the temple, Qinger naturally wants to ask for advice."

Yu Bing Qingqiang resisted his own tone and became calm.

After all, he was watching the game, he could not be in front of him, lost his demeanor.

"I will let you know, my power!" Mu Qianyan's face is smiling, but the tone is arrogant.

"This kid really doesn't know how tall and thick! Even dare to talk to the saints."

"You must know that the Virgin Mary is the first genius of our North Cold Hall. It is our sixth coldest temple that broke through the sixth order of the Emperor."

"Her strength is probably stronger than big and small!"

Although the identity of the Jade Ice Lady was abolished, everyone still habitually called her.

The arrogance of Mu Qianxi, easily tore the jade of Yu Bingqing.

Among the dawn of Yu Bingqing, there is a cold meaning that cannot be concealed, and the killing air rushes out.

"So, let me see, what is your power?"

The referee announced the next moment of the game, and the white shadow of Yu Bingqing flew out like a wind.

As she flew out, the ground condensed into a smooth ice, making the entire contest on the stage.

"It is the first genius of the North Cold Hall. This shot is strong!" everyone exclaimed.

That snow-and-fallen fairy, at this time exudes the power of the monks, the eighth order of the Emperor!

"Eight order! How long has it been? The saints are actually eight steps."

Mu Qianqi slightly raised his eyebrows, did not think that Yu Bingqing did not get the ice of the ages, and the strength has also increased so much.

Yu Bing Qingdao: "Murong is a night, you are not very surprised. Wannian ice marrow is only to help me advance, even if there is no foreign object, I can enhance the strength!"

"Today, you have no chance of winning!"

The majestic power of the Eighth Order of the Emperor is very awkward.

Disciples who are close to the martial arts have felt a cold chill in their cold.

Ice elemental spirits, really strong!

Yu Bingqing started, and countless ice arrows flew in the direction of Mu Qianxi.

The speed is so fast that people can't see it.

That young man’s **** is faster, and there is a burst of ice when he is avoiding.


The ice arrow of Yu Bingqing, like a scissors cloth, is a simple and easy way to break the defense of Mu Qian's Ice Spirit Shield.

The ice arrow tore the air and chased after the thousand.

Mu Qianxi flashed out, the other side's strength is much higher, counterattack, to find the right time!


In a blink of an eye, the Frostbolt has made the entire contest more boring.

At the side of the game, Gu Baiyi and Zero, at this time, the dawn is also a sink.

They know the strength of the Millennium, and if Yu Bingqing is only the strength of the seventh-order of the Emperor, it will not pose a threat to Mu Qian.

However, the strength of Yu Bingqing has reached the eighth order!

That is dangerous!

"Water dragons are extinguished!" Mu Qianxi finally counterattacked.

An ice dragon rushed to Yu Bingqing, and Yu Bing chilled and said: "This attack, I also want to hurt me."

The ice element spirit directly blocked the ice dragon and turned it into ice cubes!

Her sword moved, "Scratch!" The ice dragon that was stagnant in the air suddenly became a fragment.

It suddenly became extremely sharp, surrounded by a cold murderous enemies.

With no gaps in all directions, Mu Qian’s legs slammed into the air and rushed into the air.

His figure was spinning, and a long sword with one hand blocked the attacks.

"Murong spends a night, still take out the swordsmanship of the temple master! Deal with me, an ice element, you attack with water elements, completely vulnerable!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "You want me to use the sword of the Lord to deal with you!"

She flashed a glimmer of light. "But why is this son listening to you!"

When the arm moves, the other arm moves, urging the spiritual power in her body, and a seal falls from the sky.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the ice that surrounded the Millennium is turned into a granule.

“Tick and ticking!” quickly melted in the air, forming a raindrop on the platform.

Yu Bingqing's face sank, and this Murong died to the end of the night and dared to be hard.

"Ice smash!" The ice elements in the air condensed and formed a phoenix in the air.

The hail took the murderous murder of Mori, and rushed toward Mu Qianyu, taking the momentum from Di, and people's eyes widened.

"A good spiritual skill, the elemental shape is so embarrassing, it is worthy of the Virgin!"

Mu Qian’s sword was pulled out, and the cold voice: “Han Yueying!”


Two moon wheels rushed into the air, aiming at the pair of hail wings.

Jade ice is approaching, and her sword tip directly hits the neck of Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi sideways to avoid, directly hit her toward the past, "Ring Luo Yin!"

"Hey!" The hail in the air, a pair of wings fell to the ground, and two big pits were found on the platform!

Yu Bingqing sneered, "I really thought that my hail is so good to deal with?"

Soon, the hail once again grew a pair of wings, followed by its owner to attack Mu Qian.

"Mu Qianxi, your speed is fast, I want you to have no way to hide."

Hail and Jade Bingqing worked together, and Mu Qian’s body was fast, and he was still caught up by Yu Bingqing.

"Ring Luo Yin!"

When Yu Bingqing was fighting, the spiritual power continued to skyrocket!

"You can't escape!"

Yu Bingqing waved his hand and formed a blocked ice wall around him, blocking the retreat of Mu Qiang from all directions.

The layers of ice have reduced the space for the activities of Mu Qian, and also blocked everyone’s sight.

Gu Baiyi was so light that he couldn’t see him. He was very upset.

Thousands of cold swords seem to perceive the master's mind, and are also slightly shocked.

As long as you think about Bai Yi, it will fly over and let the ice layer shatter.

For the first time, the elders saw that Gu Baiyi was so nervous. He smiled and said: "The temple owner does not have to worry. Qinger is the one I taught. Although it looks cold, it is very measured and will not hurt Murong’s night. Kid's."

Gu Baiyi’s dawn was a bit colder. If he was a big elder, he couldn’t believe a word.

The smaller the activity space of the curtain, the clearer and easy to open her defense.

"Hey!" A force rushed to Mu Qian, and Mu Qian slammed into the ice.

The mouth of Mu Qian’s mouth overflowed with blood, and the bottom of the skull flashed a dark light.

Yu Bing Qingdao: "Mu Rong Qian night, this time, you can't escape! How do you decide to die? You are killed by 10,000 ice arrows, or you use my sword to dig your heart and die."

No one here can see the situation of the ice layer, and the appearance of the ice-clear and jade of the jade ice is now more embarrassing than the evil spirits.

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Yu Bingqing, your courage is not small! I even want to kill me."

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