Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1277: I want to eat you.

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"You found it here?" Zhang Guzhu is also somewhat surprised.

At this time, Ling Feng came over from behind Mu Qian, "Because I brought her."

Zhang Gu’s eyes widened. “You...you just woke up.”

"The owner of Shaogu actually woke up. How is this possible? I have an illusion."

Some of the refining masters felt incredible.

Mu Qianqi calmly said: "Zhang Guzhu, you said that if you cure your son, you will pay for the soul. I have cured your son now, give me the fruit of the soul!"

Zhang Gu can be sure that his son is awake, but he was rescued.

"You...who are you?"

"Ghost House, you... I know who you are?"

Some refining pharmacists also suddenly realized that "Mu Qianxi, she is Mu Qian."

"The entire Quartet, can have such an ability to go against the sky, in addition to ghost doctors in the ghost medical building is the Millennium."

"She actually came here, and she is too bold!"

Zhang Gu main road: "Thank you for the girl who cured my child, this is the soul of the soul, please accept it!"

Zhang Guzhu took out a box and handed it to Mu Qianxi.

When you open the box and look at it, it is the soul of the soul, yes!

She nodded with satisfaction, Zhang Gu said: "Today's business, please also ask the girl to do nothing. After all, the power of these refining pharmacists is thinking of enemies with the girl, to win the eternal sword of the girl. !"

"This is, I give the girl a secret to pay attention to the secret."

Zhang Guzhu is a two-and-a-half-powered valley owner, and the things that are sent out are extraordinary.

And this guy is a person who is very good at it, and it is a good medicine to give to Mu Qian.

Some of the refining masters were anxious. "The girl is saving lives! Our forces are against you, but we never want to be enemies with you!"

"Mu girl, do you see us being ruined by this heartbreaking Zhang Guzhu?"


They couldn’t think of it, and the little girl they looked down on during the day was now their life-saving straw.

In any case, they don't want to die!

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "You are very clear, I am not a good person, but also a businessman."

They seem to understand, said: "Mu girl, as long as you save me, my life's treasures are yours."

"Mu girl, as long as you save me, I will sell for the ghost medical building for free!"

"Mu girl..."

In order to save their lives, they all went out.

Zhang Gu’s face sank and said: “Mu girl, these people are not credible!”

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Zhang Guzhu, I seem to remember! You said today, save your son, not only will you give the soul, but that medicine, you have to be paid, you say right?"

Zhang Gu’s face sank, “Mu girl, you still don’t have to take a shot. I’m afraid of the ghost building, but here is the site of my wing Tiangu?”

Mu Qiandao said: "Is Zhang Guzhu going to eat and say fat?"

"I heard that you are the first day of the refining pharmacist in Dongjing. The mental strength seems to be very strong. Since you don't know how to send yourself to the door, then you are also a good food for adults."

After the test of Zhang Gu’s main yin, he changed his grasp to Mu Qianxi.

A green figure flashed and instantly shot Zhang Gu.

"Boom!" Zhang Guzhu was directly attacked by the earthquake.

Zhang Gu’s eyes widened his eyes, “The Emperor’s nine-level peak!”

He knew that this woman was very strong. He thought that the strength was the same as his, but he did not expect to be a peak master.

"The rumor that the ice system of the ghost medical building is the peak of the woman, this is the woman!"

"It’s no wonder that Mu Qiang dared to show up. It turned out that there are peak masters to follow."

"Zhang Gu is not the opponent of the peak master, we are saved."

Zhang Gu main road: "You have the best protection of the peak, I did not expect. But I want to take my medicine trip, it is impossible!"

Zhang Guzhu swallowed a medicinal herb, and his hands violently jumped, and the forces suddenly surged to the peak!

When he rushed over, he condensed the fat: "Homeowner, back!"

"Boom!" The two forces collided together, and soon this chamber was directly razed to the ground.



Under the gravel, some of the refining masters were covered with gray heads and stunned.

"Boom!" The condensing fat and Zhang Gu master fought in the air.

At this time, a black shadow swayed, and that medicine Ding approached the face of Mu Qianxi.

"Little girl, your mental strength is very strong. I really want to eat you, eat..."

Another voice remembered in the mind of Mu Qiang. "This is a reincarnation, master, you should clean up the reincarnation! You are absolutely welcome, this greedy ghost!"

Mu Qianyi, "Aoki! You mean, is this guy also one of the nine medicines made in his life?"

Eight 荒青青木神鼎道: "This is the death of the tripod, the most like to devour the spirit of the refining pharmacist. If you want to use it to refine the medicine, it must give it enough mental strength."

Because of this wonderful request, but there are really few people in this quadrilateral can do it, leading to this greedy ghost to swallow the human spirit, and make people very miserable.

Of course, no one else can do it, but its owner can't do it.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I know."

Mu Qianxi suddenly smiled. "You want to devour my mental strength. I let you swallow it."

Those refining masters could not believe the direct ears.

They looked at the girl in front of me, and the dazzling smile was so faint.

This evil Ding is to devour your spiritual power! You even laughed and asked friends to eat, this...

Once the mental power is swallowed up, it will not last long. The people who fainted during the day are **** examples.

For the first time, the death reincarnation saw such a scorpion refining pharmacist. He smiled and said: "You take the initiative to give me spiritual power, you are a good person!"

Mu Qian’s spiritual power shrouded the death cycle, and the death cycle was like a very delicious food, and began to swallow!

Devouring, continue to swallow...

Everyone looked at Mu Qiang was swallowed up, but his face was normal, and there was no trace of pain.

Mu Qian’s mouth was slightly raised, and as time passed, the death cycle began to speak. “I am full! No, the first time I saw a strong refining pharmacist, it’s great. I will follow you later, so I am not afraid of being hungry."

Some of these refining pharmacists looked at Mu Qianxi as if they were watching monsters. Today, this medicine tripod has swallowed so many high-ranking refining masters who are not full, but...

However, Mu Qianqi, a little girl in her teens, has enough mental strength to make this evil singer full, and it is still very relaxed, this is still not a person!

At this time, Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I am full! But my mental strength is enough, you continue to eat!"



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