Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1279: Acting for her

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Then an evil drug trip suddenly changed the style of the painting, selling it, so that everyone could not help but shudder.

Mu Qiang took out some herbs and came out. "It depends on your ability."

The old guys present at the scene were also masters of refining medicine, and found that all of them were all poisonous herbs!

"Try again!"

"I will definitely refine it, and you will wait and see!"

Soon, a poisonous Dan was refining.

That poisonous Dan was directly sent to these refining masters. "Although you keep saying that you want to give me life, but I don't trust you, give me sincerity!"

These old guys almost want to faint, sincerity, is that they want to eat remedies?

Although they know what kind of medicine is used to refine this poisonous Dan, they do not know the role of this drug and do not know how to detoxify it.

"If this is a deadly drug, then are we all dead?" Their faces were pale.

Mu Qian said: "If I want you to die, do you have to work so hard? Give you this guy to reserve food."

"You choose it yourself! To be a reserve grain is still for my life."

Fortunately, they are also masters of refining medicines in all major gates! But did not think that it has now fallen into reserve grain.

"I eat!"

"In the future, please ask your family to give more advice."

"I hope that my family will give us a few words in front of the ghost doctor."

Even if there is a lot of unwillingness in the heart, they can only accept their fate.

After solving these old guys, the reincarnation is weak: "Master, can you still be satisfied? Come on contract me! Contract me!"

This eye-catching contract is not a bit of an artifact.

The death turns back to Ding, and there is no one to offer, and Mu Qianxi can only give this guy a contract.

Mu Qian said: "Well, I am in agreement with you."

After the completion of the equality contract, the death cycle screamed directly in the contract space.

"Ah! Lao Ba!"

"Lord... Lord, I finally found you."

The excitement of the reincarnation was finally seen by the brothers and the Lord.

It screamed. "It’s no wonder that the master is so perverted. It turned out to be the master of the Lord."

After the excitement, it was a bit of a crush on it. It had recently wanted to swallow up the spirit of the master, and it was almost dead!

When the Lord woke up, it was finished.

Reincarnation is determined, you must eat less, more officers, when the master can give it to the host.

When things arrived, they also presented a death reincarnation and a pile of refining guru, and Mu Qianyi planned to leave the place.

At this time, Ling Feng said: "Mu Jiazhu, I am also willing to serve you, as long as you promise me a request?"

Mu Qianyi said, "You have to serve my life, you are the heir to Wing Tiangu, the future two-star power of the Valley of the Valley."

Ling Feng said: "If you don't have a family, you are already a dead person."

"I just want to conceive the soul of the grass, but the future of the valley is mainly for my life, I will not refuse. What is your request?"

Ling Feng’s eyes chilled and slammed into the main road of Zhang Gu, who was nailed to the ground like a dead fish: “I want to kill him!”

"Hey animals, what do you say? You are going to kill me." Zhang Gu is very angry and angry.

Mu Qian said: "You want to kill Zhang Guzhu?"

"If you don't believe me, I can eat this poisonous Dan now."

After the refining of the medicinal herbs for the old guys, there are still a lot left!

Mu Qiang looked up and looked at this one. This looks is handsome, but the two men with a trace of vicissitudes said: "You can think about it, sell for my life, that is equal to you and Wing Tiangu to follow the ghost medical building and the whole Quartet The major forces in the world are enemies. They also include the Samsung forces, the East Pole Hall, and the North Han Temple.

Ling Fengdao: "I believe in the ability of the family, not afraid of this."

Mu Qian said: "Well, it depends on your words."

Mu Qiang gave him a bottle of medicine and said: "That poisonous Dan tastes bad, you drink this potion!"

This person is worthy of appreciation, but it is not completely trusted. Naturally, a layer of protection is added.

Ling Feng did not say anything to drink the potion.

Mu Qian said: "The next thing, you will handle it yourself! I will go to rest first."

Some refining pharmacists looked at Mu Qian’s words: "Mu Jiazhu, owner, please detoxify us! We are now poisoned by the traitor, and now we can’t move."

Mu Qian said: "It is not a very terrible poison. It will be invalid tomorrow morning."

When the words fall, Mu Qianxi has disappeared in front of them.

They want to cry without tears. Is it that they are going to lie in this gravel for the night?

Ling Feng’s eyes chilled toward the one Zhang Gu, and Zhang Gu’s master said: “Reverse, don’t come over... you...”

"You have to be uncle!"

The next day, the sun poured from the gap between the leaves into the spacious room of the Millennium, and the golden sunlight was mixed with mottled trees.

Mu Qiankai opened his eyes and had a good night!

At this time, Wing Tiangu had a big change. "I didn't think that the Guzhu was such a person. He killed all the refining pharmacists in the valley, and almost killed the Shaogu master."

"It’s not as good as a poultry. The lady was poisoned by him at the beginning! He was a refining pharmacist for so many years, no one knows."

Wing Tiangu also has an old age.

Zhang Gu is a door-to-door son-in-law, and the former old valley owner is Ling Feng’s grandfather.

After Mrs. Gu’s wife left the son, she was naturally surnamed Ling, not Zhang. Mrs. Gu’s wife died when Ling Feng was young, and Zhang Guzhu became the power of this wing Tiangu.

Yesterday, I didn’t know what Lingfeng used. Zhang Gu’s masters all recruited, and the retired old Gu master went out and angryly shot people into meat sauce.

Everyone wants to let the old valley master regain the wings of Tiangu. After all, Ling Feng has been abandoned by his **** cockroach.

I learned that my grandson had to kill a woman, and the old valley owner had to deal with other things, and he came to look for a thousand.

"You are the one who admires thousands."

Mu Qianxi looks at the old man who is coming forward. He is very spiritual and has a strong spiritual strength. He is only a short distance from the peak.

Mu Qian said: "Yes, I am Mu Qian."

Old Valley main road: "Little girl, thank you for yesterday's things. Do not dare you have any ability, let my grandson, let me Tianyi Valley, surrender to a ghost medical building without any star."

The old man is compelling, and Mu Qian is a faint smile.

"Why? With this family, you can let your grandson re-cultivate. Do you think this is enough?"

Ling Feng sincerely surrendered, and Mu Qian will naturally not let him have any strength.

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