Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1282: I want to die and want to live

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However, I have not waited until Ah stopped to shoot, a blue figure flashed!

"Scratch!" Qingying directly twisted the arm of Tianling.

"Boom!" Tianling lord also gave a punch to Qingying.

The body of Qingying flew out, but there was no injury.

Another slender figure has arrived, and of course there are still many pursuers.

Ms. Qian said: "Small cold, let's go back to the ghost medical building!"

When the condensed fat is cold, they have to escape, and they even tell them in person where they want to escape. This black-hearted little girl has absolutely another plan.

The icy spiritual power came out and condensed the fat: "After I am broken, let's go first!"

"it is good!"

"Blue Shadow, let's go!"

Although there are a few peak masters, it is not easy for Xiao Leng to kill them, but if they want to retire, no one can stop them.

Their speed is very fast, and the person behind them is smashed.

"The road elders, what to do? We lost." Tianling Zongzhu gloomy road.

The arm of the broken arm, he must report!

"Ghost medical building, can't escape. I let the temple owner send more people to go to the ghost medical building."

"This is not very good! This is the site of the North Cold Hall after all?" Tianling Zong main road.

Although he embraced the thigh of the East Pole Hall, he did not want to be an enemy of the North Han Temple.

"North Cold Hall, will not stop!"

After smashing people, Mu Qianxi went back to the ghost medical building smoothly.

Yueze Road: "The North Cold Lord has brought back the cloud repair points, I have already placed the people."

When Mu Qianxi went to his own site, he saw Gu Baiyi waiting for her.

"White, I have kept you waiting."

"Why are you running around this time?"

"Is this not safe to come back? There are blue shadows and small cold, no one has got me."

Although the road is very tired, but Mu Qianxi wants to see the situation of Feng Yunxiu.

Mu Qianxi turned into a change and became the appearance of Ah.

Gu Baiyi looked at the front of the boy's mouth and slightly evoked it. Feng Yunxiu did not know her identity, but he knew.

She trusts him more.

Gu Baiyi’s heart was happy, but Ah stopped to blow up.

"Dead woman, are you really fascinated by beauty without IQ? Even in the face of others, you are not afraid of being deceived."

Ms. Qian said: "Little white is trustworthy."

"It's worth trusting, I see you are confused by this white lotus."

"Whatever you say, I am going to see the patient now."

"I am mad at me, mad at me, my sister will not care about him!" Ah stopped the road.

"Those who trust children, we naturally have to trust, Ah stopped listening."

"I..." Why the fire in his heart burned more vigorously.

I can't sleep for too long in the future, my sister is so indulgent, no one is in charge.

Feng Yunxiu was in a coma in bed, and Xuan Yi was at his side.

When Xuanyi saw this elf-like teenager appearing in front of him, he was a little surprised, but respectfully said: "Ghost doctor!"

Curtain whispered and waved: "You are on the side! I look at his body."

As soon as he looked at his body, Mu Qian’s brows tightened.

Feng Yun repaired the power of the body at this time, and it was a mess.

She has seen him improve his strength before, and the secret method is almost harmless to the body, as long as it is not used frequently.

But this time...

Mu Qian said: "What secret method did you use in your home? This is hard to kill."

Xuan Yi was dark and said: "Our family is too stupid."

"Forget it, it is useless to ask you, wake up this guy and say it." A needle was placed on the arm of Feng Yunxiu.

Feng Yun repaired his eyes and he did not expect that he would be counted by Bai Baiyi one day.

But what he is seeing now is not Gu Baiyi, but a beautiful boy like a fairy.

The young boy's pale green scorpion is clear and innocent. He is so close to him, but he has no resentment.

"Ghost doctor!" Soon, Feng Yunxiu responded to who this person is?

At the East China Alchemy Conference, this person has conquered everyone.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The cloud repairs the temple, it has been gone for a long time."

A stop of this model sample to hook people, this laugh, simply laughs and makes people lose their souls.

Feng Yunxiu feels that this smile is unusually familiar and kind.

He is not familiar with ghost doctors, courtesy: "I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Soon, the beautiful smile suddenly became dangerous.

"Wake up the temple of Yun Xiu Shao! I want to ask Yun Xiu Shao Temple a question, do you want to die, or want to live?"

Feng Yunxiu feels that if he says he doesn't want to die, this teenager will directly put him on the poison needle to kill him.

It seems that, like the Millennium, Feng Yunxiu was scared by his own ideas.

Feng Yun Xiu said: "I want to live! I still have things that I have not done, I must not die here."

Mu Qian said: "Since you want to live, then your life, this ghost doctor will keep it, and you are lying here. If you dare to escape, I will interrupt your leg."

Mu Qianxi turned and left to prepare for refining.

Feng Yun Xiu’s pair of good-looking scorpions sank, cold voice: "Xuan Yi!"

Xuan Yi directly fell down, "Master! I am looking for a thousand nights to help the temple, but also the idea of ​​a thousand nights less."

"I just let you send a gift to thousands of nights, you have done extra things, you are really good."

"When the master recovers, Xuan Yi is punished by the master."

Mu Qiang went out, Gu Baiyi asked: "Hey, how?"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I want to be the most powerful refining pharmacist. This problem naturally cannot help me."

Gu Baiyi said: "Don't be too consuming, Feng Yun will not die for a while."

Mu Qian said: "I will not force myself."

Mu Qianxi went to the refining room, and Gu Baiyi watched her walk in. She had not recovered her eyes for a long time.

She asked, he would do his best to help her.

To be the strongest refining pharmacist, you must have a fire element, and that is the eternal.

She believes in the strength of her children, as long as she has the power of fire element, with her talent, even if she does not need the eternal trip, she can go that step!

However, if there is an eternal trip, she can take a lot of detours, not to suffer so much!

It is extremely difficult to get a complete sword of eternal sword. Nothing is wrong with the order of the North Palace.

But the horror of the sword spirit, he also saw it.

If you are robbing the eternal tripod with the North Palace, it is absolutely dead with him!

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that the only person he cares about is in danger.

A person's life has something that must be done, what he is pursuing, what he wants to do, he can't bear to stop it.

Gu Baiyi has already made preparations for everything.

"Boom!" At this time, there are strong enemies!

It turned out that the East Pole Temple and Tian Lingzong were chasing troops. The road elders said: "Hand over Mu Qian."



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