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Ah stopped in front of them, Gu Baiyi felt that someone was close.

Soon he found that the green boy was like a ghost in the East Pole of the Three Elders, and the hand gently shot on the old guy!

"Time stops!"

This time stopping time is not stopping everyone's time, but stopping the heart beat of the old guy.

He didn't even show a painful expression, and he stepped into death without knowing it!


The master of the East Pole Temple was arrested by Azerbaijan and was thrown to the ground like garbage.

The pair of clear scorpions squatted toward Gu Baiyi, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. "Is the movement really slow? I have cleaned up the little man, and you are cool."

Ah stopped just to clean up the opponent of Gu Baiyi. As for the opponents of the condensation grease and the blue shadow, they just tossed away.

After that, Ah stopped completely ignored Gu Baiyi and went to the front of Mu Qianxi: "A dead woman, is it enough? Isn't I a great master?"

Mu Qiang nodded: "It turned out to be a lot worse."

"That is natural. If I don't change, the next time the guy is coming! Do you still want to have trouble in the phoenix and nine nights? When he is not helping, he is still helping."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "After that, I asked Ah to take care of it."

"Oh! There is no sincerity."

"What kind of sincerity do you want?"

"Don't be confused by the beauty, from that..." Ah stopped pointing at Bai Baiyi, and then said: "Oh! There is one that is inside the wound, the most important thing is to stay away from the Phoenix nine nights, give me peace of mind. Practice."

Gu Baiyi knew that this boy was targeting him, but he did not think that he was so overbearing that he would let him go farther away from him.

When the light is cold, even if he has the ability to go against the sky, he must not interfere with the private affairs of his nephew.

Mu Qianxi deceived Ah stopped: "The small pavilion, you are on your nose!"

Said, Mu Qianxi automatically grabbed his face and smiled: "It's very delicate and slippery! Your host, I not only like beautiful men, but also like a young boy like you! You bite me!"

A stop wants to shoot and fly to the millennium, Mu Qianqi close to his ear and said: "You fight! You just try to try, I will tell Crystal Ying!"

"Well! Waiting for the water dragon and waking up in a lifetime, I will also go to the complaint, and when I see the group, I will not die."

A burst of heat fell to Ah’s ear, and Ah stopped feeling his ears burning.

"You give me a hand!"


Putting the face like a white jade to the red dragonfly, Ah stopped his eyes and killed him thousands of times.

Gu Baiyi saw that the pupils of this scene suddenly shrank, and the relationship between them was very close.

That kind of intimacy seems to be beyond his reach.

There is a kind of emotion in the heart called 嫉妒 tumbling, and Mu Qian’s finally let go of Ah.

"Don't make trouble with you! The ghost doctor in the rumor is going to be tall. I can't destroy the image like this, let me go."

A stop grinds: "Death woman, the next time you kill you, I will never save you! You just wait to cry!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Okay! There is a beautiful young boy like you who is going to die with me, I am not losing!"

"" Ah stopped to be mad.

"You are a rogue!"

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly raised. “You didn’t know it on the first day, so what are you excited about?”



In the air, the condensing grease and the blue shadow also packed up the other two peak masters.

The condensed fat went to the side of Mu Qian, and saw the beautiful teenager who was screaming at the millennium, and she was puzzled!

This young man is so outrageous that he can move his hands to clean up the enemy, but he just helped Gu Da Dian but did not help them!

The condensed fat looks at the face of Gu Da Dian, who is perfect like a god. It is estimated that this young boy thinks that the head of Gu Dadian looks good!

However, if the condensed fat knows the face under the mask of Qingying, it is estimated that it will not be considered.

Mu Qian said: "All solved."

"Yes!" Condensed fat.

"Mu Yi!"


"Pack these people to the East Pole Hall and say that the owner gave them a big gift."


The ghost medical building battle, shocked the Quartet!

The name of the ghost doctor, the name is shocking!

The elders were shocked to learn of the news. "Be free to let people become babies, become dying old people who are not dying, and control the heartbeat of the people. Is this still human?"

"This ghost doctor is terrible! He is afraid of mastering the time and ambiguity in the rumors, and he is very skilled."

"There are such terrible enemies in this world."

The elder elders said: "There is no way to force yourself, don't be an enemy of the ghost medical building. Even the sword of eternal is in the hands of Mu Qian."


Ghost doctors scared them, who killed who killed!

Other forces in the Quartet have also been scared, Scorpio! The landlord of Ghost Medical Building is so terrible!

They had grown up with a bear and a leopard, and they dared to fight against the ghost medical building and wanted to grab the artifacts of thousands of people.

"Hey!" Bai Wuhai saw that Mu Qianji sent people to send things in the past, and also directly vomited blood.

The peak masters of their East Pole Temple were cleaned up like this, and...

"Great elders, what should we do?" Bai Wuhai asked.

The elders said: "That ghost doctor is definitely not a person in this world. With such anti-day means, how many people we are going to be useless! Please inform your Highness soon!"

Bai Wuhaidao: "Rongren adults went back to their lives, and when the Highness sent people to come to action, now we can only stand still."

"It’s strange that Rong Ren’s adult has gone to the temple for so long. It’s strange to send someone to come. It’s impossible for him to act so slowly.”

"Maybe, Your Highness has his own considerations!"

At this time they did not know that the one who had not returned, but died in the Quartet.

A stop this shot, no one dares to force the ghost medical building to shoot.

Mu Qiang plans to burn another fire and give them a warning.

"Small cold! Tianlingzong combined with the East Pole Hall to my ghost medical building, you take people to delist Tianling."

Condensed fat road: "Yes!"

Most of Tianlingzong’s masters are dead under their hands. Today’s Tianlingzong has a peak of condensation grease.

It’s easy to give it a name!

The next day, the condensed fat took the shadow of the accompaniment, and the poison prepared by Mu Qianxi to go to Tian Lingzong.

"The elders, the ghost doctors sent people to destroy Tianlingzong. They actually felt that this was done in the site of our northern cold hall. It is too much to put our northern cold hall in the eye." The action, naturally someone went to report.

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