Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1298: Exchange condition 3011

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(.+? Look at it. +?.net, the phone looks even better!.+?) When Gu Baiyi went to a snowy lake, the elders were already there. 135%7924?*6/810

The elders respectfully said: "Lord, you are here!"

"You can roll!"

Grand Elder: "Yes!"

The elders did not have much to wait, and soon left.

Gu Baiyi has no cold road: "North Palace, what do you want to do this time?"

There was a white figure in the snow-capped lake, and a sound like a spring breeze came out of it.

"I heard that you have a lovable little guy. His male ** is a little useful. I want him to lead the way to lead the poisonous family. Can you be willing?"

Gu Baiyi cold channel: "Yes!"

"The first time I saw you promised so refreshing!"

"I have a request."

"You will ask me for it. This is not like you." His voice was a bit strange.

"Give me the secret of the North Palace family." Gu Baiyi made a request.

"It's okay, it's just something that doesn't flow."

The voices of the two people are gentle and close, and a cold refusal is thousands of miles away. The conversation is very smooth.

After the elders left, they went to Mu Qian.

"Thousands of nights, the temple of the family has a breath of artifact. We have to go to the poisonous land, and ask you to hand over this family."

Mu Qian said: "If you say someone, I will give you! Which green onion are you?"

"The Lord has already promised that it is better for you to defy the command of the Lord."

His Royal Highness has already been released, and Gu Baiyi can not agree!

The dawn of the sun, this one of the northern cold hall, really not credible!

The owner was cheated by him!

Mu Qian said: "I don't believe it! The Lord said that I want to give you to you, and when he personally tells me, I will give it to people!"

"The lord of the temple has already promised. Since the temple is not willing to let people go, then don't blame me."

After that, the elders will make people rob people.

If he does not resist, he will not hurt him.

If you resist, you will be scrapped by the way. Even if you take care of this kid, you can be a miss.

When they rushed out, they said: "Thousands of nights, the slaves will not accompany you, go first!"

"Block him! Don't let him run!"

The elders made people stop.

Mu Qianzhen naturally knows that the person who fears the elders will only want to leave the place if he hurts him. However, he alone cannot escape the network of the elders.

"Hot Moon Shadow!"

Mu Qian’s sword was taken out of the sheath and it was shot.

The elders gave a look to the people, and then they were easily surrounded by people.

"Thousands of nights, you will not be willful again."

Mu Qianqi cold channel: "Get out!"

The element of water is madly pouring out. "It seems that the temple is confusing by the man, and I am only offended."


Both sides are fighting, and zero is on the side, and the lips are biting and bleeding.

Seeing so many people shooting on the nephew, he can't move! Even if you have the strength, you can't move!

These people are pressing harder and pressing, and they are strong in their own strengths. They are all secretly handicapped to the millennium. If it is not enough, it is estimated that it has been seriously injured.

Just when the elders thought they were going to succeed, a black figure appeared.

The wind blade hurt many of the great elders, and an elegant voice came. "Several ants in the district have actually started to work on the small halls of the North Han Temple. Is this the rule of your North Han Temple?"

The black hair of the coming people is like a waterfall, with a pair of beautiful amber braids, elegant and expensive.

"Yun Xiu Shao Temple!" everyone exclaimed.

Feng Yunxiu was enthroned in the Ghost Medical Building for treatment. During this time, although Mu Qianji did not go out often, he also sent people to give him medicine.

Now that the body has improved, I don't want to come to the North Han Temple to see old friends, but I did not expect to see this scene. Even if Bai Wuhai doesn’t look good, he doesn’t dare to be so arrogant to him in the East Pole!

The elders said: "I don't know if Yun Xiu Shaodian is visiting, but it is for you to see jokes. We don't mean to hurt the temples for thousands of nights, but our family has always been naughty for thousands of nights, so"

"Naughty is also the habit of the main hall. If you dare to do it here, then you must be aware of your death!"

The cold and ruthless sound of a little temperature came, and it was followed by a colder sword.

"The Lord of the Temple"

If you ask for mercy, you have not said anything about it. These people are one by one.


These are also the elites of the North Han Temple. Gu Baiyi said that killing directly kills.

He did not think that the elders would just leave for a while, and they would dare to dare to support the world.

"The Lord!" In addition to the elders, there is no living thing.

"Hey!" Jianmang draws a blood mark on his arm and reveals the bone.

"Lord, I am just bringing people, you."

Since the appearance of Murong’s thousands of nights, Gu Baiyi has been as noisy as him. The elders only feel headaches!

"This thing, I will deal with! You can roll!" Even if so many people are killed, there is still a murderous murderousness in the guise of Gu Baiyi.

The elders did not dare to stay at this time, said: "The old man retired!"

Feng Yunxiu was also the first time to see Gu Baiyi what kind of guardian apprentice, so cold and cold Gu Baiyi was so concerned about thousands of nights, he was quite happy for him.

He returned to the side of Mu Qianxi, although Gu Baiyi’s unreasonable maintenance and revenge for Mu Qian’s are very happy.

However, he felt in his heart that the pretense would be too much!

Feng Yun repaired back, but it was beyond the expectations of Gu Baiyi.

He said: "The cloud repairs the temple, I have something to discuss with the thousand nights, I am afraid I can't entertain you today."

Feng Yunxiu, who came to see his old friend, was ordered by the North Cold Lord, but it seems that there are major things on their side, and he is not good enough to continue to disturb!

Feng Yun Xiu said: "I am only here to see thousands of nights today. I see everything is good for thousands of nights, and I should not stay for a long time."

Mu Qian said: "The patient should go to take good care of the wound, and even go out and run, go back soon!"

Feng Yun Xiu laughed and said: "Good!"

Mu Qianxi entered the room with Gu Baiyi and was left outside.

Master, will you really hand him over?

Mu Qian said: "Xiao Bai, the old thing said that you promised to hand him over to him?"

"I personally took him to the house of poison, and would let him come back safely."

Mu Qianqi asked: "What do you know about the artifacts of the family?"

"I don't know!"

"That is the eternal descent of the eternal gods."

"I just need to bring people to the past. As for the gods, I want you to get your hand."

Mu Qian’s bottom is bright, “That is to say, you just need to bring people to the past, you don’t need to compete for God Ding?” (.+? Look at it. Net, mobile phone is more cool!.+ ?)

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