Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1302: Cooked ripe rice

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Qingmu Road: "The two poles yin and yang control the yin and yang poles, two extremes, and now the master is a place in the field of yin. It is not aggressive, the owner does not have to worry. As long as you wait patiently for a while, you should be able to capture its breath."

Mu Qian said: "Is it a little white and awkward?"

Aoki-dori: "The white man has the owner of Bodhi, and his strength should be nothing. As for the Lord, he is a man of the family, his body is different from ordinary people, and there will be nothing, the owner. Be careful with yourself. After all, Xiaoyang is a bit too much?"

Mu Qiang nodded: "Good!"

The white figure flashed, and Mu Qianyu passed through the vast field of the yin.

Occasionally, there is some poisonousness in this area, but it’s just that you can’t help yourself.

Suddenly, there was a green and shining figure in front.

At that time, the green image was octopus wrapped around a person and cried directly.

"I can't stand it anymore, hehe..."

Looking at this monster-like daughter, the cloud palace master is also intolerable, but found that her temperature is getting higher and higher, like...

At this time, he saw a white shadow!

"Thousands of nights!" He hurriedly took the cloud and pity, rushed to Mu Qianxi, and his face had some surprise colors.

The road ahead was stopped. When Yunfu’s children heard the words “Thousands of Nights”, their eyes were filled with green light and they looked at Muqian.

Her delicate words: "Thousands of nights, you... you can help a little girl! I... I... I can't stand it anymore."

"Tear it!" She just tore up her clothes in Mu Qian, and left only a dudou.

Although the spring is leaking, it is green, not attractive at all!

The Cloud Palace Lord does not feel that his daughter is shameful, but pleads: "Thousands of nights, the temple is a bit strange, my daughter is afraid of poisoning, please also ... you..."

Mu Qianxi sings the road: "Yun Gongzhu, assuming that this is not your daughter, there is a woman who grows up in front of you, would you be willing to help?"

The appearance of my own daughter is really infiltrating, so I don’t dare to take a look. I don’t have to be close to her.

He said: "Thousands of nights, the pity is just poisoned. Have you seen her before the poisoning? Isn't it? My daughter was originally a great beauty of the national color, absolutely worthy of thousands of nights."

"Even if she did not become the appearance of a green monster, this small hall can not see! I still have things, the cloud palace masters do not block the road." Mu Qianxi indifferent road.

"Oh...hey..." Yun Pier cried in pain, and the body seemed to be no longer his own.

She needs a man, a man...

The Cloud Palace Lord saw his daughter's appearance as anxious, and then saw the appearance of Mu Qian's indifference, and even more angry.

"Thousands of nights, my daughter is still a virgin, why don't you suffer, you really don't want to help?" The voice of the cloud palace master, a lot of gloomy.

Mu Qian said: "Whoever is suffering? This is not willing to help, you still have to find someone else!"

Nowadays, this place is very different, and I can’t find anyone at all. My daughter can’t hold on.

Moreover, only the thousands of nights and the northern cold halls can be worthy of their daughters.

The head of the Cloud Palace said to Mu Qian: "There are thousands of nights, I love women, you don't cooperate, then I only have to offend."

After all, he even shot and attacked Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi had already noticed that his figure was flashing and he was not caught by the Yungong master.

The end of the millennium flashed a cold light. "Yun Gongzhu, your courage is not small! Even dare to start this small hall." 67.356

"If I don't want to hurt your spouse for a few nights, I don't want to hurt you."

Although my daughter had an accident, it was definitely a good opportunity to meet the thousand nights.

After a while, the rice is cooked and cooked. If the temple is a regenerative gas, it will not be a future for him.

And his daughter can become the wife of the future North Cold Lord, who dared to look down on his Nebula Palace when he saw it.

The head of the Cloud Palace looked at Mu Qianxi, and the iron heart had to arrest Mu Qian’s daughter to detoxify her daughter.

After that, she once again started to admire Mu Qian.

Although the Millennium Hall of the North Han Temple has a talent for heaven and autism, the superiority of the leap-level battle can be super-perverted. The predecessor of the Eighth Order of the Emperor of the Emperor is defeated by his men, but he has the ninth order of the Emperor. strength.

The cloud palace owner thinks that he has won the Millennium, and he is completely out of it!

"Hot Moon Shadow!"

Mu Qiang took out the sword, and this old guy is not good at it!

Not enough, obviously he has scruples, not doing his best, so she is not so good to win.

"Hey!" The cloud palace master easily blocked the sword of Mu Qianxi.

"This is the stunt of the Lord of the North, but the spiritual power of the temple is still too weak!"

He was like a lightning bolt, and he was rushing to avoid it.

"Ring Luo Yin!"

The bang of the "Boom!", the ground on the left side of the Cloud Palace, was blasted into a hole.

"Useless! Thousands of nights, you are not my opponent, or do not struggle better!"

Mu Qiang cold channel: "You dream!"

"Hey!" The two men played against each other. The Yungong master discovered that although the strength was weak, the speed was not slow.

"Hey!" Mu Qian's medicine needle flew out.

Yungong’s lord hurriedly avoided, and then Yunfu’s child shouted, “Oh... I... I can’t stand it, hurry to catch the thousand nights, I want him, I...”

The main road of Yungong: "Thousands of nights, I will not waste time with you here."

The sturdy strength of the ninth order is mad, and the momentum is compelling!

Just when Yungong mainly tried his best to start with Mu Qianxi, he did not even talk about Mu Qianxi rushing to another place, a long sword pointing down to the softness of the cloud.

"Yun Gongzhu, you still don't want to act rashly, or your daughter's life may be gone."

"You...you...you are despicable, and you threaten me with the poisonous, unrelenting pity."

My own strength is very clear, she did not intend to fight with the cloud master.

At this time, Yun Qian, who was pointed by Mu Qian’s sword, suddenly rose up and rushed toward Mu Qian’s, “Thousands of Nights... Little Hall...”

At this time, she completely ignored the danger of the sword, only thinking...

"Thousands of nights, you will give me! Hey! Pity asks you, please."

Faced with this green and shining monster, even a color demon will be disgusted, not to mention that Mu Qian is not a man at all.

"Hey!" The two needles fell on her arm, letting her two hands that were trying to admire the millennium stiffened in the air.

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