Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1305: The pole of yang

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The flame in the body was flooding in the shackles, and Gu Baiyi remembered the medicinal herbs that Mu Qianji gave him, and hurriedly ate it, and finally he was controlled.

Gu Baiyi’s cold eyes squinted at the woman in front of her eyes: “Roll!”

Yu Bingqing was completely stunned. She did not think that at this time, Gu Baiyi could remain so calm.

"The Lord..."

Jade rushed to catch up, this time the familiar murderous, so she did not dare to approach Gu Baiyi.


This white tulip garden seems to be a closed circle, and Gu Baiyi’s sword is unable to open it.

His brows are very small, and it is very strange here! I don't know how?

Gu Baiyi's breath is very dangerous. No matter how much he wants to get close to Gu Baiyi, she can only look far away.

The fist is clenched, and the palm has already had a blood mark. She must bear it!

Just hold back, wait until the Lord can't support it, she will be the winner!

The final loss is Yu Bingqing, she is already unable to support.

"The Lord..." Her voice became hoarse.

Thousands of cold swords, coldly rushed over, Yu Bingqing hurriedly avoided, a time red blood stained her white dress.

"If you kill me..." Yu Bingqing did not dare to look at Gu Baiyi.

Gu Baiyi discovered that the efficacy of Bodhi Refining Xindan could not be sustained. Fortunately, Ms. Qian gave him enough, and he ate a few more.

Just in case, this woman must not live in front of her.

Gu Baiyi was planning to die, and at this time, four figures rushed in and saw Gu Baiyi killing Yu Bingqing: "The Lord, stop..."

"Lord, how can you kill the children!"

The four young masters of the North Han Temple actually entered the area with their beatings and came to the hero to save the United States.

In another place, Yan said to Mu Qiandao: "The two levels of yin and yang have two points, the extreme point of the yin and the pole of the yang. As long as we find the extreme point of the yin, we can go out."

The reincarnation suddenly shouted: "I remembered that Xiaoyang likes to throw the strongest man to the extreme of the sun. If the owner wants to find the adult in white, he will go to the extreme of the sun."

Aoki Shen said: "Master, must be fast! The extreme of Yang is very bad for white adults."

Mu Qianqi asked: "Why not?"

"The pole of yang is also the most medicinal place. I am afraid that Bodhi will not support it."

"Fast! You must find the extreme point of the yin." Mu Qianxi hurriedly yelled.


Leading the way, Mu Qiang, they walked into a place full of black mandala.

This place is closed. At this time, the cycle suddenly screams: "Master, are you leaving here soon?"

“Here is the extreme of the yin?”

"Yes! This is the extreme point of the yin, but the medicinal nature here is the most irresistible to the woman, I... oh! Master, you killed me! I have slept for too long and the memory is not very good."

Aoki Shen Sheng: "Master, I am also at fault!" 67.356

Aoki, who has always been conscientious, does not understand the two poles of yin and yang, so the master has encountered such troubles.

Mu Qianxi seems to feel that this medicine is pervasive, even if she is a refining pharmacist can not stop.

He also stunned, and the extremes of yin have little effect on men. The owner can resist the medicinal properties outside, why...

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Ms. Qian said: "Hurry up and find the way..."

After finding Xiaobai, she blasted this broken field!

At this time, Mu Qian’s heart was angry and the reincarnation felt.

If the owner really has something wrong, I am afraid that Xiaoyang will be broken by the master’s smashing.

This guy loves to play and doesn't look at the time and place. The owner is still so noisy!

The pure white innocent tulip exudes fragrance. When you see the blood-stained jade ice, the four **** men who come to the front are all hot.

They used their own body to block in front of the jade condition and looked at Gu Baiyi: "The Lord, we have always respected you! But I did not think that you would kill a weak woman."

Yu Bing Qing Dao: "Master, brother, help me to seize the Lord, I... I am so uncomfortable... I want to..."

Grasping the Lord, it is impossible to use their strength!

"The lord, Qinger admired you for a long time, are you really not willing to give Qinger a chance?"

Gu Baiyi said: "You are self-disciplined now, you can die a little faster."

Gu Baiyi’s indifference made Jade Bing clear, and she begged: “Master, please, if there is no Lord, I will die...”

They hesitated and didn't dare to do it!

Who is the Lord? The first master of the Quartet, you can kill them with your fingers!

They took the initiative to the temple, and they were completely touching the stone.

"You four are still not men! A group of cowards!" A voice with a touch of evil came into their minds.

They are stunned, "Who?"

"Hey! Don't say it! It's good to communicate with me with my spirit!"

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I can help you defeat this man! I hate this kind of man who knows the truth. It is so powerful that a beauty is sent to the door to enter, don't waste me!"

"But it! The good play of the overlord is also good, hehe!"

They are suspicious: "Can you really help us defeat the Lord?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me! Just wait for that beauty to die, and you can't live."

The big and the young people think that what he said is also right. The four pairs of nephews looked at each other for a while and made up their minds!


If you can defeat the owner, it is absolutely an incredible achievement.

Gu Baiyi was also a bit surprised. These four people dared to start with him. They attacked Gu Baiyi in four directions.

Gu Baiyi's Qian Hanjian was unsheathed, and the four guys who had found their way out were disposed of with a sword, but when he got out of the sword, he suddenly saw a familiar figure coming towards him.

The four people were gone, Gu Baiyi was shocked, "Hey!"

He can only accept the sword, and he has suffered a lot from the sword!

And the four of them found the loophole and attacked the past toward Gu Baiyi!


The four attacks fell on Gu Baiyi's body. Gu Baiyi stepped back a few steps, and there were more blood holes on the white clothes.

The two poles of Yin Yang Ding are not aggressive, but in its field, it is easy to get a fantasy to disturb the hearts of those who have already taken medicine.

This is why it can definitely help the four waste materials to defeat Gu Baiyi.

Yu Bingqing lived. "What did the Lord saw?"

"Hey, who is the nephew? I can let the lord who has always been out of the sword unrelenting."

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