Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1307: Self-recommended pillow

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Then, Mu Qian’s hand moved, and several medicine needles flew out.

They hit four of them respectively, and Mu Qian’s figure flashed, and they were thrown to the side of Yu Bingqing.

Mu Qianxi sneered: Although the four of them waste a little, they should be enough for you.

I don't want to let them roll the jade ice and shout.

Although this is said in the mouth, the body can't control it.

At the last moment of her loss of reason, she said: Damn! Damn, you will not die.

After resolving these few slags, it was not good at this time.

She also found that the role of Bodhi Refining Heart Dan is getting weaker and weaker.

Mu Qianqi asked: How can I go out! I can't stay here anymore.

Reincarnation: If you don't let me go, I will negotiate with Xiaoyangyang, and I have a good relationship with it.

Negotiation! Can't you force it out? Q8zc

Mu Qiang thinks like this, ready to give it a try!

Anyway, she can now solve it with violence, and she definitely doesn't want to use a gentle method.

Bipolar yin and yang, owing to clean up!

The two poles of Yin Yang Ding originally wanted to watch the show, the beautiful women and men together, and the friendship is not ordinary, it should be

Wherever expected, the spiritual power of Mu Qianxi suddenly rushed out, and the temperature of the pole of the whole Yang became very low.

What is she doing with her?

Hey! Gu Baiyi shouted.

Xiaobai, you are patient, I want to find a way to bomb this place!

Ice Dragon is on the horizon! For a time, a chilly ice dragon rushed to this space.

The two poles of yin and yang are almost fainted, why? Why is this happening?

Such a beautiful environment is a good place for a retreat. It’s not good to be intimate, so why attack me.

It was wronged, it was created by a lifetime and it was a slap in the face of the snow and the moon, and it was too ridiculous to think of what Much has done.

boom! A loud bang, the ice dragon rushed up.

Hahaha! it's okay no problem! Can't break it!

It is a bit scary: it is also because of the weak beauty of this beautiful woman, if she has such a beautiful man! The spiritual domain that I just got awake, I am afraid I will not support it!

However, is it too good?

Really thought this is over? not yet!

Mu Qianqi waved the Yanlong sword, and then a gorgeous fire lotus rushed out.

Red lotus root!

Cold to the extreme, the heat is at its best, and soon there is a crack in this area!

It is amazed: It can be like this!

Ice Dragon is on the horizon!

Red lotus root!

Ice Dragon is on the horizon!

red lotus

Such an extreme cold, a burst of extreme heat, this spiritual domain can no longer support.

boom! A loud noise, this spiritual domain fell apart, they left the field at this time, is in the middle of a small forest of the family.

Although the spiritual domain disappeared, but the medicinal properties were not removed, Mu Qianyi gave them a handful of jade ice that was busy.

When they are completely awake, their strength will be abolished, and they will become fools. I don’t know what the big elders will see when they see this scene.

Mu Qianzhen destroyed the field of the two poles of yin and yang, and it could no longer conceal his breath, so some people who came to discover his breath.

The artifact is on the other side!


A lot of breath, rushed to the place where artifacts were distributed.

Gu Baiyi said: Hey, we are also gone.

Mu Qiandao said: Don't worry about that guy, they love to grab it! A guy who only knows how troublesome estimates are, and if it really falls into my hands, I will definitely turn it into scrap.

In this case, in the case of Aoki, even if the two poles are not reliable, she will not be violent.

However, seeing Xiao Bai’s injury, who is the face of Mu Qianxi is not going to give it.

At this time, the two poles of Yinyang Ding, surrounded by many masters, feel a bit cold, this feeling is definitely not caused by some ugly waste materials.

Mu Qianxuan: Invincible, Xiaohong, hurry to find the donkey.

Here is the site of his home, naturally knowing where the best detoxification.


Although Shen Ding appeared, but he was more concerned about Mu Qian, so he did not go with the big forces to grab.

Hey, come with me soon! As a result, he heard a very disgusting voice.

He looked at the past and saw a very cute white cat.

Are you a holy beast?

My host is looking for you, come with me soon, don't waste time.

Who is your master?

The person you want to follow.

Invincible rushed up, hurriedly chased the past.

Pharmacy, Bodhi and Heart Dan are used, but it is not a long time to support it with a little bit of time.

The rushed over: Master, the slave finally found you.

Mu Qiandao said: Do not talk nonsense, the two medicines in our body are very heavy now, hurry to find a place to detoxify two of us.

When the light flashed, I couldn't help but look at the perfect face of Gu Baiyi.

Although reluctant, but nodded: obey!

The medicines in the body of Mu Qiang and Gu Baiyi who entered the extremes of Yang and the extremes of Yin are the strongest, and then they don’t want to get it out, really not!


However, he even took them to a very awkward room, and he was so mad that he gave him a sigh.

Hey, where are you taking me?

You are also very innocent. Doesn’t the owner say that you are looking for a place to relieve your medicinal properties? The bed in this room is the largest, the softest, the strongest, and

Mu Qian’s face is black, and Gu’s ear looks like it’s burning.

what! Mu Qianxi stepped on his body directly.

I am asking you to find a cold pool or ice pool. You are still not one of the three major drug families! I can't understand the words.

As a refining pharmacist believes that the best medicine is the cold pool, but the cockroaches are from the pharmacists of the family, and they have been taught for a lifetime. This brain circuit is completely different from other refining pharmacists!

When I heard this, I was a little bit stunned.

The original owner is not the enemy who wants to be with him!

Some secrets in my heart, but I can't help but worry, Master, now the medicine is in your body for a long time, even if it is forcibly removed, it will be very unbearable, unbearable, I will feel bad!

If the owner does not like the North Cold Lord, in fact, the slave can

Hey! He was kicked out directly, this time it was Gu Baiyi.

This guy dared to recommend himself to the pillow, and he was impatient.

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