Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1310: Zero betrayal

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With a vicious hate in the voice, who knows who is it?

Cloud Palace Lord, this guy is still alive!

Although the cloud palace master who has been seriously injured has tried his best, the speed is not fast, and the speed of Mu Qian is enough to avoid.

But at this time, the **** medicine began to be a demon, and Mu Qian felt that his feet were walking on the cotton, and almost fell to the ground.

Can't hide! Q8zc

At this time, a stream of pink rushed over.


what! The Cloud Palace Lord screamed directly because he hit a stiff medicine.

Humph! I dared to hurt my chosen owner, you are looking for death. Xiaoyang's tone is very bad.

Then he cheerfully said: Master, Xiaoyangyang is not very powerful, you will accept me!

This is to try to make a sin, and it is not so generous.

At this time, Mu Qiang felt that his physical strength had to be drained. He eventually bit his teeth and then gave himself a few shots.

Repression continues to suppress

Xiao Yangyang also noticed, Master, why are you doing this? Suppressed too much, rebounded

If you don't have a small Yangyang to catch a beautiful man, you who don't like it in the cold pool. That Tsing Yi people, from my eyes for many years, is definitely a stunner, spray! That figure is great! I can

At this point, Mu Qianxi finally returned to normal.

The cloud palace master bypassed the two poles of yin and yang once again shot on Mu Qianxi, Mu Qiandao said: You shut me up, flash to the side!


Mu Qianyi and Yi Yin rushed toward the cloud palace, he is already the end of the strong, it is not the opponent of Mu Qianxi!

boom! He was directly shot and flew out, and the mouthful of blood spit out.

There was a hint of twilight in his eyes, and he was so ill, you made me die, and I wouldn’t let you be better.

He shouted: Grand Elder, Murong spent thousands of nights she was a woman. She is the owner of the eternal sword, she deceives everyone.

puff! A long sword penetrated his heart.

Other people have stopped, what, the temple is actually a woman.

The Shaodian Temple is Mu Qianxi.

what? The owner is a woman! He was also shocked.

The elders looked at this man in Tsing Yi, saying: This man is awkward!

It seems that you are really a million! The eyes of the elders flashed a glimmer of light.

I didn’t think of it at all. I thought I could get a magical killing of Murong’s thousands of nights, but I didn’t think there were unexpected surprises!

Eternal sword!

Although His Royal Highness had promised Princess Lin, but no one could resist the temptation of the Eternal Sword.

Killing Murong for thousands of nights, no, Mu Qian! At all costs.

After the elders made this order, Invincible and Xiaohong were not hiding their hands. Nowadays, the form is very bad.

A stop to deter the East Pole Hall, it seems to be heroic, but the power is exhausted, and once again sleep.

He returned to the side of Mu Qianxi: Master, let's get out of here!

Here is the family, it is impossible to defeat them, but it is still safe to escape.

Mu Qianshen Shen Sheng: Waiting for Xiaobai to wake up and say?

Big elder wolf ambition, if there is a little white that does not have the power to fight back, it is difficult to ensure that the elders will do something?

However, I am afraid that it will not last long! I am also very anxious.

Qingying is not entangled with the elders and returned to the side of Mu Qianxi.

Qingying and Yu defended Mu Qianyu in the middle and seriously injured again.

The thief first smashed the king, and Mu Qiang asked Qingying to seize the elders first. Don't kill him.

She also wanted to find a chance to work on this old guy, and now he has also started, then he will do it by the way.

The identity has been exposed, and Mu Qian is not hiding the Yanlong sword.

Yanlong lore!

Red lotus root!

The red-red light illuminates the entire mountain.

The horrible spiritual skill, the tens of thousands of swords and one sword blasted to the enemy.

The elites of the North Han Temple are not weak, and Mu Qian is also strong at this time, but Qingying finally found the opportunity to seize the elders.

The elders waved and grabbed the dark red figure closest to him.

That person is zero!

He can't defy the order and help the millennium to deal with the elders, because that is only a dead end.

He didn't want to start with Mu Qian, so he stayed in the nearest place of the elders.

If the elders want to hurt Mu Qian, he will sneak out all the sneak attacks on the elders.

Mu Qianxi did not expect that the elders would pull their own uncle as a meat shield, and they were anxious to burn a direct elder's hand!

Hey! Mu Qianxi was shot and flew out.

Qingying has always followed the side of Mu Qianxi, naturally knowing how much he cares about this human being.

This human being is his loved one!

Although he does not know what kind of embarrassment his family is, he knows it is important!

So, he has to stop!

Originally, the elders just wanted to let him give him a trick. Anyway, he couldn't die, but he didn't think that this means would be a hot one.

boom! He took the opportunity to shoot at Qingying, poured in a strong spiritual power, and shot the blue shadow.

Although this blow will not cause serious damage to Qingying, it makes him far away from the millennium!

Then, the elders rushed to the face of the injured Guardian who was unguarded.

Mu Qianxi, you will die in the hands of the old man, the eternal sword will be mine.

The pair of dry hands caught the heart of Mu Qian.

Behind the elders, there was a strong wind, and a giant sword stabbed from behind him.

Don't admire the thousand screams.

But it was too late, when I saw that Mu Qiang was in danger, the zero head was blank.

He can't think so much, just do it!

The elders did not think that a sword directly in your palm would actually touch him.

If this sword falls on him, he will be seriously injured if he does not die!

Suddenly a golden light flashed, and a large radiant hood appeared in the body of the elder.

This is a defensive spirit!

boom! A loud bang, the zero sword has a crack on the defensive spirit, but the elder is not injured.

Mu Qiang’s figure flashed and pulled away from the elders. At this time, Qingying also came back.

The golden light disappeared, and the elders stared at the zero road: Zero, you can betray me, really makes me very surprised.

In an instant, the face of zero became pale.

Mu Qiang felt that the power in his body began to smash, and Mu Qiang clenched his hand.

In this case, even if she is confident in her own refining, she does not dare to act rashly.

For this little girl, you betray me. The elder's gaze looked at zero.

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