Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1320: His intuition

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The stunned Yu Bingqing, who was scared by Gu Baiyi, was relieved and sighed with no strength.

Mu Qian said: "They are staying as hostages, although it is estimated to be useless, but there is better than nothing."

The elders escaped from the dead, I am afraid that they will not vote for themselves. It is estimated that the apprentices and granddaughters are just pieces in the eyes.

Ramp: "Yes"

At this time, a weak voice came, "master master" q8zc

A pink medicine tripped over, this guy did not appear to be even more, and when he appeared, he was mad.

"You dare to appear in front of me."

"Master, you are the master, you and I are so scared"

This soft voice is softer than the most delicate woman.

It is to see the Lord, this is the master of the Lord is naturally its owner.

What did it do wrong? What host is so fierce to it?

Mu Qian said: "Yan Long, burn this guy for me."

Yan Long rushed out and burned it for a lifetime. But burning this guy, Yanlong has no psychological burden.


"So hot"

"do not do that"

"It hurts people."

This sound is in the ear, it is simply unbearable.

Mu Qiang is ready to take out the killer and said: "Nine nights, help me a little to give that medicine a little lesson."

If it weren't for the two poles, she wouldn't go to the point where she was thrilling.

The color of the figure swayed, and the two poles of Yin Yang Ding no longer dared to call.

A terrible force entangled it all over the body, and it shouted out, but it was extremely painful.

It was created by the artifact, but it felt suffocated at this moment, as if it would disappear from the heavens and the earth at any time.

Terrible, this man is terrible.

It was uncomfortable and shivering, and the terrible power tormented it.

It was finally quiet.

Mu Qian said: "Hey, what else do you have to deal with? If you don't have it, you are ready to leave."

Ruan said: "I have already packed up, we can leave at any time."

Mu Qian said: "Let's leave now."

She can't wait to find the old thing, she can't find the old thing, she can feel at ease.

At this time, a person who radiated a holy light appeared in front of Mu Qian.

The nine-night figure flashed, holding Mu Qianxi in his arms, watching the person in front of him.

Wearing a pale yellow robes, the Buddha light emitted from the body is completely different from the dark power.

Mu Qiandao said: "Vatican Son, this time thanks to your help. The last time you put your things back to you more offended."

Mu Qianxi handed over the last thing that went shopping.

The sound is like a dusty road: "These are just things outside of the body. It is only the poor to do it. The barrenness today is to say goodbye to you, and the poor should go back."

"You have to go back to the Fanyin Kingdom."

"It is exactly the sound of the faint voice."

Ms. Qian said: "You already know my identity."


"So what is your purpose for the sword of eternal?" asked Muqian.

The sound of the dust shook his head, "The sword of eternal, not the poor and able to control the living. Before going to the poor, I want to tell the girl of Mu, one thing, what you ask, is the inferior, I will not be your enemy. ”

The sound of the dust is clear and sincere, and Mu Qian can't see through this monk, but it is good for her.

Mu Qiang turned out a lot of stocks of Dan Yao Road: "This is my work, although the noble son of your son is noble and worthy of these things, but I am not bad, if you don't give up, then accept it."

There are a lot of stocks that Mu Qiang took out. It’s natural to know that these medicinal herbs and medicines are different.

This mind has been accepted.

I can't help but scream, the owner is too wide, and I have to know so many medicinal herbs, but it is worth the price.

The sound of the dust received the medicinal herbs, and then said: "poor words"

The sound of the dust quickly left, and nine nights hugged Mu Qianxuan: "After a long distance"

A thousand miles, "Nine nights, do you see any problems with the sound?"

The Sanskrit Son is holy, noble, and loving, as if he had all the virtues of this world.

If it wasn’t the last time she fought for the sword spirit, she would think it was a good person.

Nine nights shook his head: "This is not clear, but this gentleman believes in his instincts, do you believe it?"

Nine nights are unfathomable masters, strong in strength, and of course it is not without reason.

Mu Qian said: "I believe that the guy went to the Fanyin Kingdom and it is estimated that there is no chance to meet."

At this time, Gu Baiyi said: "Hey, I will go back to the North Han Temple to preside over the overall situation, so that people can search for the elders throughout the East."

In today's situation, I can't stay with her and see her close to Phoenix.

Have to do something else to divert attention.

Mu Qiang nodded: "This is also good, Xiaobai, your idea is safe."


Gu Baiyi left, disappeared in front of Mu Qianxi with the fastest speed.

Both Yin Ruo and Gu Baiyi left, and Mu Qianqi called this to tie up five hostages and said: "Let's go too."

They left the family, and there was almost no one to pay attention to.

"Wait for me, wait," it was extremely uncomfortable. It began to bite his teeth and went up.

After leaving the family's poisonous Yuan, out of the desperate forest, Mu Qianxi found that there are still many people in front.

It turned out that the major gates did not give up, so they were prepared to wait outside the desperate forest.

After waiting for a few days, I didn't wait for them to come out. They even felt that the big elders had something wrong. This is definitely a good time.

I finally saw someone coming out. The men and women who walked in front did not know, but the young masters still knew.

After the body was reduced, there were four men and one woman. The face of the woman was discolored like a goblin.

But those few young people who are languished, this is not the fourth of the four colds?

Could it be that the Lord made a trick, killing all the people in the North Han Temple, and arresting so many prisoners.

The elites of the North Han Temple can't cope, but one of us can handle it together, so these people jumped out and surrounded Mu Qian and their enemies directly.

One of the old people laughed and said: "Hahaha, the Lord, it’s a coincidence, we’re meeting again, we’re sure we’re going to lose a lot.”

He sneered and said: "The harvest is not small, what do you want to do?"

"I am afraid that the Lord will not think that we will catch the oriole and then hand over the baby we got, we will not let you die."

At this time, the eyes of Yu Bingqing flashed a vicious color, and the lord left, and there were many other people. Now is a good opportunity.

She said: "Everyone, I am the goddess Yu Bingqing in front of the North Han Temple, and God Ding is in their hands.",

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