Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1330: Taming the beast

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The blue shadow is very heavy, so that the faces of the four elders are white.

This opponent is terrible!

Mu Qian la la la: "Blue Shadow, start with a lighter! The age of the elders, if you are seriously injured, it is not good."

Although it is uncomfortable to watch these old guys, if all of them die out, the fighting power of the North Cold Hall will be insufficient compared to the East Pole Hall, and it is natural to keep it.

Give them a good warning and be sure to settle down.

"Yeah!" Qingying nodded slightly.

Qingying really did a lot of light, and the four elders breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Baiyi’s sword is as cold as his people, and the elders are less likely to have a chance to fight with the Lord because the Lord has abandoned them.

Now that they have the opportunity to fight, they are scared.

The sword of the Lord’s lord seems to be ruthless.

Others are also watching the drunk, so the battle of the strong, but they can not see it.


The war was particularly fierce. Obviously, the elders did not have much fighting power against these two strong players.

"Hey!" The five elders flew down from the martial arts, and they were covered in blood.

Everyone looked and felt pain, but fortunately the owner of the temple was measured and did not want his life.

"Hey!" The four elders were smashed by the blue shadow.

"Hey!" When he fell, he saw the sound of broken bones.

The elders are miserable! That's horrible!

If they were not satisfied with the Millennium Hall, would it be so miserable?

The two elders also regretted it, and the intestines were remorseful. They were misunderstood by the little girl who was admired by Mu Qian.

The six elders want to be close to Mu Qianxi, but they will not give them a chance.

He would like to see if there is anything in the end that Mu Qiang can turn his disciple into an idiot.

Even if his disciple's mental strength can't win, then he is close to the peak. As a trainer, he definitely has this strength.

I was so happy to see them. These elders who always liked to be uneasy and stunned were miserable, and suddenly they felt another familiar spirit.

The end of the millennium flashed a dark light, and the man was so ruined that the six elders did not give up using the mental power to attack her!

Mu Qiang looked up and looked at the six elders, the six elders' mental strength attack, and soon they were entangled in death.

He has encountered a powerful spirit like never before, and he is so powerful that he is shaking and afraid!

How can the big elder's pupil suddenly shrink?

It is only such a small little girl who knows how to have such a metamorphosis.

The six elders also realized that they used the mental power to attack Mu Qianxi as an act of smashing stones. He hurriedly wanted to recover his mental strength.

However, Mu Qianxi can tolerate that he wants to attack and attack, and wants to retreat!

The spirit of Wang Yang’s spirit was swept up, and the faces of the six elders became pale, and a purple figure passed. 67.356

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The six elders, using my mental power to count me, have you forgotten my other identity."

The six elders opened their eyes, and her other identity was a refining pharmacist, and she became the first refining pharmacist in the East.

The spirit of the refining pharmacist is stronger than the average person, but he is also a beastmaster!

How can it be stronger than this little girl, but it is a big mistake!

"It's all right! You won't have anything big to be beaten by Green Shadow, but if you kill yourself, don't blame me."

"I... I don't want to be an idiot, a thousand temples, let me go..."

Mu Qiang now has a mental attack on him, making him an idiot like his disciple, easy!

Mu Qian said: "Let you become an idiot, it seems a bit too cheap. I will give you a little gift!"

A needle was inserted into the neck of the six elders.

The six elders turned blue and fell to the ground with powerlessness.


Qingying and Gu Baiyi also noticed that the six elders shot on Mu Qian, and the result was still a gentle play, and instantly became fierce.

At this time, the remaining elders were under the horrible murderousness, and they were cold and sweaty, and they all envied the five elders and four elders who were beaten down in front.


The elders of the entire North Han Temple lost all of them, and they were defeated.

Gu Baiyi said coldly: "The six elders sneaked into the temple, come! Go to the dungeon and wait for disposal."

At this time, the elders of the six elders came to beg for mercy. "The Lord, the six elders, but the strongest animal trainer in our northern cold hall, and the Lord's disposal of the six elders, the mercy!"

Mu Qianxi looked at the man and smiled: "Isn't it a beast?"

"From now on, the most powerful refining pharmacist in the North Han Temple is not him. Does it mean that the Shaoshou Temple can handle him casually?"

All the people are stunned. What does this mean in the small hall?

The six elders have become the first beastmaster of the North Han Temple for a long time. No one has been able to surpass him. Where does the Shaodian go to find a beastmaster to replace him!

Mu Qianxi looked at them and said: "Is it not like a little animal trainer?"

Everyone is ashamed, "What? The temple is still a beastmaster, I have not heard it wrong!"

"This is impossible! Mingming Shaodian is a refining pharmacist, both are good at it, are they people?"


Mu Qian said: "Everyone listens to the situation and starts to buy and hunt the holy beast. If you have it, you will be sent to the North Cold Hall. I will be responsible for tame!"

"But if someone dares to have the second heart to be against me, the six elders will be your end."

Deterrence, after the punishment, naturally give a little sweet date.

"The temple is really a trainer!"

"God! The temple also promised to help the beast!"


Mu Qian said: "If you are skeptical, the Shaosha Temple always welcomes you to bring the Holy Beast."

The East Hall of the North Han Temple is balanced in power, but the strength of the Great Elders is slightly tilted toward the East Pole.

Although the North Palace has said that it will support, but you have to prepare everything.

It is necessary to add a little beast to the people in the North Han Temple.

On this day, everyone in the North Cold Hall was excited.

I want to know how difficult it was to want the six elders to train the beasts, and he couldn’t tamed many sacred beasts a year, but the Millennium Temple is so Qin Min.

After returning to the palace of the Lord, Gu Baiyi asked: "You don't have to work too hard."

Ms. Qian said: "With my current spiritual strength, it is not difficult. The elders have to go through the loopholes in the North Cold Hall too much. They must be filled up. Otherwise, once the East Pole Hall has action, it is a little troublesome."

"There is me!" Gu Baiyi's low road.

Mu Qianxi smiled. "This is nature. I have the thigh of the first master of the Quartet! I am not afraid of his East Pole!"

I know that Mu Qianxi is in the North Cold Hall, and the reputation is so loud that it is quite popular. Gu Baiyi seems to be trying to protect the Millennium, and there is no sea urgency.

"The North Han Temple defaults, this thing, Yun Xiu, you can report to your Highness quickly!"

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