Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1336: Late night fight

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"Yes," the man left and died.

Mu Qianxi was returned to the Ghost Medical Building with full load. At night, someone came to talk: "The temple, the Lord of the Lord will let you go back to the North Han Temple."

Ms. Qian said: "Go, go."

It didn’t take long for Mu Qiang to leave the Ghost Medical Building, and they found that the direction they were going to go was not a ghost medical building.

The cockroach needle of “唰” Mu Qian’s cockroach flew out, and the man fell to the ground.

Mu Qiang said coldly: "Since I have led me out, there is no need to hide."

A white figure appeared, and there were naturally a few strong breaths behind her. This person is a white child.

Mu Qianxi sneered and said: "White children, did not think that your courage is quite big, the North Cold Hall is my site, you dare to come."

Bai Er smiled and said: "Mu Qianxi, now the drug sect is about to hold a refining pharmacist conference. Do you think that you will allow you to kill the pharmacists in the East Temple?"

"Since it is a truce, you will lead me out tonight, I will not want to chat with me."

"Nature is not, although it can't be done on the bright side, but God does not know **** you, but there is not much problem."

Said, Bai Er rushed to Mu Qianxi.

In the face of her attack, Mu Qianxu shunned away, and the few people hidden in the dark also started.

The bang of the "bang", the old guys hidden in the dark also started, but all of them were stopped by the blue shadow.

Today's white child is a little bit forward, she can control the power of the meditation of the meditation, the power of the dynasty rushed toward the millennium.

The sound of "嘭", the wall behind Mu Qiang fell, and Mu Qianyi still easily avoided.

Mu Qian said: "White children, even if you have the power of Ji Ji, it is not my opponent. If you are happy, you can let Ge Ji shot."

Bai Er cold channel: "Mu Qianxi, pick up you do not need to take a look at the adults."

Bai's momentum is much stronger than before, at least the strength of the spirit of the nineth-order, not only that, but also the flame of your ink burning in her wave.

"I haven't seen it. I have given you the fire of the singer, and now I am already a fire sorcerer. It is you, even if I got the eternal sword, I didn't let it recognize the Lord. I can't be a fire spirit." Look at Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianzhen took out Yan Longjian. "It’s just a fire, it’s also a good thing for me."

"Yanlong lore"

The red-red fire dragon rushed out, she could not possess the fire elemental power, not because she did not let the eternal sword recognize the Lord, but because the eternal sword was simply incomplete.

The East Pole Temple wants the sword of eternal, in fact, she is happy to send the soul of the sword to their hands.

At that time, there is no need to do it. The East Pole Hall can flow into a river, and there is no living mouth.

"The flame of the eternal sword is no different."

The fire fire condensed a giant beast that blocked the attack of Mu Qian.


"Red Lotus"



One red and two flames collided together, and Bai Er did not think that it was not long before the strength of Mu Qiang was strong and strong.

The movement on this side is quite big. The elders of the North Han Temple are not blind, and soon someone will come over.

Bai Er’s face sank and said: “Mu Qianxi, I will spare you tonight. This time, the refining pharmacist conference, I will slowly kill you, I will let you know that your strongest refining technique is not me. The opponent, I will let you die in my hand." q8zc

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I haven't seen you for many days. You are really going to have a big dream in spring and autumn."

The purple shadow swayed, and Mu Qian’s bang hit the past.


Bai Er hurriedly avoided, and the elders disappeared into the night.

"Little Hall"

"The Shaodian is actually where you are, who is it, dare to attack the Shaodian in the North Cold City."


The people who came to the North Han Temple were shocked. Mu Qian said: "Nothing, I will go back first."

"What Bai Wuhai's daughter dared to shoot for you." Gu Baiyi cold channel.

"Since it is here, this person can't stay." Gu Baiyi is going to send people to find where they are, and to get rid of the roots.

Mu Qianxuan said: "The refining conference, there is a medicine to protect her is to make sure we don't dare to do it. Now the refining convention is important. After the participation, it is absolutely impossible for her to leave the North Cold Hall."

"In the future, I will stay in the side of my nephew." Gu Baiyi said.

Mu Qianqi replied: "You don't need Xiaobai, you are so troublesome, Qingying is here. In this North Hancheng, we can't move me."

"No" This time, Gu Baiyi did not compromise.

Because there are too many people attending the refining pharmacists meeting, before entering the real test, you need to select a group of people.

This time, the refining conference has no age threshold, no need to test the age, the first is to test the mental strength.

As soon as I heard the test spirit, the faces of some young refining pharmacists were a little bad. Their mental strength was definitely better than the refining pharmacists who had not practiced for many years.

The elders of the medicinal herbs took out a stone and said: "Sixty, it is below sixty degrees and is disqualified."

Then one by one, the old guy who has been strong in cultivation for many years naturally has no problem.

But when it’s the turn of the young, "fifty-eight"


"forty nine"



This test stone is not qualified for the emperor, it is not easy.

Finally, it was the turn of the millennium. The elders who were testing looked at Mu Qianxi, a young girl who shook her head and hoped that it was not big.

What Muqian thinks is that this is just a preliminary screening. There is no need to waste too much effort and it is better to be qualified.

If you use all your strength, if this test stone is blown up, where does she go to get a test stone compensation drug?

Mu Qiang put his hand on the test stone, even though she is trying hard to control her mental strength, but the value of the test stone is rapidly rising.



At the age of seventy-five, Mu Qianxi barely let it stop.

The people were also shocked. Others are slowly rising. How this little girl suddenly rises so high is too strange.

The test elder was also surprised: "When is the efficiency of this test stone so good, the test is so fast."

Smiled and looked at Mu Qiandao: "Little girl, very good young and gentle, so promising."

Shortly after the test of Mu Qianxi, a woman with a white dress like a fairy walked up. Haifan smiled and said: "Children, you test first."

This is the real woman, gentle, kind, and understanding, it is much better than that of the North Hall, so let it fall in love. ,

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