Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1347: Jiuyang Xuanguo

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So many beasts, although the level can be much higher than the invincible, but the number is so much, it is stupid not to run.

"Go" and use the fastest speed to avoid the frontal collision with these rioting beasts.

However, these beasts are chasing her to run, what is going on?

Is she being attracted to the body of her beast?

"Invincible Xiaohong, you find a big guy to ask me"


Invincible and little red-eyed to go to work, and soon, they heard the news from these beasts.

"Master, because you have a lot of elixir, they naturally chase you. You only have two choices now, that is, to lose the elixir, and to continue to be chased by them."

Mu Qianyi said, "I didn't think that the core area of ​​this medicine industry, although there are many medicines, but it is not easy to take it out safely."

These spirit beasts chased her so persistently, but Mu Qian did not give up the meaning of the elixir.

Mu Qianxi was chased by the core beasts of the entire pharmaceutical industry. The disciples of the medicinal herbs who came in, naturally knew that there was such a sly, running in a very orderly manner.

The more the elixir is, the more fierce the killing will be.

The well-received Mu Qianxi has obviously become the crazy pursuit of these beasts, and Mu Qianyi feels big.

Continue to be chased this way, she simply did not have time to find the elixir.

Because there are so many beasts chasing her, Mu Qian can only sneak here.

Running and running, she found herself in a very cold place.

The climate of the pharmaceutical industry is relatively mild, and it is the most suitable place for the growth of elixir. It suddenly becomes cold, and there is still something that does not fit.

But since she stepped into this place, she actually felt that there was no soul beast behind.

Those crazy guys have become so quiet all of a sudden, and there must be demons when things go wrong.

There must be something that deterred some of the guys here, and it also means that there is a baby, and the scorpion of the singer is shining.

The treasures that exist in the pharmaceutical world are definitely precious elixir. Undoubtedly, you have found this, and you will not go back.

When Mu Qiang continued to go deep in here, the chill was getting heavier and heavier.

Not only is the cold and heavy, Mu Qian also found a very dangerous cold poison.

Wannian cold poison, cold feeling into the body can be uncomfortable, Mu Qiantang swallowed the drug, so that his body became warm.


Mu Qianyu is getting closer to the source of cold poison.

Invincible and hurried reminder: "Master, there is a good guy here, I am afraid I am stronger than me, not only a little stronger."

After a while, the most attractive thing is not an ice lizard lying on the ice pool, but an elixir growing in the ice pool.

On top of this elixir, there are nine cherries-sized fruits that are like flames. When you see it, you are excited.

Jiuyang Xuanguo

Their yang fruit is like a little sun. And the properties of the sun need to grow in this cold place.

Jiuyang Xuan Guo, she must get the hand, but saw that a large ice lizard, Mu Qian's face flashed a dignified color.

"Master, that is a seven-level spirit beast."

The seven-level spirit beast, the strength is even more powerful than the spirit of the nine-level peak, even if the blue shadow shot, I am afraid it can not help this terrible guy.

Mu Qianxi carefully concealed his breath, the ice lizard was lazy, lying on the ice pool and motionless.

Even if the opponent is very strong, Mu Qianxi is not willing to give up, find the nine Yang Xuan fruit, and find the remaining ones, the elixir can be collected.

If I miss it this time, I don’t know how long it will take to find it. Maybe I can’t find it forever.

Mu Qianqi fists clenched, the whole place is covered with cold poison, the cold poison is the ice lizard exuded.

Its spit, the gas that will come out, is cold poison.

Mu Qian said: "I can't fight hard, but I can attack with poison."

Mu Qianyi stepped back, left this area, found a hidden place, and began to make drugs.

The other party is a seven-level holy beast. It is not easy to be poisoned by this level of sacred beast. She needs to configure the poison against it, even if it is used up in the next time.

Because, to get the nine Yang Xuan fruit, is definitely the best harvest she has entered the pharmaceutical industry this time.

Using the cold poison here, in addition to the various elixir collected by Mu Qianxi, Mu Qiang began to make drugs.

With all kinds of extremely dangerous and highly toxic, they were refining them, but none of them was satisfied.

"Or not"

"This is not enough."

"still need"

In this place full of cold poison, Mu Qiang began to make drugs.

After spending three days, I finally had a very satisfactory result, but she found that several other breaths approached.

Mu Qianxi was carefully hidden, and she heard the conversation clearly.

"The news we got is absolutely correct. Jiuyang Xuanguo must be here."

"We have to complete this mission."


A few white shadows passed, and Mu Qiang saw these people wearing the robes of the medicinal tract.

They have long known that there are nine Yang Xuan fruit here.

It’s just right, it’s a bad deal, she’s just right for the left-hander’s profit, and the odds are bigger.

Mu Qianxi took the poison that he configured, and quietly followed them to the ice lake again.

Suddenly, they were excited: "Jiuyang Xuanguo, it is really Jiuyang Xuan fruit, and it is about to mature the Jiuyang Xuan fruit."

This awkward voice, when the sleeping ice lizard came over.

It opened its mouth wide, and a fierce light flashed through its eyes, and the horrible cold came over.

The faces of these people have changed a lot. "No, it is a seven-level holy beast."

"The **** nine yang yang fruit actually has seven levels of sacred beasts, and they are in a row."


The power of "Boom" broke out from their bodies.

Mu Qianxu secretly said: It is not a darling to come to Jiuyang Xuanguo such a baby medicinal disciple, the strength is really good, everyone is actually the peak of the spirit of the nineth-order, much better than the waste that I saw before.

The medicinal disciples of "Rumble" quickly angered the ice lizards. Q8zc

They are inseparable from these seven sacred beasts, but they are hidden in the dark, waiting for the most suitable time.

For the seven-level holy beast, their faces are a bit ugly, but the power of the formation is still able to control the ice lizard.

At this time, Mu Qianxi knew that it was time for her to take the shot.

The purple figure swept out, and the shape of Mu Qian’s rushed to the nine-yang Xuan fruit as lightning, and smoothly harvested the nine fruits. ,

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