Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1357: Amazing prize

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Miao Ji is self-sufficient, and he wants to blew himself up, and he is pulled out.

A black figure floated behind the white smoke, showing a cold and evil atmosphere, completely inconsistent with the holy saint.

Everyone saw the black shadow and exclaimed: "What is that?"

"How come a monster like this in the body of the saint."


"Ah!" White smoked dizzy on the ground, biting his teeth and humming!

The soul of the refining pharmacist who had been in harmony with her was forcibly stripped, causing her to sweat and sweat.

"Ah! Your Highness of the Nine Nights, forgive me! I am just a soul. It is the master of the singer who forced me, she forced me."

This black guy trembled and watched the Phoenix nine nights.

Mu Qianxi sneered: "I was still very confused. How did the white smoke suddenly become so powerful? You are helping her!"

"What? The white saint is because of this strange thing, it is refining the heavenly nine products."

"Maybe it is like this? Have you ever heard of the White Saint Refining the Heavenly Emperor? Nothing at all! If she really has such a good talent, why no one knows."

Some people question white smoke, and of course some people believe in white smoke.

"It must be that the blood of the mouth is spurting, and it is estimated that the goddess can make such a thing."

"Idiot, people with long eyes can see that the thing is from the body of the White Virgin."

Mr. Hu is always aware that this little girl who seems to have a normal level of refining medicine, why can she refine the medicinal herbs of the top nine products?

He said: "If I have not guessed wrong, you are the first pharmacist in the prison, the master of agriculture!"

The farmer said: "I didn't think anyone still remembers my name."

He looked at the phoenix nine nights: "Nine nights under the Highness, I know that there is not much living in the hands of me. I have recruited everything, and you give me a good time."

He was fed up with the day when the state of the soul was controlled by the singer.

Nine nights, but I hurried back a word, "Say!"

The farmer said; "Okay, I said! I said!"

"This woman is called white smoke. The refining technique is not very good. Don't talk about the heavenly order. It is estimated that it is difficult to complete the prescription. But she wants to get the first place in the refining conference. The little girl who is a ghost is not determined to be stronger than others."

"Ming Ji seems to have hatred with her, so I will let me out. Let me help, although I am just a remnant, let her blend my soul, I teach her alchemy, still get the first. But I didn't think that the little girl next to you under the temple is not a general metamorphosis!"

"I lost, and I lost my heart! Even if it is my peak state, I am better than this refining medicinal medicine. I am better than this little girl. It goes without saying that this waste is in the way."

The farmer’s master is a loser.

Such a guy gave the whole thing to the hospital. White smoke was angry at this time and wanted to find a hole to drill in.

"God! It turned out to be like this, the white saint cheated!"

"If you don't have the strength, you can use this kind of trick to cheat!"

"Fortunately, it has been debunked. If this kind of person is the second-ranked refining pharmacist in the Quartet, it is definitely a shame for our four-tiered."

Hu Changlao said: "The East Pole Virgin White Smoke, ignoring the refining of the drug than the test specifications, cancel all the results, cancel all qualifications."

This is not just a simple cancellation of the qualifications of the competition. White smoke has done such a thing in such a refining feast. I am afraid that the refining pharmacists in the entire Quartet have no good feelings for the East Pole Hall! 67.356

Nine nights directly let the master disappear, and he is dead.

Next, nine nights slammed into the white smoke that was so angry.

The dawn of the white smoke became darker. "I want to go, you can't stop my phoenix and nine nights."

Miao Ji used the power of the torn to tear open the space to escape, and spent nine nights wasting the power.

He knows very well that if he is to carry out with him, he will recruit and protect him.

This time, the refining pharmacist conference ended, and Muqian undoubtedly got the first.

Master Hu personally handed the first reward to the hands of Mu Qianxi.

He said: "This is the baby sponsored by the Prince of the North Palace. We are not qualified to open it. Only this time is more qualified than the first test. We are very curious, what the treasure is, open it soon!"

Mu Qian said: "I am also very curious!"

Mu Qiang opened the box, and suddenly there was a six-color light. A medicine made of glass appeared in the box.

This medicine tripod is like a peerless beauty, Fanghua is infinite.

Elder Hu exclaimed: "God! This is the six-color glazed tripod!"

"Six color glazed tripods, one of the imitation zen of the eternal artifact, is the most beautiful one."

"I have heard that the Prince of the North Palace had this artifact, but I did not expect him to take it out as a prize."

Others should be extremely surprised, take the artifact to be the first prize, and it is just a reward from the Quartet's refining pharmacist, what does the Prince of the North want to do?

Gu Baiyi also saw this gorgeous medicine trip, he is very clear that the North Palace is definitely not a generous person.

Sending this kind of baby, it is obvious that he is holding the mind that he is determined to be.

His face is getting colder and colder! North Palace is absolutely!

Nine nights did not know that Mu Qianzhen had a deal with the North Palace. Otherwise, it would be estimated that he would go to the North Palace to make a dog and a rest.

He just thought that this medicine was a common trophy.

Aoki Road: "Master, this is a small six!"

A thousand miles, "But this guy is very quiet!"

"Small six, it seems that I haven't woken up yet, so it's very quiet."

"It turns out that it is good to fall asleep like this."

The guys except Aoki are some unreliable goods. Is this small six estimated to be normal?

Sleeping quietly, I am quite satisfied.

Put it aside and it's best to be a perfect watch.

The rewards that Mu Qiang received were simply dazzling.

At this time, someone stood up.

"You don't deserve this artifact at all!"

"Yeah! This medicine tripod is the artifact closest to the eternal tripod. You are a low-level plane refining pharmacist. I really thought that it would be great to refine the heavenly ninth product. I have that qualification! I Tell you, we have a lot of people who can refine this level of medicinal herbs!"

"With this artifact, you can't make it realize its value."

Standing out to express dissatisfaction, it is naturally the disciples of the medicine.

If it is other rewards, they will not look at it at all.

But this is an artifact!

Elder Hu angered: "You are a mess."

They don’t give up, look at Mu Qian’s words: “Mu Qianzhen, the first in the Quartet’s refining, do you dare to compare with us?”

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