Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1359: 汐 too perfunctory

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Nine nights did not pay attention to them, but left some of the people who used the drug.

"Things are sent to the Ghost Medical Building. If you dare to hide, Benjun will go and talk to your Sovereign!"

Although you have to rest, the loot is still to be collected.

The nine-night monarch puts down this words, even if the person of the medicine sect wants to breach the contract, it is not courageous!

What is private? It is also not courageous.

"rest well?"

Ms. Qian said: "I am not tired yet."

She took out a few bottles of medicine and drank it. She looked at the nine nights: "I’m so hard, so high, nine nights, you accompany me to practice handcuffs!"

Nine nights did not think that they would be invited to fight.

Mu Qianxi is very interested in the road: "I don't want to agree, I won reward if I win. If you lose..."

Her eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and the plane was pressed to make the strength of the nine-night power only the peak of the Emperor.

Now two people are quite strong, although it is very difficult to win, she also plans to try!

So good medicine, can't be wasted!

Looking at Mu Qian’s nine nights: "If you lose, this gentleman rewards you!"

"I don't want your reward. I have to listen to me before I lose."

"According to you! But this will not lose."

"You can't be too confident in the nine nights, but my means are too much!"

In this case, of course, nine nights did not bring Mu Qianhui back to the ghost medical building, but took her to the city.

"Boom!" A powerful power fluctuation broke out outside the city.

The icy water element, the raging fire element, and the terrible power of darkness.

Only after three strokes, Mu Qianxi has been unable to stand up.

Even if the grades are equal, the distances are simply too difficult to cross.

Ms. Qian said: "Come back!"

When the fire dragon rushed out, Mu Qian’s pharmacy needle rushed to nine nights like a maiden flower.

There is no way, for the guy who is so troubled in the last nine nights, she must make all the stops.


The force collided again, and every shot of the nine nights was squeezed to avoid the injury.

A purple and black figure in the air intertwined, do not know how many rounds to fight, the power of the nine-step peak of the emperor of the emperor disappeared, almost planted from the air.

The black shadow rushed past like lightning, and held Mu Qianxi in his arms for nine nights.

"Stubborn!" Although there is blame in the tone, more is helpless.

Mu Qianxi’s heartless smile: “It’s rare to have such an opportunity. I’m also very addicted! It’s worth it.”

However, at this time, the whole body was like a falling frame, and I didn't want to move at all.

"Just trouble the nine nights, you sent me back to rest, I want to sleep well."

Nine nights nodded: "Well!"

At the time of Mu Qian’s rest, the medicinal sect arrived and handed over the trophy of Mu Qian’s, and then quickly left.

Because they didn't dare to hide, they were shocked when the things were cleared.

He worked hard all year, and the boss spent a day to earn back the profits of their ghost medical building for ten years.

It’s not just this, it’s coming soon.

"The deputy landlord, this time we gambled the money we recovered, we made a total of ..."

The bookmaker who gambled this time is actually a ghost medical building.

The people who bought their homeowners were so few, so they almost made a lot of money.

He made a lot of money and he thought he could go on vacation.

Because of so much income, the ghost medical building has closed for a full year and has enough funds to operate.

After playing with the nine nights, Mu Qianxi woke up and slept for a day, then looked at the glamorous and beautiful man next to him.

"I lost!"

Poison! Spiritual! Various sneak attacks are counted! She has tried it.

But for nine nights, it is completely useless!

Looking at the Millennium for nine nights: "That reward!"

Mu Qianqi approached nine nights and then kissed him on his face.

"Well! This is the reward."

Nine nights of a slight frowning: "Oh, too perfunctory!"

Mu Qian said: "Is it not easy to let you do whatever you want? I want to go to Xuezhou to do business!"

"Save the man!" The darkness of the nine nights was dark.

The nine-night monarch can't even remember the names of the people, but a person who cares about him, he is very unhappy.

"This reward, do you think this will be satisfied?"

In the nine nights, Ms. Qian was dragged into her arms and she was forced to live in Muqian.

I don't want her to see others, but she doesn't want her to save people.

"You don't... oh..." Mu Qianxi wants to protest, but a nine-night word-sealing strategy puts a bet on the words of Mu Qian.

The nine-night kiss was very overbearing, and the rapid attack on the city made her have no resistance.

After stabilizing, he was close to the millennium and prevented her from moving.

"This is to be too much, and it must be too much."

Mu Qianzhen really wants to die, but the fiery dawn of nine nights, she seems to be useless.

Ms. Qian said: "Nine nights, don't you want to go home with me to see it? You are now careful to be taken away by Crystal Ying."

Family! He has no sense of belonging to the Purple Moon.

But when he heard the words ‘together,’ he couldn’t help but heart.

That was the first time they met!

"it is good!"

"Then you are now, let me go." Mu Qianxi struggled.

The result was still tight for nine nights, and then I kissed it again.

Of course, nine nights did not continue to go too far, let go of the Millennium.

Mu Qianzhen rushed to clean up, for fear of being arrested by the nine nights.

She found Yueze and said: "Yueze, boss, I will give you a holiday, go back to Xuezhou to see it!"

Yue Ze excitedly said: "Great."

Mu Qianyi once again used Yunshan Qionglou, and Yun Shangqiu appeared in the air, but it made many people excited.

Before they even rushed to find treasure, the Ghost Medical Building released the news, this ghost medical building, but the artifact of their homeowner, already has the Lord.

There is a master cloud on the Qionglou, no one can go up without the permission of the owner.

In the nine nights, Mu Qiang entered the Qionglou, and the shadow of Mujia, which was selected by Yueze and Muqian, also entered the Yunshanglou.

Mu Qiandao said: "Departure! Destination, Southland Xuezhou Icefield."

Go back to the cloud; "Master, obey!"

On the cloud, Qionglou disappeared into the sky, shuttled through the void, and rushed to Xuezhou at the fastest speed.

The East Pole Hall is holding a meeting at this time, Bai Wuhai said: "His Royal Highness will soon send people over. If we have not got the eternal sword, then we are not doing things well! We have to do it."

Feng Yun Xiu said: "What are you going to do?"

"The reason why Mu Qianzhen is so arrogant now is that there is a support for the North Han Temple. We should put pressure on the North Han Hall."

Feng Yun Xiu Dao: "Then the next thing, hand it over to the White House Lord. I will cooperate."

Bai Wuhai smiled and said: "You can cooperate, that would be great."

I don't know how long it took, the cloud said: "Master, the destination is here."

Ms. Qian looked out to the outside, and the snow fluttered in the air like a fluff. They had already reached the cold and cold ice of Xuezhou.

Xue Saobao, just sleeping here!

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