Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1368: Thousands of magic

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After opening the enchantment, Mu Qian said: "Little white, let's go in!"

After Mu Qianjin entered, they did not find that the gap she opened was not closed, but it was getting bigger and bigger.

The horrible hot wind formed a tornado that floated out from here, and many people noticed this place.

"Found it! Over there!"

"That location!"


The location became obvious, and many people rushed to the entrance.

Mu Qianxi and Gu Baiyi walked into a dark space, but shortly after they walked in, there was a golden flame like a lamp hanging in the air.

This flame is completely different from the flame of the Dragon Sword.

"Hey!" In the presence of this flame, Yan Longjian instinctively erupted against this flame.

"There is a familiar atmosphere!" The sleepy little red waking up came over and watched the golden flame hanging in the air.

"Master, here is not just the scabbard of the Yanlong sword, you must be careful."

Xiaohong’s words just fell, and the golden flame hanging in the air suddenly changed into a formation.

In an instant, this space shifts.


"The Lord!"

"Little Hall!"

Everyone was separated, and Mu Qian’s face flashed a dignified color.


Xiao Hongdao: "It really is it, master, let's get out of here soon. That enchanting is completely killing the master you! It is hidden inside the guy."

Invincible: "Lazy pig, what is it here?"

It also smells a dangerous breath!

Xiao Hongdao: "One of the ancient beasts, the most deceitful thousand magical gold beast. This guy is very sinister, not only the flames, but also set some chain illusions to trap the prey. The master is now in the illusion It is."

"If you don't go, it will get deeper and deeper! I slept for so long that I thought this guy had long been hung up. I didn't think I was in this ghost place."

Mu Qianqi asked: "Since Xiaohong is familiar with it, is there any way to crack it?"

This time, Xiaohong can be embarrassed.

"the host……"

"That, I have been lazy, so I rarely study such things. I feel that with the master's wit, there is absolutely no problem."

Invincible couldn't help but spit out: "You lazy pig, you are too lazy to be saved."

"There is no way to go, only one step at a time."

Passing through a barren place, Mu Qian came to a palace.

The golden palace shows that this thousand magical gold beasts, like the dragons, like this golden thing.

"Booming!" The gate of the palace, Mu Qianyi tried many means, but still can not open.

Mu Qianxi felt that there was a few breaths approaching, thinking that it was Xiaobai, but he saw a person he did not want to see.

"White no sea!"

Obviously, Bai Wuhai is also scattered with other people, only he is alone.

Bai Wuhai looked at Mu Qianxi: "You are really advanced, but you have not found the sword of eternal. Gu Baiyi is scattered with you, you..."

"Ring Luo Yin!"

Bai Wuhai's strength is much higher than her, so she must first develop a talent line. Q8zc

As soon as the fierce battle slammed, the power of destruction swept away toward him.

In the face of this seal, Bai Wuhai easily escaped.

"Mu Qianxi, your strength, in front of me, is not enough to see."

Bai Wuhai broke out the strength of the peak master, and forced it toward Mu Qian, at this time, a Fanyin came.


The golden Buddha's light shrouded, and the pressure of the peak of the white sea without the sea disappeared.

A pale yellow figure appeared in front of Mu Qian’s face, and Mu Qian’s glimpse slightly, “Sound if dust!”

The face of Bai Wuhai is hard to read, "Vatican Son."

"This is my private affairs with Mu Qianxi. Do you want to manage it?"

Gu Baiyi is not there, it was a good time to kill Mu Qianxi!

However, I did not expect that there would be a voice of nosy, and the mood of Bai Wuhai was very bad.

"The White House Lord is the master of the peak, and he can bully the weak." The sound is faint.

"Mu Qianxi is killing many people in my East Pole Hall. It is better to die than to torture my daughter several times. Is this hatred, can I endure it?" Bai Wuhai was angry.

"The hatred is not necessarily to be terminated by killing. The White House Lord is a predecessor who bullies the younger generation. It is not moral."

"You are ironed to be right with me, to help this little girl."

Mu Qianxi looked at Bai Wuhai: "Yes! I am very familiar with the Sanskrit Son. I have to eat and drink together, and naturally I am on my side."

Bai Wuhai sneered, "With your strength, I want to kill, can you stop me?"

The strength of the two people is also too far away from him. He has confidence.

Mu Qian said: "Maybe the strength of our two people is not as good as you, but add it!"


Bai Wuhai looked at the white little guy's pupil and suddenly shrank, "Six-level holy beast!"

"What about that? I don't believe it, I can't clean you up!"

White has no sea surface, and you are unceremoniously attacking Mu Qian.

Mu Qian’s figure burst out and escaped his attack, and the invincible flew up.


Invincible is now more and more embarrassing, let Xiaohong's teeth tickle.

A pale yellow figure flashed, so that the white sea is not worth thinking about, the strength of the sound of the dust, even to the peak of the spirit of the nineth-order!

He is a little doubtful about his eyes!

How loud is the sound? How could it be so strong!


The strength of the sound is completely beyond the imagination of Bai Wuhai, Bai Wuhai was hit, and a blood spurted out.

His face showed a horrible color, and he was very clear that the strength of the sound was not weaker than him.

Coupled with a million-year-old and a sixth-class sacred beast, the situation is very bad today.

Damn it! It’s hard to get into the situation of Mu Qian’s order, and the **** sound actually kills nosy.

White no sea otter smashed a thousand eyes, and finally humiliated and ran!

Correct! Just ran!

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "White no sea, you are an old miscellaneous, do you only know to run? No courage!"

Bai Wuhai almost bite a tooth and yelled: "One day, I will smash you a corpse, and you will be married!"

White no sea to escape, they will not waste time to chase after victory, after all, a peak master to escape, it is difficult to catch up.

And, this space is simply not normal!

The sound of the dust looks at Mu Qian’s words: "The thousand lords, it is very dangerous here, you have to leave."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "With the wisdom of the Sanskrit Son, isn't it to find out that Yanlongjian is on me? Why are you coming here to join in the fun?"

The sound of the sound is arrogant: "I ask for it this time, just as you ask for it. However, the danger here is beyond the expectation of poverty, and you still have to leave."

Mu Qianqi asked: "I am leaving, then you!"

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