Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1400: Tearing the soul

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Gu Baiyi said: "Hey, Bai Wuhai will hand you over!"

Mu Qiang went to the front of Bai Wuhai: "Your East Pole Hall lost, and the East Pole Hall should have been us. Bai Wuhai, you don't have any life-saving chips."

White no sea trembled, his face was covered with despair!

He shouted: "Ming Ji, save me... Master Ji..."

At this time, Ji Ji is in a fight with Ziyou, and there is time to take care of him!

Nine nights smashed into the glory, the power of darkness shattered this space!

"Golden nine nights!"

Miao Ji saw the phoenix nine nights panic, fear, the power of the meditation is burning, tearing open a space.


Phoenix nine nights on the purple channel: "Chasing!"

He stayed at the side of Mu Qianxi. Although the enemy was almost cleaned up, he could not afford to lose a little.

"No one can save you, and it is hard for you to protect yourself. You will become the food of Yanlongjian!"

Yan Longjian moved and directly penetrated his heart!

"Ah!" He screamed in pain, and his soul was swallowed up by Yan Longjian.

After waving for nine nights, the body of Bai Wuhai became a white bone, and the powder disappeared instantly.

The owner of the Temple of the East Pole, Bai Wuhai, died, the soul was swallowed, and there was no dead body.

Mu Qiang went out, and the Fanyin Kingdom said: "Amitabha! Amitabha!"

Mu Qian said: "Vatican Lord, you are a notary, but you have not done well."

"This is a poor mistake!" The Fanyin Lord bowed his head.

"Then, merge the East Pole Hall, and ask the Fanyin Lord to help a lot. After all, the East Pole Temple is even less of these elites, and its roots are numerous and difficult to dispose of."

The Fanyin lord knows what he is doing, saying: "This is nature!"

"This time we also lost a lot, but the Fanyin Lord you as a notary but sit back and watch, you have to give me an explanation."

The Fanyin Lord is helpless, that space is forbidden, they can't get in! It is not intentional to sit and watch.

"I have said that you will be fair and just as a referee. The fairness and justice of the Fanyin Kingdom is not the case."

The main voice of the Fanyin country: "We will make compensation!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The compensation is of course, but I still have a request?"

The Fanyin Lord asked: "What requirements?"

"You gave me back immediately, no matter if your voice is in a retreat or doing other things, send him to the North Cold Hall! Ben Shaodian wants to invite him to be a guest in the North Han Temple, this is not excessive. Let's go!"

"This one……"

"Reassured, the Sanskrit Son of the Buddha's Sacred Heart, kindness and compassion. It is a person who is reluctant to kill him. I naturally can't bear to kill him. The Lord does not have to worry about his safety. If you don't agree, today's thing, my North Han Temple is absolutely It won't be like this."

The Fanyin Lord sighed: "Good!"

The people of the Sanskrit God Kingdom retreated, and now only the ghost medical building and the people of the North Han Temple remain.

As for the others, they quickly evacuated after they found out that they were not right, for fear of being a cannon fodder.

Soon, Purple is back.

Purple bitterly said: "Night, the singer ran away."

"Run!" In an instant, the pressure of the whole island is getting lower.

Purple is also shocked by a cold sweat. "Someone saved her away. I don't know who the other person is? But I lost it."

"You can go back to the blood prison now, go to the **** sea to get guilty!"

The purple face suddenly smashed down. "Night, this is too embarrassing! I will take off a few layers of skin, God! I want to stay in the Quartet to protect the little beauty, you..."

Nine nights hugged Mu Qianxi, said: "Oh, someone can protect, you can roll!"

Purple feels that the whole day will fall down, and then I can only die if I want to die.

The Battle of the East Pole and the North Han Temple sensationalized the entire Quartet.

Those who waited for the North Han Temple left the island and returned to the North, and then they gathered and suppressed the Dongji Temple.

The North Han Temple won, and from now on, there will be only two Samsung forces in the Quartet.

Not right, the strength of the Ghost Medical Building is enough to become the third largest force.

The lord died, the holy woman died, and the small hall disappeared. All the masters with some strengths died.

Today, the capacity of the East Pole Hall is not as good as a two-star force, and it can withstand the strong attack of the North Han Temple.

Other forces originally had a share of the idea, but the North Han Temple came to the forefront, coupled with the help of the Fanyin Shenguo, who dare to intervene is simply looking for death.

The elder was locked in the dungeon, and after he had finished the matter, he went to find him.

He saw that Mu Qianlai came: "Kill me!"

Mu Qian said: "Yes! I am here to kill you."

The elders sneered: "Ha ha ha! Even if you kill me, I will avenge Mu Fengling, and I will not save him. You will still lose the second uncle who loves you forever!"

Mu Qianqi cold channel: "Who said that I can't save my uncle! I can do it!"

"Hey!" A dagger was sent to the heart of the elders.

Big elders have big eyes, this is not the worst result!


He felt his soul twitched, and the pain of the soul from the body made him screaming screaming.

"Mu Qianxi, what are you going to do? What do you want to do to extract my soul?"

Mu Qiang imprisoned his soul, went out from the dungeon, and went to the underground palace.

"At that time, you will know."

The elders were in the underground palace, watching the quietness like a sleepy Mu Lingling.

The integrity of his body, even more incredible is that he feels that he still has vitality.

"This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"The curse will be destroyed, the body will be destroyed, the soul will fly, and how will it be okay? This is fake! False!"

Mu Qiang cold channel: "My uncle, naturally there will be nothing!"

"He will be fine!"

"Hey!" Mu Qianji wanted to use the spell, and she stopped her on the back nine nights.

He is a little worried, after all, it is a spell, the power of the spell can not be manipulated.

Mu Qiang, I am holding her hand: "Don't worry, this time, you can't fail! I won't fail me!"

There is only one soul of the elder, and she only has one chance to lift the spell of the uncle. Once it fails, there is no chance.

Mu Qiang hit all the spiritual power and spent countless times in the mind of the Mantra.

Twilight condenses, runs the soul, and begins to tear the soul of the elders.

Correct! It’s tearing!

"Ah!" The soul of the elders is screaming!

The soul is shredded by the birth, he feels that he is about to scatter, this feeling is too torturous.

Not only that, he also saw his soul become a mantra, a black mantra.

"You...you...you actually have a spell, and it’s still a high-pitched spell. How is it possible?"

"The little girl of the Donghuang Mu's family actually practiced a curse!"

Ming Ming curse, only the blood of their cursing family can be cultivated!

Then there is only one reason, only one...

"Mu Xuan, Mu Xuan gave that thing to you... It turned out that... I... I missed such a good opportunity..."

"I am not willing! Not reconciled!"

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