Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1406: Fighting for death

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m..*9.*2.*文.*学.*首.*发.*m.*9.*2.*w.*x.*bsp; Gu Baiyi’s face is very pale, but look north The gaze of the palace is like to freeze him into a snow sculpture.

"North Palace is absolutely!"

Mu Qian’s mouth sneered a sneer. “There is no darkness in the sky! You are dreaming of the Prince of the North Palace.”

The eternal dignity was exposed.

What did he do to Xiaoliu?

Sure enough, the North Palace must not accept this sinister guy.

Beigong laughed and said: "Mu Xiao princess's refining technique is so good, and her identity is worthy of me. If you don't want to be my fiancee, then I must be stupid, you can't be cheap."

"Even my emperor, North Palace is cold!"

He did not make a mistake in this move!

This little girl is noisy and clever, and I don’t think he will be willing to use the artifact six-color glazed as a bait.

In the hands of the six-color glazed glazed, once you reach the strong atmosphere of the eternal ding, you can wake up.

Mu Qianzhen is really suspicious. The young alchemy is so scary. He was far less than him when he was seventeen or eight.

He is the first genius refining pharmacist in Xuan Tianjie. It is absolutely impossible for anyone to be stronger than him, especially a woman.

She must have any adventures, what kind of baby, such a gift, the most likely is...

He was glad that he did not guess wrong, and the gambling was right. After looking for such a long-lasting eternal trip, he finally fell into his hands.

"North Palace is absolutely, you are looking for death!" Gu Baiyi ignored the serious injury and rushed out again.

"Emperor brother, you are not my opponent!"

The North Palace was so lightly escaping, and suddenly a hail appeared, and the terrible pressure made people's faces change.

"I can't wait to get the eternal trip, so I don't want to waste time with you."

"My contract beast, Jiuyin hail is a holy beast, let's give up!"

The icy cold spread and frozen all the people around.

Yan Longjian broke out a red-red flame and wrapped up Mu Qian.

"Little red, invincible, back space!"

Even the blue shadows were frozen by the coldness of the holy beast, and Mu Qianyu put him in the space to sleep.

"Red Lotus!" The red-red fire lotus rushed toward the nine yin ice, and it was about the same as drizzle.

"Hey!" But this flame made it very dislike.

"Hey!" Thousands of cold swords were inserted in the ground that had condensed into ice. Gu’s legs were frozen and he almost stood still.

Mu Qian took the past and helped him, "Little White!"

The flame of Yan Longjian melted the ice on his body, but Gu Baiyi’s face was still pale.

There was a block of ice blocking around, and all the back roads of Mu Qianxi were blocked.

The North Palace is close to the road: "Mu Xiao Princess, have you considered it? The emperor likes you so much, and I naturally like you very much. As long as you answer my fiancé, I only want the eternal trip, I will never want you. The sword of eternal."

"We can also join forces to win the East Emperor Dynasty and wash away your father's stigma. By then you will become the queen of the two great dynasties and become the most noble woman."

No matter who it is, it will be heart-warming.

Mu Qian’s sneer is a sneer. If he really joined the North Palace with the North Palace, then the East Emperor Dynasty would have been unfortunate.

queen! Who is rare!

Mu Qianxi clenched the Yanlong sword, and Ah stopped completely did not respond. Crystal Ying blocked two thunders and now consumed all the power.

There is no way to escape now. Is it necessary to use a plan to slow down?

But I promised this guy’s fiancee to surrender my life, she...

Gu Baiyi seems to know the idea of ​​Mu Qianxi, the strength of the body has recovered, and a silvery moon has emerged.

Gu Baiyi plucked into the front of the North Palace, and the thousands of swords were placed on the neck of the North Palace: "The North Palace is absolutely, let your people and the contract beast, stop!"

At this time, he was already the end of the strong, and the last strength broke out. He didn't want to compromise.

I don't want her to be wronged!

"Little white!" Mu Qianxi worried.

Beigong laughed and said: "I am a little brother, I am looking at you all the time! Well, you don't bother, but even if I don't do it, do you think you can run?"

Around it, it became an invincible ice fortress, completely out of it.

Mu Qianxi said to Yan Longdao: "Yanlong, bang!"

"Well! Master, I will do my best, I will blast here!"

The red-red sword swayed in the air, and a fiery red fire dragon rushed out, and a powerful fire element spread.

At the moment when the fire dragon rushed out, the nine yin hail flashed the color of fear.

Yan Long rushed into the sky, "Hey!"

Directly in the sky, a big hole came out, and Mu Qian said: "Joan Lou, come out!"

Suddenly, everything around him became dark, and Mu Qian said: "Little white!"

Mu Qiang plundered into the sky, but Gu Baiyi went straight to the sword. He wanted the life of the North Palace. Even if he died, he did not hesitate!

He already knows that the nephew has an eternal descent. As long as he is still alive, wherever he flees? He will not give up!

This emperor has always had no feelings for him, and he is also expected to kill him in the North Palace.

When the thousand cold swords were to cut through his neck, his whole body condensed into ice.

"Booming!" Countless thunder and lightning rushed out toward Gu Baiyi.

"Hey!" Gu Baiyi was blasted out, and Mu Qianji hurriedly caught her and rushed to the cloud on Qionglou.

Beigong laughed and said: "The cloud on Qionglou, did not expect that Mu Xiao princess actually has such a good artifact. But you think you have such an artifact, can you run it?"


The speed of Mu Qianxi is already faster, but wherever the North Palace is, there is no speed of the Holy Beast.

In the air, they approached Mu Qian.

"It's too slow!" North Palace must have approached.

"Since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, then don't blame me for being unkind?"

Jiuyin Bingyu became a myriad of pieces, and rushed to Mu Qianxi. Gu Baiyi stood in the air and said: "Hey, let's go first! I block them!"

"White, how can I leave you alone?"

Gu Baiyi said: "Hey, his goal is you, you have to go!"

"The North Palace will never kill me, you believe me!"

"Hey!" He took Mu Qianquan and pushed him out with the greatest strength.

"Master!" Yun Shangqiu rushed to save people, forming a space storm to let those people get close, and rolled away.

However, when Mu Qiang picked up her in the Qionglou on the cloud, she saw the nine yin hail that became countless snakes, and penetrated the body of Gu Baiyi!

"Hey!" The man in white is like a god, and now he has become a riddled ice man.

"Little white!" Mu Qiandao!

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