Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1409: The whole people chase 2683

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"Do you see what he did with his own eyes?" Mu Qian asked. 1357924?6810ggggggggggd

Although she was stunned by the sound, such a ferocious thing is not like what he did.

"There is only one person in the temple of the Son, and there is no second possibility except for the Son!"

That is, I have not seen it with my own eyes!

“Is there no outsider to go in?”

"Our Shrine, always guarded tightly, has various prohibitions, and outsiders cannot enter the Buddhist temple of the Son."

That may not be the case, if it is a soul!

"So where is the man now?" Mu Qian asked.

"The Son of the Son committed a killing. The Lord wanted to arrest him, but the Son ran away! We came out to find the whereabouts of the Son, and we must bring the Son back to trial."

The Son of the Sanskrit, the Sacred Heart of Buddhism, the existence of the perfection, in the Quartet, the West, almost everyone preached his deeds, his kindness.

It is absolutely not allowed to commit this matter now.

"Are you sure which direction he ran in?" asked Mu Qian.

"That side! I know only so much, and the Arhats have already rushed over. We are weaker and therefore slower."

"Hey!" Mu Qianyi waved his hand and several needles poked their skin.

"Hey!" They fell down on the ground one by one, and Mu Qian said: "You will forget all things when you sleep for hours."

The figure flashed and Mu Qian rushed in the direction they pointed.

If the sound is not dead, maybe the scabbard is still in his hand, and he must find him.

He is not outside in the shrine, she is much better at grabbing the scabbard.

Mu Qianxi rushed at the fastest speed, and his strong mental power spread out, feeling the atmosphere of the master around.

"Yan Long, are you saying that you are doing your best?"

"Listening to them is like a means of sorrow, but if it is a sorrow, the Son can survive."

"Maybe we can see the sound of the sound of the sound can not be said! The soul was originally seriously injured by Ah stopped!"

Now I can't guess what to do, first find someone to say!

Mu Qiang did the heavens, and suddenly there was a dazzling Buddha light in one direction.

"Boom!" A loud noise, even if Mu Qian is far away from the Buddha's light, I feel the ground under the foot shakes.

The holy Buddha light, Mu Qianxi is very familiar, it is the power of sound.

The dark scorpion flashed a bright light and finally found it.

She swept the past at the fastest speed, so as to avoid the sound of running away, and was taken away by the people of the Sanskrit God Kingdom.


The battle became more and more fierce, and Mu Qianxi finally got close to the battle range.

At this time, the three great Luo of the Fanyin Kingdom of God surrounded the sound of the dust, and the face of the sound was pale, and it was already the end of the strong **, but he was not willing to admit defeat!

"The Son, go back with us!"

"As long as you sincerely wash away the killing, the king of the country will not be too heavy."

"The Son of the Son, if you resist again, we can only offend."

The sound is like a dusty hand, look at the three Luohan Roads that look at him and grow up: "If the dust is now, you can't go back! You can't be locked in a prison, you can't abandon the Dharma, you can only offend."


Soon, they started fighting again and played more intensely.

If the sound is a pair of three, it is naturally a party that suffers, but Mu Qianqi does not plan to take it now.

Although she even has the power of the Emperor, she is more willing to see them lose both.

Who makes the sound dusty her!

let's hit! let's hit! It’s good to give a tone to the sound.

Mu Qianxi looked at the excitement and watched the excitement. He leisurely admired the Dharma spirit of the Fanyin Kingdom.

The golden light is as bright as the sun.

Mu Qianxi had no heart and no lungs to watch the play, and the sound was very stubborn. Under such circumstances, he actually supported an hour.

"Hey!" A blood spurted out of his mouth, and the dazzling holy Buddha light became more and more dim, unable to protect him.

"Hey!" His body fell from the sky.

Wearing a pale yellow dragonfly, it has become a piece of broken steps.

He fell to the ground and couldn't climb any serious injuries. He looked at the three Luohan Roads: "I didn't do it. I can't go back. I don't want to figure it out!"

The three major Luohan Roads: "The Lord has already checked everything, the Son, the monk does not swear."

Mu Qianxi listened to the sigh. In the past, no matter what the sound is, everyone is blindly admired, he is sacred, benevolent!

Some of these, why not shackles.

Now that I made a mistake, it seems that the heavens are not acceptable. No one believes in him.

"The Son, let's go back!"

One of the Luohans supported the sound.

"Brushing!" At this time, they have completely relaxed their vigilance. 8z

There was no idea that three tiny needles fell on their back neck and felt a slight pain in the bite of the mosquito. Their brains were blank and fell to the ground.

A figure fell in front of the sound of the dust, the sound of the dust laughed, not the holy and unsmiling smile, but the message from the heart.

"Mu girl, you are here!"

"Hey!" He couldn't help himself, fell to the ground and closed his eyes.

Mu Qianxi touched his face, and Yi Rongcheng was like this. This guy was seriously injured and even recognized him at a glance.

"Hey!" Several needles were tied to the sound of the dust, and she could be heavy.

It is very kind to treat the person who has sinned her once, not to the sun.

No way, I need this guy to wake up and ask about the scabbard's breath.

Just after the completion of the needle, Mu Qianxi felt a few breaths close, so strong, definitely a few of the overbearing Luohan.

She doesn't want to fight with them positively, so leave!

"Xiaohong, give people resistance to me, fast!"

Originally, the Fanyin Kingdom also suppressed this matter. Since the sound has escaped for so long, the news can’t be completely suppressed.

The fact that the Sanskrit Son became cruel and cruel was spread. The news spread in the West, but it was bigger than the North Han Temple.

The Son is the faith of their people in the Buddha.

What's more, this year's Son is extremely special, the Buddha's Sacred Heart of Heaven, the existence of perfection.

Now it has become a cruel devil, their beliefs, their beliefs have been shaken.

They don't believe it, but the head of the country stands up and says that everything is true. He also has a fault in this matter.

The Fanyin Kingdom began to pursue the killing of the Son, and almost everyone pursued it.

The Son has betrayed the Lord of the Lord and betrayed his people who believe in him. He must not forgive and must be judged!

When Mu Qianxi got the news, he was also a big man. Now he is being chased by the imperial monk in this palace. It is hard to protect himself.

I thought that the West would be safer, but I didn't think it was more dangerous.

If you have a sound, you must find a way to deal with it, but he hasn't woken up yet! Please open: .w.

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