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m..*9.*2.*文.*学.*首.*发.*m.*9.*2.*w.*x.*bsp; sound if the dust: "Ancient family, actually Such an idea?"

"I really thought that you are a big fan of the Fanyin Kingdom, no one is fighting! Everything is possible." Mu Qianhui replied.

"Let's check it out! By the way, take out some of the disgusting guys of the evil spirits. Then go back and prove your innocence!"

The sound of the dust temple nodded, said: "I will be as soon as possible! On the side of the North Han Temple, I will tell you immediately."

"That's good!"

"What is the situation on the side of the ancient clan?"

"In the middle of a tricky poison, if the ancients assured me to take two or three days to get it, but they believe in other people, then they have to suffer." Mu Qian lazy.

The road is their own choice!

The ancient patriarch was really ill, and the young patriarch Lei Ling was very popular in collecting the medicinal materials, but...

"Master Mu, sorry... you... the medicinal herbs you want, we are too late to prepare, not enough now my father's condition is very advanced, so..."

"The other masters have started refining, still have a rest in your room with your lady!"

Not unprepared, I am afraid that I have never planned to prepare for her, afraid that she will waste the elixir!

Mu Qian said: "It’s boring to accompany a woman! I can really watch the master refining drugs. I think the patriarchs should not mind it!"

"This, of course, don't mind! Please come to Master Mu!"

When I arrived at the refining site, others started to refine the medicine.

Seeing that Muqian came, arrogantly glanced at her and began to refine the medicine.

Several refining masters began to refine their medicines, and they all showed their magical powers. It took about half a day, and alchemy was finally over.

All succeeded, but the ancient patriarch first eats the medicinal herbs, which is a big problem.

"Nature is mine. When my medicine is sick, I need to use your medicine."

"Don't talk big, I only get the best results."


They are arguing with red ears, and eventually the ancient patriarchs are also difficult to decide. They can only let their ancient pharmacists identify the quality of the drug and decide it.

Ok, nature is the first to use!

Soon, a piece of medicinal medicine was given to the ancient patriarch, and as a result, the state of the ancient patriarch was getting worse.

The whole body began to brave the black gas, and some refining pharmacists were shocked!

"How could this be?"

"It is impossible to happen like this!"

"What went wrong?"

At this time, a refining pharmacist who has been silent for a long time came out, "Try the old man's medicine!"

Mu Qianxi looked at the man, and this person had a very cold atmosphere.

Ms. Qian said: "I still come first, how?"

Everyone glimpsed, "The kid, you have no alchemy, what are you coming?"

"I didn't have alchemy, but my master gave me a remedy before I came. I think I can cure the disease of the ancient patriarch."

"What can be cured? Master Zhang does not know the condition of the ancient patriarch, and the refining of the medicinal medicine is simply impossible to use!"

"Yeah! Kid, don't get in the way!"

Mu Qian’s brows are slightly embarrassed. “You don’t even see the drugs, so you can’t deny it!”

"Then you took out the medicinal herbs and showed them to us."

Mu Qian took out the medicinal herbs and saw that the faces of some proud pharmacists changed completely.

"God! How did Master Zhang’s refining techniques improve so much?"

"This medicine is incense!"

"The old guy ate the **** Dan! It turned out to be such a remedy."

The ancient patriarch was pleasantly surprised: "Masters, you... you mean, this medicine, maybe useful."

They said: "If this level of remedy is useless, I am afraid that no one in the entire Quartet will save the ancient patriarch."

The young patriarch's attitude towards Mu Qianxi became respectful. He said: "Master Mu, please, my father will trouble you."

At this time, the gloomy refining pharmacist said: "Slow! I have to come first?"

His calm face changed a little at this time, and Mu Qian said: "You have to come first, show me your medicine, compare it, who is better?"

"You..." He glared at the Millennium, and once he took it out, he certainly couldn't match it.

"In any case, let me come first."

"You have to wait for a lot of age, can you not let the juniors? Even with a junior, I don't know how your old face can be hanged."

The face of this person was white for a while, and the young patriarch came to play the round field. "Master Tian, ​​Master Mu said that he is a junior, you can let him!"

The master of the day looked at the sorrowful sorrows of the millennium, and Mu Qian’s calmly walked to the side of the stunned ancient patriarch, and then swallowed the medicinal herbs.

The blackness of his body is getting weaker and thinner, and the damaged soul is also repaired under this remedy.

They widened their eyes. "Is this going to be successful?"

"This remedy is amazing too!"


Nowadays, they dare not look at the millennium.

Even if this kid is not very good, his master is absolutely impossible.

Mu Qian said: "There is still half an hour, the ancient patriarch will wake up, everyone will wait a little longer!"

The young chiefs nodded, and other refining pharmacists enthusiastically surrounded Mu Qichen and asked about Master Zhang.

They didn't think of the master of the chapter, they died long ago.

As for the master of the day, staring at her in the corner.

Mu Qian’s mouth sneered a sneer, and I don’t know how the sound is on the side. On her side, she came out with a fox tail.

Half an hour passed quickly, and soon the ancient patriarch woke up. He licked his own bloated head: "I... what happened to me?"

"Father, you... you are sick, it is this master who used his master to wake you up."

The patriarch of the ancients looked at the plain-looking boy. He did not expect such a teenager to save him.

The ancients said: "Thanks to Master Mu, the patriarch must give thanks!"

Mu Qiang said: "The ancient patriarchs are well rested, and the time will be below two days."

After that, the ancient patriarch had something to talk to his son, and the cold eyes like a poisonous snake followed her.

Ms. Qian thought that this guy would do it, but did not expect the endurance to be strong.

Going back to the sound, I also said that I have no clues. Mu Qian said: "In fact, there is no need to worry! I saved the ancient patriarchs and should have disrupted their plans. Maybe they will soon be unable to stand up and reveal the foxes. The tail is over."

If the sound is dark, the people of the evil spirits are more dangerous than I imagined. We simply don’t know how many people they have ambushed in the ancients. You must be careful.

"The Sanskrit Son is not said, will it protect my safety? Now you are not sure?" Mu Qianqi raised his eyebrows.

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